Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year and thank you!

It's been an amazing 12 months; and as we kiss 2011 goodbye, we'd like to take the time to wish you a happy and safe new year.

Chicago News Report would also like to extend our gratitude to our thousands of readers.

Your emails, suggestions, comments, and various contributions are greatly appreciated.

We'd also like to thank the following blogs/websites/people for supporting us along the way:

Craig Gernhardt (wherever you are), Timmy at Avondale and Logan Square Crime Blotter, T. Mannis at Chicago News Bench, Jeremy Bressman at Edgeville Buzz, the folks at Chicago Eater, Second City Cop, Windy Citizen, and anyone else who has shared our news stories.

In an effort to continue our amazing growth in 2012, please take the time to voice your opinions about Chicago News Report.

Tell us what you like, what you don't like, and how we can serve you better in the upcoming year.

Fireworks at Navy Pier:


  1. And a happy New Year to you as well Timothy. Don't change a thing. Without your blog, we wouldn't know anything about what's truly going on in this city. Thank You;)

  2. in 2012 i would like 2 hear about more ni66ers getting caught, with longer sentences. please help!

  3. Happy New Year, T.! Haven't seen you around in a while.

  4. Happy New Year. Keep up the good work.

  5. Fitz,

    Congratulations on stirring the pot, telling the truth, and drawing the support of truth-seeking citizens across Chicagoland.

    Putting this blog together must be a real challenge sometimes and I thank you for your outstanding efforts.

    Best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2012!


  6. Thank you TH. Thank you Castellan. Happy New Year!

  7. keep up the good work. you provide the only decent news coverage in the city.

  8. Happy New Year CNR. Don't stop what your doing. You have brought alot of stories to light that would have remained in the dark.

  9. I appreciate your efforts in blogging unreported crimes in the city. Helps shed a light on what's really happening. Only wish there was some sort of swear filter so we don't have to read some of the racist words a few internet tough guys don't have the courage to say to someone's face. Other than that great job CNR!

  10. Hmm, cant say I agree with the word filters, but its still a great blog! If people aren't adult enough to handle explicit language, they aren't adult enough to handle the news.

    Anyways, keep up the good work! Also try using twitter a bit more!! Especially on the breaking news stories. People following you can retweet your story to their followers and get more people reading the blog. Also it seems like an efficient way of sending news tips/info to CNR.

  11. Anonymous January 2, 2012 2:09 PM, CNR's stories are automatically posted on Twitter.

    However, we are toying with posting (really) short news blurbs on Twitter - mostly stuff that wouldn't make a complete story.

    We also added a Twitter Update widget to the right sidebar.

  12. "Only wish there was some sort of swear filter so we don't have to read some of the racist words a few internet tough guys don't have the courage to say to someone's face"

    We are currently testing a word filter.

  13. Just because ONE moron liberal cannot handle racial slurs, must you really filter them? It's freedom of speech. These people deserve to be called *iggers. If readers don't like it, then go read the Huffington Post.

    Please don't filter, it takes the fun out of this site.

    Thank you.

  14. @ 2:09 I agree with you. If people are THAT sensitive to read the racial slurs, they can continue living in their bubble. WTF, you loser idiot who is suggesting this!

  15. CNR, please don't get a word filter. This is one of the few sights that people can say what they really feel about anyone. I am Hispanic, trust me there have been racist things said about Hispanics. But I am an adult and I can handle it. There is also equally racist stuff said about whites being crakers and blacks etc. Please don't censor this site.

  16. Happy New Year CNR and thanks for reporting the news that we aren't hearing about anywhere else! I see some of this crime with my own eyes, sometimes I read a watered down version of the crime elsewhere, a friend or associate might tell you what happened to them personally, I get blank stare when inquiring about obvious crime in other places....but we can get a real sample of what's truly going on around us here!

    I think what's a crime as well are the parties that are saying NOTHING out there. They have lost my business and trust. Should we run in fear or be on lockdown at dusk? Certainly not but CNR gives us some even better insight of what we might already know (or may not know at all). Keep up the good work and keep keepin' it real!

  17. It's time to expose the many fraudulent community activists who are hankering to expand Section 8 and worthlessness city-wide.
    They aren't satisfied with Uptown and Rogers Park being a repository for society's useless, they want to saddle the entire city with these f*cks.
    Not a day goes by without seeing some psycho go off his meds and act up in my otherwise safe neighborhood.

  18. I want to encourage every reader of this blog to stop buying rap music, or even stealing it. Start beating your kids who act like w iggers. Beat the white back into them.
    Stop supporting Tyler Perry anything, anything black-ified. It's disgusting, even the Nickelodeon kids have a rap injection every now and then in their shows.
    That shit goes off if my nieces and nephews are watching it.

  19. I think you should change your name from CNR to Chicago Racist Report to be more accurate.

    Also, instead of using word filters, so you can maintain your commitment to First Amendment rights, don't allow any more "anonymous" comments. Go ahead and let these racists spew their hate--with their names attached.

    Anyone can talk shit when they don't have to identify themselves. What you call "free speech" is really a sham as long as people are allowed to rant and rage anonymously.


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