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Kerwin P. Murry left, Fredrick Terrell Smith right. |
Two tough guys, one of whom Waukegan police said was found hiding like a frightened rabbit in a hole, have been charged with first-degree murder, reports the Lake County News-Sun.
23-year-old Fredrick Terrell Smith from Harvey, Illinois, and 22-year-old Kerwin P. Murry from Waukegan, have been charged with the Thursday, December 29, 2011 murder of Carlos Hernandez, said authorities.
Charges may be pending against a third possible suspect.
Hernandez, who was reportedly kidnapped during a carjacking in front of his home at 417 Hickory Street, was forced into his nephew's Cadillac and driven to a secondary location where he was shot in the abdomen and shoulder, said police.
Police found Hernandez lying on the ground several blocks away from the Lakeside Towers Apartments, which are located at 200 Julian Street.
The stolen Cadillac was also found in the vicinity of the low-income, Section-8 apartments, said police.
Although he was gravely injured, Hernandez was able to provide a description of his savage attackers.
Authorities searched the taxpayer-subsidized housing complex and reportedly found Fredrick Terrell Smith hiding in a ventilation air duct like a roach hiding from the Orkin man.
Kerwin P. Murry, who goes by the name Kerwin “Yahya” Murry on Facebook, was shaving his head when he was apprehended by the police, said the News-Sun.
The Lake County news source also said Murry confessed to “killing somebody”.
However, Murry's proud mother, who asked not to be identified by name, said her son is innocent.
“I don’t think he did the robbery. I think he was there with the other guys. I don’t believe my son had the gun at all. They (police) just put it on him,” said the protective mother of an alleged sociopath.

Readdressing Murry’s failed attempt to disguise his less than clean-cut appearance; we’re not sure why the suspected murderer cut his hair.
After all, in addition to several facial and neck tattoos, Murry has the words "ranger world" scrawled across his forehead; which makes him extremely identifiable.
We’re guessing the cops caught Murry before he covered his manly face-art with Covergirl cocoa-brown skin foundation.
Sadly, even if Murry spends the rest of his seemingly worthless life in prison, a part of him will still be free.
It appears Murry planted his stellar DNA in some around-the-way-girl's uterus.
Murry’s pregnant girlfriend, seen in the picture below, already has six children. If her bun in the oven survives, she'll have seven little mouths to feed (and an even bigger public aid check?).

Speaking of pregnant baby-mommas, a few hours ago, someone claiming to be Murry's “wifey”, posted the following message on Facebook:
This is your wifey and im missing you like crazy me and yo family bae keep yo head up
Although Chicago News Report located Fredrick T. Smith's Facebook page, most of his information was set to private.
However, we did find this handsome photo of Smith holding money he probably earned while cutting grass and doing chores for the elderly.
The sardonic humor is a big part of why I enjoy CNR.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 strikes again. Coming soon next door to you, courtesy of the government.
ReplyDeleteThere is a long-term homeless shelter in the city that puts all their niggers in Waukegan when their section 8/disability gets approved.
ReplyDeleteIf more people were aware of the intense level of nigger dysfunction in the homeless paradigm, they'd be lobbying Congress to revoke their civil rights.
Almost all homeless shelters all across America are nigger-infested, nigger-run abusive hellholes and the few white Americans with the misfortune of having to use them get the fuck abused out of them and are forever racist afterwards.
There are people railing against my racism (actually realism), but I was forced to live with niggers against my will and after 20+ years of their, well, everything I can see that they are nothing but a cancer upon the Earth. The few "good" ones don't even make up for the rest of them.
ReplyDeleteSociety and the planet will not move forward until we deal with this problem properly, either eliminate their species entirely or confine them to a part of the Earth where they do the least damage possible.
Our government sucks. With this economy, there are people who REALLY need some help and instead the government is WASTING money on worthless ghetto monkeys who abuse the system, breed like rats, and refuse to be civilized people. It's bad enough our prisons are ALSO infested with Blacks which comes out of tax payers' pockets. There are people who have worked very hard and lost their jobs but the government won't help them out and instead punishes them by kicking them out of their homes and refuse to extend the unemployment benefits. Meanwhile, these worthless ugly ghetto monkeys are set for life with the free ride.
