A southbound No. 36 Broadway bus was held hostage on the 3900 block of North Broadway, when a woman refused to move out of the vehicle's path.
The stubborn female, described as a "crazy lady" by the person who shot the video, reportedly stood in front of the bus at Sheridan and Broadway, because the driver refused to let her on the bus.
It appears the driver was ending his shift when the confrontation occurred.
As the lady causally leaned against the bike rack on the front of the CTA bus, someone in the background started calling her obscene names; which she completely ignored.
Approximately one minute into the video, Chicago police officers arrive at the scene and eventually convince the woman to move out of the street.
It's unclear when this bizarre incident occurred, but the video was uploaded to YouTube on November 7, 2011.
Photo: YouTube/hernandeza08
Well, the bottom line is.....I couldn't deal with Edgewater and never even considered Uptown because........some of us just need to get to work! If it ain't the ghetto babe holding up the line in the grocery store trying to return panty hose purchased 3 months ago, it's something like this.
ReplyDeleteAgain, Happy Diversity (Chicagostyle)
Maybe Lakeview's police commander held a party for this woman, like she does for the "youths", so her self esteem isn't hurt.
ReplyDeleteShe was representing
ReplyDeleteThey should have taken her in instead of just negotiating with her.
ReplyDeleteThat's what they call (and what our president so affectionately refers to as) AUDACITY. Delusional. Pathological. Majority.
ReplyDeleteDo people get away with this shit in other cities? Holding a bus and it's passengers "hostage" is a WTF moment for sure. We are in deep shit in this city. No CC, short on police, closing mental health agencies, gangbangers running roughshod over the city, ghetto thugs preying on everyone. The list goes on and on. No wonder people are leaving.
ReplyDelete50 years ago they would have ran this wildebeest over.
ReplyDeletedat bus is rayciss yo'
ReplyDeleteThat guy in the wheelchair on the left is often hanging out on that corner. I suspect he is a drug dealer, but maybe he just lives nearby & likes to sit outside. Anyone ever see him dealing?
ReplyDeleteRacist/racism/"rayciss"...the new it word for the black community. Throw it around too many times and people begin to turn a deaf ear to it. Kinda like crying wolf. One of the most overused words in the english language. This is what being so pc has gotten this city. That women is not even crazy, just an arrogant, entitlement minded, ignorant, rude non member of society. This city is overflowing with them.
ReplyDeleteI bet she lives at that Hotel on that corner.
ReplyDeleteShe was asking for money near Walgreens on Broadway and Waveland earlier today.
ReplyDeleteThese cops have a lot of patience. She should have been arrested or at least given a citation. I don't evny anyone who has to work with these scum bags.
ReplyDeleteShe's the one that sits there on the sidewalk and looks a little bit like Jabba the Hut's sister, right?
ReplyDeleteHotel Chateau is full of Thresholds trash
ReplyDeletePlay "Point em' out - Punch her out" like "Mr." Strahan and the homeless guy in the subway.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Scotty when you need him?
I've seen stuff like this happen several times in the loop, always a crazy smelly homeless person who wasn't let on the bus, or who was kicked off after one stop when the 25 different cta cards he had all had zero balances.
ReplyDeleteOnce saw two construction guys get off the bus, grab the homeless guy, and throw him into the bus stand. Everybody cheered when they got back on.
The cops should carry tranquilizer guns so PETA won't get upset if they have to shoot one of these animals.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the bus driver didn't just back up and go around her.
ReplyDeleteThere was one that got on the bus on the "Magnificent Mile" one recent day in a wheelchair too. He was so intoxicated, medicated it literally took him 10 mins. to maneuver that chair (got it hooked up on the card reader). Yelling, cussing the whole time. Finally got strapped in and started calling the driver a "cocksucker", etc. Luckily cops were nearby, driver jumped off, put the ramp down, cops told him to get off. I'm sure it's the rule that they can't assist them, but he literally slid right out of that wheelchair and hit the ground. Truly sad sight.
ReplyDeleteA leader in one of your communities stated once "Illinois historically and currently has no idea what to do with their mentally ill". It's obvious. Or is our tax $ meant for them being pilfered for something else? That's apparent too.
Uptown, Edgewater, Lakefront Liberals - throwing money in their cup is not the answer. Really need to help these people find something constructive to do. You don't see this in other nearby states.
SO SO TYPICAL of these so-called "people". If only we had picked our own damn cotten!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOnly 600,000 Slaves were brought from Africa to The USA.
.....600,000 White Union Soldiers died in the civil war, fighting their brothers to free them. Now look.
Sounds like whitey already paid the price, right? LOL! YOU HAVEN'T BEGUN TO PAY CRACKER!
ReplyDeleteSounds like Anonymous blackie will pay the price in jail or death. LOL!
ReplyDeleterun the fat ass nigger down! speed bump!
ReplyDeletelook mommy!! the hippo is getting to close to the bus!!
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine how bad her ass stinks???
ReplyDeleteI lived next door to a ghetto family (old, obese crippled silverback grandma) and her grandkids, who were in their thirties and stole from her constantly. The Grandma always stole from our garden (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc)or begged from us.
ReplyDeleteThe grandchild "Maxie" had a ass three times the size of a typical toilet seat, I always wondered exactly how she took a shit and aimed the turds into the bowl. Maybe she didn't!
Okay, this is my first time reading this blog and I thought the racism on Uptown Update was bad.
ReplyDeleteThinking this article was a one-off, I looked at another. Oh, lovely! You guys are anti-gay, too.
I sincerely hope the commenters here are just using hyperbole or blowing off steam and that you don't actually live here. If you turn out to be the inner monologue of the people I have to deal with daily.
Another dumb ass who thinks everthing evolves around them, i blame this on cta higher ups whole baby these kind of people instead of prosercuting