Thursday, June 16, 2011

VIDEO: Alleged thugs assault, kick man off Red Line

Two men confront CTA passenger. 
Two men threatened a CTA passenger with violence, then forcibly ejected the commuter from the train.

The unwelcome passenger, who was crying and singing loudly, appeared to be mentally impaired.

It's unclear when the incident occurred, but the footage was uploaded to YouTube on June 14, 2011.

At one point in the video, one of the so-called thugs stood on top of a seat, raised his leg, and appeared to be threatening to kick the unstable man in the face.

The other suspect, who was wearing a white jacket with black designs, told his accomplice not to hurt the man.

When the train reached the SOX-35th Street station at 142 West 35th Street, both men grabbed the unwanted passenger and threw him off the train.

As the train pulled away, the ejected passenger appeared to sob.


  1. the victim was clearly mentally disabled. sad that the assailants had nothing better to do than to mess with this dude. he was being annoying, but as far as i can see, that's it...there wasn't anyone even around him. i also like how they're trying to make him get off the train while it's still moving. who made these guys the CTA police?

  2. These low life scums are pathetic. Even the big mouth girls in the background. I'll bet their parents are so proud of them! I hope they catch them and arrest them!

  3. Mentally ill people are often mistreated, and statistically speaking, they are really mistreated in the black community. African-Americans generally have no sympathy for the mentally impaired.

    The so-called men in that video are angry, aggressive, bullies.

  4. where did that come from Tim, african americnas generally don't care about the mentally impaired. Whites mistreat mentally inpaired worse than anyone and you know it. what is beating inside of you to have pure hatred for blacks.but believe me, none is thinking about you and you can't even sleep at night because you want to have a story to tell about a black person, so sad.

  5. Tim obviously has no statistics to back up his wild claim that "African-Americans generally have no sympathy for the mentally impaired," other than his "gut feeling" on the matter.

    Even when the crime is clearly not racially motivated, Tim finds a way to spin it so that is.

  6. That came straight from the mouths of other black people.

    Listen to this BLACK doctor address this issue:

    Here's an article from Ebony magazine. A black publication:

    Here's an article from NPR. The topic was hosted by Ed Gordon, a black journalist:

  7. Tim, did you actually read the articles you cited? If you did, you wouldn't have linked them. Go ahead. I'll wait while you figure out your error.

  8. Each one of those articles talks about the stigmatism of mental illness in the black community. I suggest you take the time to actually read them.

  9. Timothy, it's useless to put up FACTS to back up what you say for a people who are clearly in denial about their part in poor behavior. It's much easier to NOT read the articles or believe the statistics than to own their part. This is quite evident in the comments from the "Anonymous" people.

    PS. I listened/read all three articles and you are spot on:)

  10. "Timothy, it's useless to put up FACTS to back up what you say for a people who are clearly in denial about their part in poor behavior."

    I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are implying I am black, you are wrong. Four of my great grandparents were from Norway. The other four from Sweden and Germany. I am as white as white can get.

    As for Tim's deliberate (at least I hope it is deliberate) attempt to twist the meaning of "stigmatize" to "abuse," I have no other comment.

  11. i wish that wasn't me thrown off.poor me.

  12. who is that like three people out of how many? it would be better saying that mentally impaired can and are mistreated by people, (black, white or whatever)who have the ability and power to do so. Get Real

  13. I unfortunately have been subjected to poor black behavior my whole life, as a group they are the most homophobic, prejudiced about anything different people I have ever met.
    And the simple matter of the fact is most blacks are open to the whole "down-low" experience, their homophobia is amazing considering how many black males would easily have sex with another man anyways.

  14. they are down with it now because it has been forced on them and all young kids everywhere and it came from whites

  15. I have seen blacks hit on senior citizens and tell them they're sexy, it is revolting

  16. they are down with it now because it has been forced on them and all young kids everywhere and it came from whites because blacks cant think for themselves.

  17. it is revolting that im not a black sexy senior citizen.chili pepper please

  18. you can't think for yourself and you know it

  19. i can't think for myself and i know it


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