ReplyDeleteI would be so ashamed to be one of these losers who have no ambitions or goals in life. Their only goal is to rob and kill people for their hard earned money and valuables. These section 8 welfare monkeys can't even make the effort to speak proper English! What is it with you stupid monkeys? Pretty sad when Lincoln Park Zoo has smarter primates than you lazy niggers! And you wonder why people don't like you. Playing the race card is getting old, time to shape up.
I am not racist whereas I know very nice Black people who attended Ivy League and are working professionals. They don't want to associate themselves with section 8 trash!
And yes I know that every race has its trash but Blacks seem to have the most trash. You've had all these years to get it together and you seem to get worse. What is wrong with you people? Chicago is getting worse since the tearing down of Cabrini Green. And yet you people make it the government's responsibility to find you housing. Wow, what a sad life you lead. You did all this to yourselves, don't blame racism. If you were raised in a ghetto, that should be enough to motivate you to want to lead a better life.
#Stupid People
propose a pathway to citizenship for illegal mexicans by displacing one africanus from earth. Sounds like an even swap - the mexicans work hard and pay taxes.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are always saying that I am racist for no good reason, but I have INTENSIVE experience with Africanus. I have learned their ways and the rare ones that become white-collar professionals or worthwhile do not make up for the vast majority of them.
ReplyDeleteThey destroyed the street I grew up on, it's not "victim blaming", they gleefully fucked up the houses despite the landlord's effort to maintain the property. This is how slumlords are created. When they moved out they stole everything that wasn't nailed down.
I stayed pretty okay despite going to grade and middle school with hardcore niggers, I really didn't start to hate them until I had a liberal, nigger loving homeroom teacher who wrote me up after I got my ass kicked at my locker and I glared at their black asses running away from the pool of blood I was laying in.
Africanus's way is mindless sex, violence, thrill-seeking and other "pure id" types of behavior.
I've lost jobs because I had an unreasonable black boss. The number one problem in a work environment where they have black employees is the black wants to be the alpha male/female of the environment and it leads to abuse. Everything turns into shows of macho behavior, a pissing contest, even amongst females.
Black females are very masculine and have a lot of testosterone and as a result to attract mates they have exaggerated sexual characteristics, namely giant disgusting breasts and asses. Also explains their otherwise male behavior.
I am not an anonymous coward racist, I take every opportunity to fuck with blacks in my everyday life, I call the cops, security guard, corporate, etc whenever the slightest amount of nigger shit impacts my journeys outside my home. They are cowardly and only attack in packs of two or more. A lone black is easy to defeat with smarts and the proper legal weaponry.
I'm sure my dream of having them reclassified to animal status rather than people will never be realized, but we outnumber them and we should work within the confines of the law and make it really hard for nigger shit to be committed on a daily basis. See a smirking spook hanging outside the El station? Call the cops. Panhandler? Call the cops. Guy with his pants halfway down his ass? Get a photo of it and wait 2 minutes for him to commit a crime. Go to CAPS meeting. Petition landlords to stop renting to Section 8. Boycott businesses that allow nigger shit to happen on their property. Etc.
And ALL I was doing was getting my books out of my locker. At that time I was a quiet kid who never mouthed off, they just ran up and beat the shit out of me for no reason.
ReplyDeleteThat fucking teacher was old as fuck but he's STILL ALIVE. I looked him up. He bought a $150 VHS master of some boring ass local program railing against racism and showed it to us over and over again. He made us watch a NBC made for teevee movie about Isiah Thomas, etc.
If I wasn't two hours away I would go to his house and egg it right now.
His kind of stupidity is why America is so dangerous.
@5:11 Your anger is understandable. And I do agree that there are a lot of Blacks who are simply horrible individuals. I grew up in a racist household and never had Black friends. I was raised with the perception that ALL Blacks were bad people. Bit the thing is that I've met some really cool Blacks who admit that there are Niggers and Blacks. I've worked with some wonderful Black people and sometimes wonder if the GHETTO Blacks are a different non human species. To call them animals is insulting dogs, cats, and the beautiful wild life.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is that you can't allow them to ruin your day when you encounter them. You are letting them win. Move forward and be the bigger person by not stooping to their level which we all know is VERY low. They are not worth it! Be glad you are not one of them! But just remember there are some good Black "people" out there.
I never experienced what you did and can't even say I could even imagine what it was like.
did u read on one of the people's profile's who posted on murry's pictures they were talking about how his sister might be an accesory because he told her about the murder. dumb bitch posting it all over facebook - looking tough now douchebag and sister-doucebag. also, funny how many 'cousins' he got. or are they 'cuzzes'?
