Funeral services for 16-year-old Andre Vasquez, who was shot and killed in his Avondale neighborhood home, are expected to be held Saturday, October 29, 2011, at Benson Funeral Home Inc., 3224 West Montrose Avenue, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Although a tentative date has been scheduled, a sizable amount of money is still needed to cover the cost of the burial services, said a spokesman for the funeral home.
However, the spokesman would not discuss the cost of the funeral.
If you would like to donate money to Andre Vasquez's burial, you may contact Benson Funeral Home at 773-478-2036.
The cash collecting employee Lakefront Liberal Fund can take care of this. I just discovered I'm in the 5% that actually paid to have their dog licensed in the City of Shitcago.
ReplyDeleteI would throw in for this, but I'm all tapped out after the 67% state tax increase to cover stuff like Krystal's welfare, not to mention increased hospital charges & insurance premiums to cover her uninsured medical care.
ReplyDeleteShe wouldnt have any medical bills and we wouldnt be preparing for a funeral if it wasnt for the bastards that went into their home.. Krystal had worked for the same comany for the last 10 to 12 years and was recently laid off. She was seaching for a job and had also just went back to school... So 9:28 you dont have to make a one time donation..... But you will have to support the 3 bastards that are in jail because of this for the rest of their time in jail.
ReplyDeleteTO 1158 - I'm not the poster you are replying to, but I do agree with what you have to say - if it wasn't for those 3 killers, we wouldn't be having this dialouge, Krystal & her family would be living their normal lives, and these three wouldn't be subject to a lifetime of housing, feeding, supervision & medical care at the public's expense.
ReplyDeleteFor that last part, we have one of our former Governors, Quinn, I think, to thank for eradicating the death penalty.
So sad, this is why I moved from Chicago I still have lots of family & friends there I can honestly say the struggle to move was worth it..
ReplyDeleteI've already donated my money towards their foodstamps. It comes out of my white-collar paycheck. Put him in a box, throw him in an oven, hold a sermon. Done. Or they could get off their asses and pander a church for money.
ReplyDeleteThe gov't does give $255 to every person on welfare, whether SSI or as here, state unemployment, towards funeral expenses of dependents or beneficiaries.
ReplyDeleteSo she's got that going for her, which is nice.
You people are pathetic
ReplyDeleteWait - if he was 16, how does he have a graduation picture from last year? He graduated at 14 (or 15)?
ReplyDeleteI am so disgusted by the ignorant comments made on here. Really? An innocent child lost his life. Remember that.
ReplyDeleteLeave these poor pathetic losers alone. They can!t pay their bills like most losers in avondale. Of course they have their hands out looking for money from other people...they can't take care of their own kids. Now they expect everyone to feel sorry for them and pay for a funeral because the mom hung out with a fat pig loser.
ReplyDeleteu honesly dont have a heart but w.e they dont need your stupid money enymore so just stik it up were it best fits
ReplyDeleteTo Cyntia - should the previous poster "stik" it up wherever you "stuk" your elementary school grammar & spelling lessons? BC if so, that money will surely go somewhere that it will never been seen again.
ReplyDeleteBased on your post, you probably don't even have a junior high graduation picture like the victim does.
cyntia....Logan Square loser...when you hang with pigs you start to stink. From the sound of your post you're pretty much bankrupt especially in the education department. Sounds like you flunked GED. And you're obviously not the CEO of any Fortune 500 company. You're calling money "stupid?!" Look in the mirror if you want to see stupid!
ReplyDeleteIt's a sad day in the world when a young innocent loses his life through no fault of his own and all people can comment on is how lazy his mother must have been for not having insurance. I just hope the tables don't turn and you find yourself one day with your child, having to "put him in a box, throw him in an oven, and hold a sermon. done." When we have no sympathy for people, we will find that one day, people will have no sympathy for us.
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't an innocent. Was slinging drugs at school & on the street. The gangs whose turf he was slinging on wanted him dead, and got Vujonovic to do their dirty work for them.
ReplyDeleteIf Andre was such the drug dealer how come no drugs were found? If he was the person people are claiming him to be how come he dont have a police record... He did have all A`s and B`s though... He is gone let him R.I.P!!
ReplyDeleteThe mother is to blame. She's a party girl who partied with the wrong people. Grow up Krystal, you're a mom. Sorry for your problems but first and foremost you have children to protect. Stop asking for money from strangers just because you're down and out. Take care of your own like the rest of the world does. Pay your bills instead of bankruptcy and detainers. Set an example for your daughter so that she doesn't turn out like you.
