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Photo: YouTube/dogstar7 |
A West Side Chicago high school teacher was interviewed during a recent downtown Occupy Chicago protest.
The Chicago Public School teacher, who was holding a sign at that read, "CPD Stop Shooting At My Students", said some of her students have been shot while in handcuffs, abused physically and verbally by police, and illegally searched.
"There have been 44 shootings by police, just this year. Policemen who are involved in these situations are never brought... they never see the courtroom. They don't have any consequences. It's an abuse of power," said the concerned high school teacher.
The unnamed educator also said the military is conning her disadvantaged students by making false promises.
"We have military recruiters who come into our school at lunchtime, constantly. They tell them (the students) their college will be paid for, they tell them they will never see combat, which is lie. And they are under no legal obligation to hold up their end of the bargain once the students are enlisted," said the Chicago school teacher.
Her issue has nothing to do with Occupy Chicago yet she horns in and tries to use the protest as a platform for her own hobbyhorse. Lots of people are showing up to try to use this situation as a vehicle for their own pet causes. The protest is about Wall Street bankster ripoffs of the public, not about animal rights, free Mumia or any other of these various causes. Occupy Chicago should tell these folks to take their picket signs elsewhere as they just muddy the water and confuse the public as to what they are there for.
ReplyDeleteHow about she ask the parents of her students to be actual parents & raise their kids, and do things like keep them off the streets, steer them away from gangs, and teach them to respect authority (especially the police)?
ReplyDeleteHow many of these kids were shot at bc they did stuff like, point a gun at the cops (a la the 13 y/o shot after shooting out van & school windows)? Or were shot because they were at an all night party with gang members(a la the kid who got shot & killed bc he was at a gang party right before the PR parade? Though he may have been shot by rival bangers).
The point is, don't blame the police, until you've taken a long, hard look at the parents & how they are raising their kids. I assure you, no kids I know have ever been shot at by anybody, much less the police - because the people I know actually raise their children, and would not stand for them becoming little POS's who run with gangs, commit crimes, stay out all night, and put themselves into a position where they may have an adverse confrontation with the police.
BTW, I also dispute her stat of 44 CPS kids shot at by cops this year. There may have been 44 PEOPLE shot by cops this year in Chicago; there may have been 44 CPS kids shot by any people (including cops) this year. But I really dispute that 44 people 18 & under have been shot by cops in Chicago this year. I read more than enough news & blogs like this to know that that is an inflated number.
Yeah, and I want HER students to stop shooting at the police, themselves and innocent people.
ReplyDeleteHave to agree with anonymous@8:02 about Occupy Chicago. If she wants and agenda, she should start HER OWN! You're right, these people muddy up the purpose of the movement.
Big Al, I've said this a gazillion times..it STARTS at home! Not carrying a sign, not marching and not at school. Parent/parents need to be held accountable. I would have been punished until I was 18 and out of our home had I done some of the shit these kids today do. There simply is NO guidance today. Shame on the parent/parents and shame on this teacher for blaming everyone else.
I've known many self-loathing white liberals like her that thought they could make a difference in the ghetto schools. They all went running for the white schools within 3-7 years. You can't tame wild animals.
ReplyDeleteI used to ride the Irving Park 80 a lot, there's a school close to the Brown Line, whenever I rode on the bus with these little bastards, I hoped that somebody would shoot them
ReplyDeleteSeems like most of these occupy X protesters have causes completely unrelated to wall street.
ReplyDeleteOh well, it is semi-comforting to know they aren't ALL socialists/communists...
Cant the Chicago police just carry batons and mace like they do in London? Is Chicago really so violent that the police just need to carry guns? I just don't understand.
ReplyDeleteTO 546 - yes, it is that violent that the police need guns, and bullet proof vests, and helmets, at all timese.
ReplyDeleteNot only do the violent criminals, especially those in gangs, have lots of powerful weapons, they also have no respect or fear of the police, and don't hesitate to use them on the police.
Ah, a nice example of your self-hating white.
ReplyDeleteVain white people, always trying to help non-whites and constantly blaming whites for the problems. Will it ever end? How about helping out some poor whites lady? Doesn't offer the same righteous indignation I guess; wouldn't make very interesting coffee talk either (whites deserve their fate anyway, racists).
So I watched most of the video, this lady seems to mean well but is basically clueless.
ReplyDeleteShe cites the 13 y/o boy Big Al mentions, but forgets to include that a) The shooting happened close to midnight, b) The cops were called because people saw him shooting out car & school windows with what turned out to be a BB gun (but is still a weapon that can maim or even kill), c) he ran from the cops when they approached him, and d) per the cops, after he was cornered, he raised & pointed the weapon at them. Not to mention, the primary pic on his facebook was him holding a lit blunt in one hand & throwing out gang signs in the other (thanks to Second City Cop blog for having the balls to post the whole pic, as opposed to the Trib & CST, which only showed his face).
I like how when the interviewer asked about parental involvement, she acknowledged that their is no parental involvement, and that most of her students were born to unwed teenaged girls, and were living in homes with grandparents or other older relatives.
Oh and on a side note, I like how some idiot comes up to the camera hooting & hollering & making faces into it, then gets chastised by the interviewer for his behavior (all while the teacher is beaming at the attention she's getting).
ReplyDeleteI like it because it is an example of what most of us responsible adults think of the "Occupy" movement - while it seemed to have a purpose at the beginning, protesting Wall Street greed & government compliance with that greed, it's morphed into a useless free-for-all with no message, no point, and frankly, no chance of any meaningful impact.
Basically, the guy who interrupts the interview is treating the whole thing like it's a big party! This stupid movement now appears to be mostly young, idealistic people who have never had a real career they've worked to develop, but rather are people who choose to shirk responsibility in the name of "protest."
I bet if you asked 25 people at the occupy Chicago why they're there, and more importantly, what they hope to accomplish, you would get 25 widely different answers - many that make no sense at all.
fuck occupy chicago! good job cpd.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is an idiot.
ReplyDelete44 shooting 86 percent black sounds like your the idot. How can you see how onesided this is an still agree is beside me. If one person can name one just one white child shot by cops I mcould understand but this is just crazy.
ReplyDeleteTo Jan 16 at 135 pm - how about you name one instance in which a white kid pointed a gun at the police? Or one instance in which white teens from two opposing gangs got into shootouts that injured innocent bystanders? Or one instance of roving gangs of white teens beating women, the elderly, and the infirm in flash mobs along Michigan Avenue & the lakefront beaches last summer?
ReplyDeleteYou can't name any, because they didn't happen. White teens rarely get shot by police because white teens rarely put the police in a position where deadly force is required and justified. Just your stupid ass nigger kids do it.
But go ahead, continue to deny reality and attempt to deflect the discussion away from how your community is destroying itself and large patches of this city. I hope it makes you feel better, but in reality, you're just as much a part of the problem as your little coons who are running around destroying Chicago.
This woman is correct. Police all over the US are getting away with murder by stating that they were in fear for thier lives. All you who have negative comments about her should see what it feels like to have your family member murdered. The Police will lie through their teeth to get away with it. I am a nurse and a law abiding citizen as was my son who was murdered by police when they were called to help him. I believe in saving lives, not taking them. Pembroke Pines, Fl