The first crime was reported at 10:49 p.m.
According to police dispatch, a man was hit in the back of the head and robbed on the 3300 block of North Broadway, near Broadway and Buckingham Place.
The assailant was described as a black man with a dark complexion.
He is approximately 5'8", 120 pounds, and was last seen wearing a T-shirt and blue jeans.
Police said the thief stole the victim's cell phone and other items.
After the robbery, the offender fled in an unknown direction.
Officers escorted the robbery victim to a nearby "L" station.
At 10:50 p.m., a second incident occurred in Boystown.
An initial report indicated a man was stabbed in the arm during an attempted robbery.
The crime occurred on 3400 block of North Halsted Street, near Halsted and Roscoe, said police.
Authorities said a man and a woman were approached by a male Hispanic with long hair.
During the attempted robbery, the suspect reportedly cut the male victim's wrist with an unknown object, said police.
The would-be thief was wearing a bandanna over his face and all black clothing, said investigators.
The crook was last seen running northbound on Halsted, then westbound on Addison, past the police station.
The victim was taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital for medical treatment.
Copyright © 2011 - Chicago News Report.
It looks like the thugs have finally worked up the courage to start working Boystown again. July was a peaceful month. I hope everyone enjoyed it while they could.
ReplyDeleteThere was a nice "tag" on the back of the MB Bank @ Clark/Belmont that read "Crime" "I'll be back" (some spiderman looking thing - I've got a pic of it). It was there for about a week.
ReplyDeleteIt's not going to end. The area is a little too big for it's gay britches. Both patrons and businesses need to tone it all down a bit and, in my opinion, now have a monster on their back that they don't know how to handle nor do the authorities on any level. Some fun times, nice people, well run establishments but in general the area is a drug/alcohol/sex free-for-all. There are no limits and the disinhibition needs to be curbed. You reap what you sow.
Short of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", maybe we need to go back to the days of the unmarked building with just an address on it and a doorman that used discretion with "it's a private function tonight, sorry" before you have to shut it all down.
P.S. Yes, I'm getting a little older now but I would have said the same thing at the age of 25 of what's become of the gay society. It's a come-one-come-all moneygrab and that's exactly what you GOT. LGTBQXYZ. It's like a competition of who can be the most outrageous.
ReplyDeleteSome of us are decent people that just happen to be gay and had a hard time dealing with it too. And had nobody either.
@Anonymous 5:07,
ReplyDeleteI think you are making a wide sweeping generalization of the gay society. I have many many gay friends who are professional in both the way they act and in their jobs. I believe it's the "newbies" who are just coming out and discovering BT that are the crazy flamboyant ones. It's an age thing for sure. Those of us who have "been there done that" know about the excitement of coming out and being all "giddy" about it. This is not just the issue in BT, it's the growing/roving number of ghetto thugs coming into the community to take what DOES NOT belong to them because they're too lazy to get a job and earn it, like the people who actually LIVE in BT do. Just like roaches, who go where the scrapes/food is, ghetto thugs go where the money is. They are simply parasites feasting on innocent people. The people who live in BT have the RIGHT to live there and live in a safe community. They've earned it! Part of the problem with SOME people in society is that they have not been raised properly, they have no knowledge of right from wrong, no conscience and NO REMORSE! Blame it on the parents who dropped the ball with these kids who grow up to be ghetto thugs! Don't blame it on the gay community.
Your "suggestion" that perhaps we need to go back in the closet is almost like saying we need to bring back segregation to stop the crime in this city...OMG!
I'm talking about that Boystown strip in general, not the whole gay society across the globe. Actually, it's my Chicago experience in general. It IS just too damn gay here - all over.
ReplyDeleteThere was a comment online about the gays (from a gay) turning two of the bus routes "into a bathhouse - I'm just trying to get to work". I agree. There might be "professionals" here but I haven't met any. I did both inside/outside the bar scene in my hometown.
We weren't that "giddy" when I came out. The point is, these establishments do need to be a little more selective on who they literally let fall into the door (I've seen it) for the sake of the almighty $. You have very few places that do cater to a mature clientele - and that could be the 20-somethings included - BUT again, you don't know if it's a gay bar or a freakshow or another bachelorette party tonight with all the young females. Again, this is almost deserved. You're attracting "anything" here and ya got the "ghetto thugs" along with it too! ($$$$$$$)Don't try to sell me on that Anderonsville either, where the more "settled" gays go. I lived there for 3 years. Those are gay creeps in their 30's,40's,50's who STILL think they're 21. I lived next door to them.
You can rant about the black society in general and the root causes of their problems, I agree in many cases, but that's not the issue anymore. If I needed some extra cash and wanted to clunk somebody over the head, hang out on the sidewalk ALL night being a menace to society at 30+ years old (it's not "youth"), I'd know where to go because it has been tolerated for so long. The "liberalism" and permitted loitering that go along with it here have bit ya in the butt! Some other cities nip that in the bud before it ever becomes a problem. Mardi Gras every weekend is the norm here. It's $$$$ and along with that will come problems.