ReplyDeleteok its kool it dosnt mean i dont have money i probobly have more than u so shut up
ReplyDeleteCyntia..if you have as much money as you do a vocabulary (if you even know what that word means) then you're on welfare. Intelligence is the measure of wealth not money. You're bankrupt in both areas and all you have to do is open your mouth for anyone to know. As the previous poster said, look in the mirror if you want to see stupid...it'll be staring right back at you.
ReplyDeletei understand what you are trying to say but you dont know how much all of this affected all of us sorry for being inmature and writing stupid shit sorry
ReplyDeleteall u stupid people need to stop!!! andre was a great kid and u should'nt talk ill of the dead cuz one day u might find yourself in ther shoes!!! and krystal had nothing to do with this she was a great mother!!! IT WAS HER MAN WHO COULD"NT KEEP IT IN HIS PANTS!!! HE CAUSED ALL OF THIS AND KRYSTAL'S MOTHER IS NO BETTER ACTING LIKE ANDRE DIDNT HAVE FAMILY TO TAKE CARE OF THE FUNERAL!!! SHE'S JUST A MONEY HUNGRY LAZY B*TCH!!! R.I.P ANDRE WE ALL LOVE YOU AND WE'LL NEVER FORGET YOU!!!
ReplyDeletei aint finished. yet. evry teenager isnt perferct ya trien say ya were perfet dnt b throwin his business out like that how would u like it if ppl talked shit bout ya. wat would u do.. fuck that he was a good person idc wat any1 says bout him ya wanna disrespect do it sumwhere else bt nt wen sum1 ppl care bout. n cyntia. u rite to defend andre n his fam the anno person stop puttin ppl on blast u funna get ur shit on blast as well.
ReplyDeletemanuel thank u for wat you said i was just trying to stop all of those pple who were talking shit about him and his family because all of u miss him alot and i will personaly never forget him and again thanks manuel
ReplyDeleteCyntia - Can you please translate what Manuel said? Because to me, a normal, educated, english speaking, non gangbanging criminal, it looks like gibberish.
ReplyDeleteAlso, what's your favorite memory of Andre? Him selling weed in middle school & on the street?
look who ever said that andre waz sellin weed in the street if im like him which i am cuz we are not bad pple and he wasnt either shouldn't i be the wrong person to be fucking around with and another thing when u loose some one in your life that u have known in a while you r going to hurt for the rest of your life trust me but u are not going to know wat it feels like untill u loose a special person you will die if u lost a son imagin how his mom feels. so stop talkin shit its not like u are more educated than we are you probobly even diddn't finish highschool so shut up
ReplyDeleteCyntia - considering your incredibly poor grammar, spelling, and complete lack of punctuation or logical reasoning, it's safe to say your theory about being more highly educated than me or many other readers on here is clearly false.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've lost (or "loosed") people close to me to, but you know what? Never in this manner. And do you know why? It's because neither myself, nor anybody I'm close with, deals drugs, associates with gangmembers, or in general, lives the ghetto, uneducated lifestyle that you & lil’ Andre do (or did in his case, he dead now).
I hope his mom feels guilty, she not only brought a child into this world that she clearly was incapable of caring for, but her exploits, including hanging out with gang members, and allowing her son to run wild on the streets slinging dope, cost him his life.
In a way, I'm glad that she didn't die, too, so that she has to live the rest of her life knowing that she is responsible for her son's murder. Unfortunately, looks like I will have to work even harder now to continue funding her ghetto lifestyle. If she couldn't even pony up $2k to pay for his funeral, what is the likelihood that she has any money to her name to pay for her lifetime of medical treatment, her housing, food, clothing, utilities, etc? That likelihood is zero. She was already unemployed (and probably unemployable, anyway), now she's a lifetime disability case.
Also, I hope she reads this. If you know her, show her the articles on here about her little hellspawn. Perhaps her learning how decent society views her & her dead son will cause her to wake up & attempt to live a respectable life. Doubtful, but possible.
ow cool thanks for everything u say it makes me feel even better because at least you are thinking of me while you type shit down thank you honestly get a fucken life u cant even put your fucken name down ow wow what a bad ass you are talk shit about people behind a screen and probably u wouldn't be able to say it in front of peoples faces . like i said thank you