Fed up with the elementary school brawls, one man decided to videotape the children in action.
Ron Mitchell, a member of Chicago's Chatham Connection, a Facebook group, videotaped several young girls fighting outside Arthur Ashe Elementary School, 8505 South Ingleside Avenue.
Because of the constant violence at the school, Mitchell said a concerned parent wanted to patrol the area, but CPS officials apparently refused to let the woman get involved.
"This video was taken in the same area where Ms. Janine Walker wanted to patrol. Ms. Walker wanted to patrol this area, because of the fighting. The students know they can get away from the staff by fighting in this area," said Mitchell.
Mitchell also accused the school's principal of endangering the student's lives by padlocking the school's doors and allowing students to fight in her office.
"...the principal allowing the students to fight in her office... padlocks on the front doors... endangering our children," said Mitchell, in frustration.
According to comments left on the Facebook group's page, a parent-run patrol team, wearing yellow jackets, were supposed to be monitoring the children the day Mitchell filmed the fight outside Arthur Ashe Elementary School.
School fight caught on tape:
This story was sent to us by Chicago News Report reader, Joe Lake.
Since we can't make any type of relevant comments (see rules above) - Have a Nice day :-)
ReplyDeleteCORRECTION: See Rules Below
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they are imitating what they see in their section 8 homes.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of sad little critters. It looks like they should spend more time grooming and less time fighting. I have a feeling most of them are functioning illiterates anyway. Maybe they can earn a living as pro-wrestlers.
ReplyDeleteRacists are so shortsighted. All children are prone to fighting. These children need more supervision and guidance; that's all! If the principal at Arthur Ashe is really padlocking the front doors --- that is a fire code violation.
ReplyDeleteNo, not all children are "prone to fighting". Children model their behaviors after the adults in their lives. It is said that there is not a positive and healthy outlet for these young women, but the responsibility, first and foremost, belongs to the parents.
ReplyDeleteBut how can we expect some parents to raise their children right when they themselves are poorly socialized and violent? Is this where the state comes in and saves they day?
If the state has to babysit your litter, you have no business giving birth to puppies.
ReplyDeleteGee, that's really a place one would want to send their children to. Just blame the principal, the teachers, society, everyone else but the actual ones committing these acts along with their so-called parents. This is what your tax money is buying, folks.
ReplyDeleteInherently violent. Get it?
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like the videographer wants the teachers and staff to come out and referee these fights.
ReplyDeleteThen, someone can videotape the teacher putting their hands on a student and they can sue or they can be attacked by a relative.
The real question is where are the parents??
OMG! When will the black community STOP blaming EVERYONE for their children's behavior? This is clearly a parental issue...or lack of one.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line here is that this video is disguisting on various levels. The fighting is unacceptable by the kids but why didn't anyone call the police? Why is there no evidence that CPS security, district office, CPD, CAPS, Alderman Michelle Harris, etc were ever contacted. The only thing here is a witch hunt for the principal. If she is not doing her job she absolutely she be fired, but if she has egotistical parents who can't accept their egos bruised then she needs CPS legal department to assist her.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, as a Chatham resident, I question the motives of the the person who took the video and of your reporter who appears to have an ulterior motive for submitting this story. It appears no one here is interested in the education of children but sensationalism for the their own personal gain.
Does anyone else feel sorry for those people stuck in traffic behind this? Even the cameraman thats theoretically "opposed" to what is going on, is just walking down the middle of the street RIGHT IN FRONT OF CARS. People driving at that time of the morning are probably going to work. No wonder people with jobs leave your community, you are forcing them to navigate an obstacle courses at 7AM...
ReplyDeleteFor the posting of this excellent article and more about the Arthur Ashe Elementary School in Chicago's East Chatham Neighborhood, go to Facebook page 'Chicago's Chatham Connection. Joe Lake, Chicago
ReplyDeleteHow about you put down the camera and help break up the fight if you're so worried about it?? I noticed quite a few adults just standing around watching this all go down and not one of them did a darn thing. Blame everyone else is the motto, I guess.
ReplyDeleteMorals, conflict resolution, manners... All things that should be taught at home from a young age. Hmm...
ReplyDeleteWhy can't the kids fight in a gym or boxing ring?