Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chicago Adam4Adam member accused of theft, internet dating crimes

An alleged thief has been reportedly using a popular gay website to target his purported victims.

According to YouTube user rsmithegreat, a man using the screen names "Jago", "The Hammer", and "quisqueyano" stole from several men after meeting them online.

"This guy has been meeting people online through Adam4Adam. He comes to their places and rips them off. Police are looking for him," said rsmithegreat to Chicago News Report.

The Adam4Adam profiles associated with the aforementioned screen names were reportedly deleted.

CNR could not find anyone using those specific names in Adam4Adam's database. 

The alleged suspect is described as a male black Hispanic, possibly from the Dominican Republic.

He is believed to be 28-years-old, about 6-feet-tall, and 174 pounds.

Rsmithegreat claims the alleged offender lives in the Rogers Park neighborhood near Sheridan and Morse.

Back in April 2010, three black men were arrested after a Washington D.C. high school principal was found murdered. Police said the victim met his killers through Adam4Adam.


  1. Hmm, this is actually similar to the popular video game Grand Theft Auto 4. In that game there were a few missions where the main character joined a gay dating site to set up a robbery/blackmail scam. Perhaps these guys get their crime ideas from video gaming???

  2. Is your competition "The Onion?"

  3. I don't think so. The "news" reported in The Onion is absolutely hilarious satire in the rest of the world but unfortunately these not-so-hilarious incidents actually HAPPEN in Chicago.

  4. What a shame cause I was thinking of joining the site because it's so difficult to find gay black men in chicago. Now how is this white bottom boy supposed to get some BBC?

  5. Dude just struck again. His new screen name is cibaeno1981

  6. This time in Avondale


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