There are still gay clubs across America that use proper discretion. Goth make-up, 20 rings in your nose, obviously high as hell, group of 13 females? "Private function tonight, sir/ladies". (i.e. the freakshow is a couple of miles down the road - hit it). You won't be able to get a grip on this here, it's too late.
Anonymous @11:37, you are, without a doubt, one of the most cowardly people I've ever had the misfortune of coming across. Please move back to your small town closet, post-haste.
ReplyDeleteYou've got people that in live in BT (or fancy Lakeview East) that don't work either. They're called hustlers. I guess they do "work" actually. Never knew what one was until I moved here. They're in Edgewater too (just a lil older). And they come from places like Hyde Park as well. I love this assumption that all White men over 30 are "rich" in this city, especially in Lakeview. That's what puts you back into the 1960's. "They're" not "feeding on innocent people", they're feeding on stupid people (or try with those they assume to be stupid).
ReplyDeleteThe building next door to this fancy "condo" I'm renting (cuz it wouldn't sell)is a whore house. There are some legit service industry people living there, I see them coming/going or in a restaurant, but there are some other "services" being provided out of there as well. I saw the cops in a bedroom while on my porch. I knew what he was doing. You could see it with your eyes closed. His window was always wide open and he'd wave to me. Friendly guy. He was "working" too alright.
The point is, not everyone is a rich, White professional in Lakeview and not all these "criminals" are Black. There's crime of all sorts here that has been unchecked for so long and it's just attracting more.
I agree that being PC is overrated and underserved. I agree that "liberal dogma" has created this mess BUT it's time to call it as it is and stop pussy footin' around here. I'm sick to tears of it. Prime Minister Cameron had this to say;
ReplyDelete"Gone is "Hug-a-Hoodie" Cameron — a label stuck to him after a speech in July 2006 in which he said antisocial youngsters often needed to feel more love — and in its place is "Hang 'Em High"
And here's another great comment from the Mayor of Philly;
PHILADELPHIA — Mayor Michael A. Nutter, telling marauding black youths “you have damaged your own race,” imposed a tougher curfew Monday in response to the latest “flash mob” — spontaneous groups of teens who attack people at random on the streets of the city’s tourist and fashionable shopping districts.
“Take those God-darn hoodies down, especially in the summer,” Mr. Nutter, the city’s second black mayor, said in an angry lecture aimed at black teens. “Pull your pants up and buy a belt ‘cause no one wants to see your underwear or the crack of your butt.”
I couldn't agree with him more because obviously PC isn't working. What it does is breed more users of society.
I also have to agree with the "almighty $$$$$" being the main goal of some of the businesses in BT and NOT the quality of the clientele. "Working girls & boys" have been around for centuries so that's not going away any time soon BUT the ghetto thugs coming into our neighborhoods(I do not live in BT any longer) is an issue that can and should be a priority. I don't have the answers on how to actually solve the problem but I KNOW continuing to be PC is NOT it! 35 years ago, I didn't worry about these things when I came out. I worried about hate crimes and discrimination against gay people. Now we worry about getting mugged, robbed, knifed, burglarized and shot by ghetto thugs in ALL neighborhoods whether we're gay, straight or any color. This is what being PC has done...not the gay community.
Here is a couple things to reality check on.
ReplyDeleteFirst most of the at risk youth or young adults who are out here on the weekends are either selling drugs to "party white kids" who are hitting up the bars on clark st or on halsted st. They are selling coke to the gay boys on halsted and weed to the straight guys and girls on clark street or by berlin. Now me personally i know a lot of the young adults and at risk people on the streets i do not buy anything from them or whatever but i know who is doing what, since i work from home i am always walking around from like 1-3am so its good to know who is doing what and where so that is why i am not worried about walking around at night time.
Second there is a lot of queens who are turning tricks cruising around trying to pickup dates.
Third ; what do you expect you got the cubs season, bars, festivals and other things until 4-5am on the weekends, 3-4am on the weekdays.
Fourth : Remember what this neighborhood used to be years ago before it turned suburbanites and yuppies from the suburbs and all the townhomes were built and brownstones were built.
Fifth ; the Economy will make people do things they do not normally do it sucks in all aspects but its a endless cycle
Sixth ; most of the stabbings or fights are black on black related and its usually gang or terf related as well with drug territories and drag queen (pimps) or pushers or whatever the case may be.
in closing
the best way to combat something is to see what the source issue is. my thoughts is the bars, festivals and all the nightlife in the area its always going to be around until either A the bars shut down at a normal time like 2am (across the board) or they start putting a giant bandaid on the at risk youth and young adults who are just hanging out or walking around the police doing that early morning beat should know who everyone is and what they are doing as well.
More Entertainment for Younger Demographics
i been trying to propose this a few times there should be a venue or building where at risk young adults and youth can go and have a good time *music wise* or well to get off the streets in some aspect the shelters are crap for them and well the club or venue scene is not in there demographics. You have a 17+ location that can be free for them to come to and dance and have a good time possibly less crime and more time off the streets.