Pacing back and forth across the stage, Lewis behaved more like the host of the BET Awards, than the president of the Teachers Union.
As if an evil, comedic spirit had taken control of her mouth, Lewis, a so-called professional, poked fun at U.S. education secretary Arne Duncan's alleged speech impediment.
"Now, you know he went to a private school, because if he had gone to a public school, he would have had that lisp fixed," said Lewis.
Moments later, Lewis tried to soften the blow by making fun her weight and joking about her past drug use.
During the 70s and 80s, there were many school teachers whom I admired and respected, but if Lewis is a fair representation of the teachers who are leading Chicago's classrooms, today -- no wonder so many students are dropping out of school.
What a disgusting pig!
ReplyDeleteAs for her claim of teaching at a selective enrollment Chicago school for 20 years, I read that she was at Sullivan HS in Rogers Park.
Sullivan is anything but selective enrollment.
So it appears she's lying about that!
And buy a bra!
That's if they make them that big!
Is this for real? or a joke? kinda like what you read in the Onion.
ReplyDeletePlease someone, tell me this is a joke.
Oh My God.
ReplyDeleteShe must not have attended public school either because we would have had that fat fixed.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, she is. That's why even semi-good students like myself hate going to school and can't wait to get out of the CPS system.
ReplyDeleteActually, she has a point because I got years of speech therapy at CPS that really helped me. Ghetto thugs!
ReplyDeleteThis is not just any teacher, it's one chosen to be their union leader. Wonder what the rank and file are like.
ReplyDeleteThis woman should resign.
ReplyDeleteShe wasn't making fun of his lisp. She was criticizing the fact that it wasn't corrected and attributing that to the fact that private schools - even cushy ones like U of Chicago Lab School where Duncan went - don't always have the funds, focus, or professionals to handle kids who need help of one kind or another.
ReplyDeleteShe verbally mocked his lisp. (at 1:26) How is that NOT making fun of a person?
ReplyDeleteIf this is a representation of our school system in this city, we are in deep deep shit! What a total embarrassment to this city!
ReplyDeleteThe 9:00 news is full of fat spooks like this and weepy spooks whose kids got shot, between sports and the news it's black, black black the whole hour through. Who gives a crap about apes?
ReplyDeleteShe WAS making fun of his lisp by insinuating that if he had gone to public school, the other kids would have beaten it out of him.
ReplyDeleteRahm needs to cuss her out again.
ReplyDeleteher anal leakage has become a problem at work and has been been the subject of several complaints by fellow teachers, students and staff....details to be released soon.
ReplyDeletewhy is it that the fat, ugly, dirty looking broads are always in charge of our children?
ReplyDeleteAnd what exactly does a fat, ugly, dirty looking broad experience in life to qualify her for such a role? Never been kissed, never been missed. The altered mind alters all, and Obama is our president because of hogs like her.
she wasn;t suggesting the school would have helped with his lisp, but rather the CHA monkeys that contaminate every CPS would have beat it out of him, or bullied him on a daily basis until he killed himself or his parents for making him go to a Chicago public schools with a bunch of ghetto blacks. They chose U of C instead.
ReplyDeleteThis excerpt was taken from the Washington Times today. This woman is a total embarrassment. And I love the picture Timothy, it's saying "talk to the hand"...
ReplyDeleteShame Shame!
For almost sixty years, the Chicago Public School system has been on a roller coaster ride of reform. All with the teacher’s union trying to sabotage it. Nothing has changed much since the 1950s, when Chicago had one of the worst school systems in the nation. The stats are just as bad now as they were in 1955.
Karen Lewis is an embarrassment to the profession of teaching and as an executive of an entity of professionals. She is the antithesis of professional. She should resign. But that will not happen.
People like her are lauded, praised, respected, and welcomed. Why is a mystery. Well, not really. They use union money and bundling to buy politicians like farmers used to buy mules. They they make those politicians do what they want. Which is usually fighting any common sense meaningful reform and generating tax increases to waste more of our money. On broken educational systems.
Karen Lewis’ idea of education reform is teachers working less hours for more pay, and, more teachers leaving the classroom to enter the bureaucratic world, where they have the power to run the system. Right into the ground.
People should be appalled at Ms. Lewis behavior. Not only in Chicago, but nationwide. She represents everything that’s wrong with our educational system today and with unions. Unions should be doubly appalled. We expect them to act like common thugs, but we do not expect such despicable behavior.
But, all will be forgotten. She is back here in Chicago, or someplace, causing more mayhem. She will be welcomed at City Hall, churches, luncheons, and other places where the elites meet. They will take her seriously.
Karen Lewis embarrassed herself, she embarrassed the teachers she supposedly represents, she embarrassed the two unions she holds offices in, and she embarrassed the educational establishment.
I'm hot, sexy, foine and smart. And you know it baaaabbbbyyyy!
ReplyDeletewho is paid more, teachers or zookeepers? Because in CPS, it's the same....without the hay
ReplyDeletejeez loise...I can only imagine the cake that is under those national geographic titties.
ReplyDeleteI learned some adjectives in public school:
Damn, she needs a front-end alignment.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Actually, need my asthma inhaler. That pic - that "do". I can't hold back. You know that song by The Offspring "Keep 'Em Separated"? This ghetto babe in Detroit had that same do and was swingin' one of those dreads like a helicopter blade driving her hooptie in the mall parking lot jammin' to that song. Funniest thing I ever saw in my life. Each of the 4 doors were a different color, wire hanger for an antenna, panties used as a gas cap.....the whole 9 yards.
ReplyDeleteI guess this is the "do" of choice in Chicago 10 years later for "school leaders" ......... or comedians.
ReplyDeleteWho cares. She still puts blacks behind about 52 years with her words and actions. Quota filler is in every place of employment (and there are "lawyers" that did graduate - at the bottom of their class).
To Anonymous (three above here); you're honestly defending this piece of garbage? Then calling people names as part of your argument? Typing in all caps and using eight exclamation marks? It appears that you must have been a student of hers and apparently learned a lot from her.
ReplyDeleteYou are a perfect example of someone with ignorance and the incapable ability to articulate any disagreement with someone without stooping to a level that only demonstrates just how blatantly moronic you actually are. You spew ignorance through your verbal diarrhea and expect someone to actually take you seriously. You're a joke, just like Karen Lewis is a joke...except it's not funny, it's really quite sad.
How a specimen like her ever got into a position like that in the first place is astonishing. But then again, she is a pretty good example of typical union leader trash that's not hard to find across the country.
It's just like Detroit with Kwame or the nation with Barack; You put garbage into leadership positions and then you wonder why you get garbage-like results as a result of their leadership. I'm sure the next time she is up for the position the sheep will put her right back in. Good luck with this Chicago, if that's what you want that's what you get.
By the way anonymous, go play your video games and keep looking in the mail for that entitlement check that my hard work brings you.
If you ask most folks what the ultimate goal of a teacher (any teacher) is they will tell you "to educate our students"...it seems Ms. Lewis is more concerned about advancing her position of power in the CTU than "her students". With the dropout rate in the CPS she and her union members should be embarrased and mortified by the p--s poor results and give some of their salaries BACK to CPS for having failed miserably at their jobs!
ReplyDeleteMs. Lewis is typical of a large percentage of public employees these days...once they get a job (can you spell patronage?) they sit on thier fat butts (in her case, literally) and do as little as possible and then if questioned as to their lack of output they cry "unfair labor practices" and complain to the UNION! What ever happened to "a fair wage for a fair days work"?