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Kameryn Gibson, left. Phil Hinkle, right. |
64-year-old Phillip “Phil” Hinkle, an anti-gay Republican, has a hell of a lot of explaining to do - mostly to his wife, Barbara.
According to various reports, the Indiana politician who voted for a constitutional ban on gay marriage, has no qualms about engaging in gay, man-on-man, sex.
Saturday, August 13, 2011, Hinkle reportedly took Kameryn Gibson, an 18 or 20-year-old alleged male prostitute, to the JW Marriot Hotel at 350 West Maryland Street in Indianapolis, Indiana, for a little pay-for-play action.
Emails between Hinkle and Gibson were forwarded to the local media.
The correspondence suggest Hinkle offered to pay Gibson $80 for services rendered, but no specific sex acts were mentioned in the emails.
Once the men were inside the hotel room, Gibson backed out of the deal, said one local news source. Apparently, the young hustler had second thoughts about doing the nasty with a politician, or maybe Hinkle's 64-year-old wee-wee turned him off. Who knows?!
Gibson, who posted an ad in the Craigslist Men for Men section, was allegedly looking for a “sugar daddy” when Hinkle reportedly responded to his ad.
“Cannot be a long time sugar daddy, but can for tonight,” replied Hinkle, indystar.com reported.
Gibson told the press that when he tried to leave the hotel room, Hinkle grabbed his arm, groped his buttocks, and then Hinkle exposed his penis.
That’s when Gibson called his sister, Megan Gibson.
Via her brother’s speaker phone, Megan cursed Hinkle and threatened to call the police and the media, if Hinkle didn’t let her brother go.
According to Megan, Hinkle gave her brother Kameryn an iPad, a Blackberry cell phone, and $100, in exchange for his silence.
While Hinkle’s cell phone was in Megan’s possession, she received a call from the lawmaker’s wife, Barbara.
Megan said she told Barbara that her husband is gay.
After a moment of awkward silence, Barbara allegedly begged Megan not to call the police and even offered her $10,000 to keep her mouth shut.
Hinkle’s lawyer said he read some, but not all of the emails between Hinkle and Gibson.
The disgraced politician’s mouthpiece said he is trying to get to the bottom of the gay sex scandal.
So, who is Kameryn Gibson?
Gibson had a profile on a black, gay, hook up website. After the scandal broke, the page was deleted.
But don't worry, we found a copy of his deleted profile.
The Indianapolis, Indiana resident listed his status as single and expressed an interest in relationships, hookups, friendships, top (men), men with cars, and thugs.
We’re not sure where Phil Hinkle fits on Gibson's wish list, but we do know Hinkle has a car.
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Kameryn Gibson's black gay website profile. |
Digging a little deeper, we also unearthed a Tweet that Gibson sent on August 13, 2011 - the same day he met with Hinkle.
Although it's unclear who Gibson sent the Tweet to, his message is crystal clear.
The now infamous, suspected male prostitute, definitely despises economically challenged men and men with sexually transmitted diseases:

Chicago News Report reached out to Gibson and his sister Megan, for an interview.
We are still waiting for a response.
Seems that the individuals on both sides are severely lacking in morals & judgment. What do they both have in common? Homosexuality! Ancillary indicators would include anyone trolling the internet for sexual relations, as well as 99.99% of politicians. True facts!
ReplyDeletePoliticians are the biggest hypocrites on earth. Their "do as I say not as I do mentality" is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThe kid wanted a hookup so why did he then send his "hookup" info to the papers? Guess he wanted his 15 minutes of fame and maybe hit the ghetto lottery. Guess $10,000 to keep his mouth shut was a lowball offer. Either way, they're BOTH pathetic!
Hey Anonymous 8:29 - yup, it's those gays again. Surely straight people NEVER cheat or do anything immoral. Nope, never.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymouse 10:43 - No one on this planet is more preoccupied with sex and then throwing it in the faces of everyone around them, demanding not only tolerance but respect & acceptance. Whether that it's making a straight icon into a gay one, accusing any opponents of being "phobic" or, most disgustingly, indoctrinating children, it is more prevalent than ever before. For a clear example of the last see repeated demands Bert & Ernie have a gay marriage......