ReplyDeleteI have re-adjusted my life to avoid the groid whenever possible. It's only when I shop in my OWN NEIGHBORHOOD there's a problem. They take the El in from the Southside and prey on the college students and starter yuppies.
ReplyDeleteThere are not enough "good" black people out there, a couple of lawyers and doctors.
They all have the "Gibs me dat" mentality though, a so-called professional saw my hat and wanted it, he blurted out "Gimme that hat!", this man with a bachelor's degree and a salary. It's like a reflex with them.
@7:37 Good for you. I certainly hope that things gets better in the city. I can see how all this crime committed by ghetto Blacks can anger people. It's like a cockroach infestation, hard to get rid of it. They are not worth my happiness. I wish everyone would take self defense and martial arts to put these criminals in their place! Happy New Year....to a safer and Nig free Chicago!
ReplyDeleteI know Judo, a little Krav Maga, and a lot of Smith and Wesson.
ReplyDeleteThose niggers are even uglier than most niggers.
ReplyDeleteAll y'all racist ass need to shut the fuck up....
ReplyDeleteI don't think so, Anon at 6:19pm.
ReplyDeleteWe outnumber you, and we're all going to make it REAL hard for you to engage in your TNB activities from here on out. You'll have to behave in public or go to Negro University. Preferably the second.
Well, it's pretty obvious that racism will not die, as it is what america was built on. While many of you commentators spew your vile hatred, for people of color, you forget that your race systematically killed 500 nations of native americans through wars, disease and famine.
ReplyDeleteEnslaved and murdered many africans and its descendants to this very day. Your current campaign to kill all arabs and people of color, yet when you reap what you sew. How hypocritical you EUROPEAN BARBARIANS are. Truly amazing.You all kill more people than any other race combined. Have a great day, and hope you don't get robbed lol.
If I were a black ghetto monkey I would just kill myself.
ReplyDeleteniggers would wipe out 7000 nations if they had any power. a total uncivilized people way lower and dangerous ti your 500 indian nation the reason those redskins were wiped out was they were acting like niggers. history will repeat utself and most niggers will wind up like the old injuns...only a few race mixed will suruvive like the modern injunin
ReplyDeleteYou are a complete idiot I'm white and realize that my race is a poison, we have killed more than any race were power hungry look at what happened in the movie theater, white man the temple in Wisconsin the college shootings all white men and guess what we come from blacks do your research they are the original people of earth ignorant fuck check your DNA u would b surprised continue to have a terrible miserable life u piece of shit n do us all a favor n die soon u r the reason there's no peace on earth
DeleteI agree with you
DeleteWow This is just amazing the ignorance never stops. There is far as many white people/other races who have section 8. What do you white people do when you loose your jobs? You go to work and kill everyone in it. You Shoot up schools and things. You guys are walking serial killers pedophiles constantly getting caught on dateline NBC. Its not safe for us to live near you, You people kidnap and torture kids and animals and we are the animals? No before you place judgment on anyone else take a look in the mirror and see your not the superior race you claim to be. Your race, rob, kills and steal (not to mention does crack and meth) the only difference is we're not afraid of you guys like you are us. "we don't fear man".
ReplyDeleteExactly they listen to our music dress like us date our black men must i go on white fucks
DeleteI hate this place of waukegan, illinois, these black ass niggas all on the television talking about the police and then when they need the help from the cops, oh then they all right... Black Lives Matter, yeah, what the fuck ever.. I almost got shot, stabbed, hurt and killed by this ugly ass black, nappy head, snag-tooth black bitch..
ReplyDeleteThese dumb ass uneducated, retarded, BLACK Females!! I will not consider these females as women, because they are not, they are animals and come to find out she had a background in steeling, cussing, and just wanna be MADDD for no reason.They go into Target at the just MADDDD, let's get MADDD, it makes these people feel empowered.
I really hate lving here in Waukegan these idiots drive like they just got their drivers license from the dumb ass cracker-jack box..
If you have any dumb black niggas male and females just drop them off in the city of Waukegan.. I don't be bothered with low-life ass male niggas, you try to help these people and they steel and lie and take off with your car when you hope in the shower or when you fall-asleep. Don't even think about dating these black ass niggas, male, dumb asses..