Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said at Saint Sabina Church

During a recent visit to Father Michael Pfleger's St. Sabina Catholic Church, 1210 West 78th Street, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said some things he probably wishes he could take back.

From one side of his mouth he told the predominately black congregation the Chicago Police Department cannot arrest their way out of crime. Instead, it would take the moral authority of the community to stop the violence in Chicago's crime ridden neighborhoods, said McCarthy.

Then, after declaring he is not afraid to talk about race, McCarthy said, "When I was growing up, the three biggest problems were gangs, guns, and drugs. Does that sound familiar?” “Yes”, chanted the audience.

“A big component of this is race. Let’s see if we can make a connection here. Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What do they all have in common? Government sponsored racism,” said McCarthy.

Mmm… What is he trying to say?


  1. Sounds like a pandering jerk, a politician playing to the audience in front of him. My first gut reaction is that he's a self-promoting phony.
    The new mayor is wearing out his welcome fairly quickly as people start to size up what it is that we may have saddled ourselves with.

  2. "Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What do they all have in common? Government sponsored racism,” said McCarthy."

    As long as people continue to live by an awful PAST part of history, it will continue to breed hatred and that hatred will be past down generation to generation. I love the way this "player" doesn't say a word about the efforts made to end slavery, Black codes and the Jim crow know that silly Civil War that caused the loss of over 62,000 young men, the Union states against the Confederate states because the SOUTH didn't want to give up their slaves. Funny he couldn't mention John Brown who lost his sons and other men trying to get weapons to arm the slaves, oh yea, did I mention he was white? And Let's not forget Abraham Lincoln.

    Slavery is STILL alive and well in many European countries today, including AFRICA. Why do the blacks in our country, the country THEY also live in, continue to use this as an excuse for their continuing criminal activity and plight? It's one thing to not forget but it's a whole other thing to let it cause you to continue to blame the whites. I wasn't born than, neither were my parents, I didn't do this and only know of it through history classes. I am not a part of that and neither are the commenters on this blog or the rest of america for that matter. All those people are DEAD!

    When you continue to use what this "Chief" talked about, you live in the PAST.

    Now, ANY and ALL peoples who inflict their HATRED upon innocent people are GHETTO THUGS and do not deserve ANY symphony or compassion. They live their lives in HATRED and ALL of the WHITE people who DIED to free the slaves, ALL died in vain!

    It's way past the time to move past this and McCarthy was just being a "player" in the presence of the black community by bringing all that up. Shame on his ass!

  3. Pfleger is a joke! As far as McCarthy, he is worst than Weiss in my opinion. He need to take his ass back to Jersey and go exercise with The Situation.

  4. " go exercise with The Situation....LMBO! Good one Skokie:)

  5. He'll collect his $150K+/annually, accomplish nothing, do the Chicago "pay to play" game, use a connection to get hired as the Compton or Detroit police chief for $500K/annually, do nothing,talk more crap, retire with a paid crib in Carmel in 5 years. And Walmart is a concern here?

  6. So next time there's a crime committed near St. Sabina, Superintendent McCarthy can go back to the neighborhood and can ask his new friends if they saw anything.

    What do you think their answer will be??

  7. "What do you think their answer will be??...those 3 monkeys come to

  8. That dude stepped in it ---- BIG TIME! OUCH!

  9. Typical Democrat union-punk. Whiny little b!tch pandering to retarded race-victims.

  10. Mr. McCarthy why don't the Chicago police stop carrying guns if these machines are so racist? Just blame the crime problems on guns instead of telling the African American congregation that you need to raise your kids with better moral values.Why not tell the African American congregation that it is immoral to have more children than you can afford to feed? Why not tell the the African American congregation to be responsible for your own people and stop blaming others for your own failures. I guess you would not be very popular if you spoke the actual truth. Illinois needs concealed carry of handguns to protect the law abiding citizens from the non law abiding criminals who already carry guns regardless if it is illegal. Actually if you went to college and studied history Mr. McCarthy then you would have learned the exact opposite of what you are saying is the truth which is that LAWS BANNING OWNERSHIP OF GUNS WERE RACIST BECAUSE THEY USED TO DENY BLACKS THE RIGHTS OF SELF DEFENSE AND GUN OWNERSHIP AFTER THE CIVIL WAR! but I understand you never went to college or studied history.

  11. That speech s/b made in Rahm's church. Not doing do is blaming Pfleger congregation directly.

    Sounds like Rev. Wright. If McCarthy made that stmt. anywhere else wouldn't he be terminated?

  12. Liberal policies which promote government entitlements rather than individual responsibility .. which promote the racial divide by emphasizing racial inequalities ...which promote anti-life and anti-marriage agendas .. which push young adults to prepare for academic liberal studies when many are at a point in their life when they need authentic job-skill preparation ... which promote anything goes morality in every textbook, tv show, music video, and film ... Look into the mirror Chicago Police Superintendent Gary McCarthy and see where true racism originates ..

  13. Chicago deserves McCarthy.

  14. Is he saying blacks are to ignorent to figure out they shouldn't kill? I would be highly insulted by this comment no matter what race I was. He should be fired for these remarks!!!!

  15. I don't know if Garry McCarthy actually cares about the black community or black race; rather he may be pandering to the audience for political and personnel advancement.

  16. It is really sad that most people in this country are ignorant to the historical legacy of race politics in this country. the Super is correct.
    institutionalized racism is as much a part of the fabric of this nation, as apple pie.
    It is sad when you cannot see the connection, when the truth is spoken, by a leader in one of the Law enforcement institutions that are rampant with racist policies.
    It is in Chicago where a police detective was just convicted for torturing murder confessions from several black man languishing on death row, from crimes they did not commit,
    having the Gov Ryan release several men from death row.
    This nation is built on Genocide of the red man and the free labor of the Black man.
    It cannot and will not change over night and we better get out of denial.

  17. This guy Garry McCarthy is currently involved in creating a reign of terror throughout the city of Chicago by turning loose his nazi storm troopers on the streets of Chicago with the message to take back the streets by any means necessary. The police are literally terrifying anybody who doesn't bow down to them, and if you don't bow down to them, they'll shoot you down.


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