ReplyDeleteAt any rate there is little difference between a politician and a prostitute. These two fruits deserve one another.
ReplyDeleteWow, are you uninformed or what?! NO ONE can turn a straight "icon" gay..." Whether that it's making a straight icon into a gay one". Where in the hell do you get your so called facts? You are part of the problem with the hatred/bigoted/discrimination towards gay people. Who in the world would CHOOSE to be gay in such a hateful world? Bet you sit front & center in church as well.
Anonymous @ 12:14,
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight (for lack of better words). You're using two fictional puppets as an example of gays indoctrinating children?
Is Sesame Street an iconic children's program? Is it used to teach children certain values?
ReplyDeleteIt's safe to say your answer to those questions must be in the affirmative.
What is the purpose of petitioning to make puppets (accurately stated) into a homosexual couple?
It's safe to say your answer to that question must be to teach children
about homosexuality, homosexual couples/relationships and perhaps tolerance
for the same.
Now ask yourself if Sesame Street has a history of programming which has cast negative aspersions on homosexuality, or has served as a platform for teaching children heterosexual values?
It's safe to say your answer to those questions must be in the negative.
Why, therefore, is it appropriate to INDOCTRINATE 3 year old children with homosexual culture by taking a classic non-sexual icon and giving it a sexual identity? As for making homosexual allusions about non-sexual and/or heterosexual icons/figures please see other comics icons such as Batman/Robin, Superman/Wonderboy.
What kind of flak did the Catholic Church get for not wanting to serve as an adoption agency for same sex couples? Weren't they just a tad bit excoriated for holding to their own convictions instead of bowing down to the demands it change its core beliefs to accommodate a homosexual agenda? What happened to Ms. Prejean when she had an opinion about marriage? See Perez Hilton. How about children's books being given to Kindergartners by schools without the consent to permission of parents? Books which teach children about same sex couples?
Fact: No one pushes their sexuality on others and demands acceptance of it than the gay community. Educate yourself because you accuse me of being misinformed.
ReplyDeleteIt's NOT about sexuality, it's about EQUAL rights. You've heard of that right? Here's something for you to think about. When was the last time you knew of or heard of 2 men living together for 40 years and they were straight? I'm not saying they should have Bert & Ernie get married but come on, they're no more straight then the raving queens on Halsted. I have to agree, you are misinformed and obviously have a misconception of gays "indoctrinating" young children. Where's your proof of that? Quite a broad statement to make without putting up any facts. I think I see your hatred towards people who are different from you shining through. I also see your oppressive attitude, bigotry and close-mindedness so there's no point in replying to you any further. Don't worry, Sunday is only a few days away and you can go pray your sins away. Oh and don't forget to pray for Bert & Ernie.
Really? Where's the proof?
ReplyDeleteJust ONE children's book indoctrinating kids on same sex marriages.
* Google "And Tango Makes Three"
Obama's safe school czar promotes gay curriculum to children and has actively worked towards that goal.
* Google Kevin Jennings for more info since I can't post links.
Gay advocates are asking that PUPPETS be given SEXUAL IDENTITIES. Who the heck is the audience there? Toddlers! That's not indoctrination?
* Google Media Matters Bert Ernie Gay marriage
Elementary schools having "LGBT Pride Events" for children then asking them to sign confidentiality agreements not to disclose the event to their parents.
* Google Deerfield IL Elementary
How about elementary students being forced to put up rainbow decorations on the fence surrounding their playground and forced to attend the Boystown Pride Parade?
If you think there AREN'T groups with AGENDAS out there trying to shape the minds of children then you just aren't paying any attention. The fact that you throw around an "uninformed" label while doing it makes it all the more pathetic. Google is your friend, use it!
