Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Female shoplifters hit The North Face on Michigan Avenue

Authorities are searching for two female suspects who stole merchandise from a Michigan Avenue store.

The theft was reported around 7:47 p.m. at The North Face store at 875 North Michigan Avenue, located in the John Hancock Center.

Two female blacks, believed to be around 19-years-old and approximately 5’3”, stole items from the store and fled the scene, said police.

One shoplifter was wearing a peach-colored hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.

The second female offender was wearing a black jacket with gray sweatpants, and was carrying a white bag.

After the incident at North Face, an eyewitness saw the thieves running southbound on Michigan Avenue toward the Water Tower Place.

One of the crooks stopped to picked a cell phone she dropped while evading police, said the eyewitness.

At the time of this report, officers were diligently searching the Water Tower Place for the offenders.


  1. And then they wonder why they are profiled and why, whenever they walk into any store, they are watched like hawks.

  2. Exactly T. It isn't racial profiling, it is common sense. 9 out of 10 times a black is up to no good.


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