WOW! You call it "indoctrination" most open minded people call it knowledge & understanding. Most open minded people would like the hatred to stop. I see you want it to continue so what's YOUR AGENDA?
ReplyDeleteHere's a news flash. YOU CANNOT MAKE A PERSON GAY! My two sons are straighter then the pope and are the least bigoted people I know. They were raised by me, a gay women, since they were toddlers. Their father? very much like you...a bigoted close minded hate monger. Oh and a holy roller to boot. Go ahead a use google for YOUR AGENDA, no ones listening because this is the 21st century not the days of "little house on the prairie". They only way to stop your kind of hatred and close-mindedness is to teach people. You must not have gotten that message. I would imagine you would love to join the Westboro Baptist church and probably support Phelps.
Sadly, you are part of the problem with continuing hatred in this world. That must make you so proud. Sure there are bad gays just like there are bad blacks, asians, hispanics and any other ethnicity you can think of. There are also bad christians...like yourself.
Having said all that, there really isn't anything more to say to someone like you. Have a good life:)
I call it indoctrination because sexuality isn't a subject for 3 year olds. Further, I call it indoctrination because it is my job and right as a parent to educate my child on certain issues as I see fit. It is not the province of the homosexual community, a community incapable of reproduction, to influence the beliefs of my children.
ReplyDeleteIf, as you say, you can't make a child gay then you should have no desire to push gay oriented "educational" materials on children. But we both know that children can be influenced, molded and pushed into having a belief system and we both know that's why homosexuals are so hell bent on manipulating the children which they themselves are incapable of having.
My agenda, sweetie, is to avoid having YOUR agenda forced on my children. Which of us is the worse? The one that wants to be left alone or the one that forces its beliefs down the throats of others? I don't tell you how to raise your kids and you don't tell me how to raise mine and you sure as hell don't try to manipulate my children with your sick, high risk, evolutionary dead-end lifestyle.
One last point before I hit the hay. You call it "open mindedness" but it's funny how liberal open mindedness is a one way street. Everyone must tolerate, respect, love and accept you and if they don't they are closed minded. Meanwhile, you demonstrate a heightened level of closed mindedness you accuse others of because you have no respect for the privacy of others and their desire to have nothing to do with your lifestyle. You don't demand EQUAL rights, you demand SPECIAL rights. I, for one, will welcome our Muslim overlords as they continue to out-breed everyone while you breed at the staggering rate of....never. It will be the end of your agenda. :) "Have a nice life" waiting for the inevitable.
ReplyDelete"The one that wants to be left alone or the one that forces its beliefs down the throats of others? I don't tell you how to raise your kids and you don't tell me how to raise mine and you sure as hell don't try to manipulate my children with your sick, high risk, evolutionary dead-end lifestyle."
ReplyDeleteReligious zealots try and shove their beliefs down everyones throat and you should know because you are trying to do the same thing. I didn't see any comment that tried to tell you how to raise your children and as far as I'm concerned, this isn't a "lifestyle" any more then your's is. You seem like a very bitter person with no hope for enlightenment. What's with the reference to Muslims as well. What does that have to do with the conversation? Maybe you're just a troll scanning the blogs for a fight. You're sure angry enough. While you are entitled to your opinion, it seems you really don't have a clue about gay people and are not the least bit interested in having an intelligent conversation because of your it's "my way or the highway" mentality. Raise your children any way you want but hopefully 1) they weren't born gay and 2) you don't pass your hatred on to them. Good luck with that.
I neither shove my beliefs down other people's throats nor accept the same against me. Gay marriage? Great, they should be allowed to get married. In the past religious zealots looked upon marriage as something significantly lesser than celibacy but now it's a holy institution? I have relatives that are gay, I love them without prejudice towards their sexuality. I simply.....do not....tolerate gays trying to indoctrinate children.
ReplyDeletePhil's last act as a state congress rep should be a new Indiana plate that says in Gays we trust.