Monday, June 6, 2011

Dvonte Sykes, Trovolus Pickett, Derodte Wright charged with downtown mob action attacks & Streeterville robberies

Left to right: Dvonte Sykes, Trovolus Pickett, Derodte Wright. Photo credit: CPD. 

Police have released photos of three of the seven suspects who were arrested in connection with a string of beatings and robberies in downtown Chicago.

Dvonte Sykes and Trovolus Pickett, both 17, and 18-year-old Derodte Wright, were taken into custody Saturday, June 4, 2011, after several people were beaten and robbed in Chicago's downtown Streeterville neighborhood.

Police believe the arrestees, who were allegedly involved with a gang of 15 to 20 black youths, participated in four attacks.

So far, authorities have confirmed a man was beaten and robbed on the 600 or 700 block of North Lake Shore Drive, along the lakefront.

Another man was struck with a baseball, knocked to the ground, punched, and kicked across the street from Northwestern University's Wieboldt Hall campus at 339 East Chicago Avenue.

And according to Chicago Breaking news, a third man was beaten and robbed while sitting on a bench in Streeterville.

For nearly a year, African-American flash mob gangs have been a huge problem in Streeterville, the Gold Coast, and the Magnificent Mile.

Until recently, most of the mob violence has gone unreported by the mainstream media.


  1. Oh, Lawdy! They all be honors students getting their lives turned around. The police just don't understand!

  2. Let's read their eyes from left to right: Smoking weed. Smoking weed. I'm gonna kick your fuggin ass.

  3. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJune 6, 2011 at 5:08 AM

    I can't believe someone actually wasted their time pushing these "misguided teens" through their birth-canal! Should've had a V-8 instead!

  4. After a few years the Tribune finally broke down and came close to giving a fuller report about what has been going on. Couldn't keep censoring the presence of an elephant in the living room, I suppose.
    They report that police "stressed" these gang attacks have been happening in other states. I wonder why they "stressed" it. That makes it less bad for us?
    The gang beat a 68 yr old as well as a Japanese tourist, among others. These creeps harm our reputation overseas as well as harm people physically.
    Next step is for the mass media to report the actual scale of these mass wildings, involving hundreds, not dozens, of blacks, and how long it's been going on.
    Call these crimes what they really are: race based hate crimes.

  5. This comment is for fed up with black criminals, who are to say that someone wasted their time having their children.You should not have been pushed through your mammy's birth canal or your mother through your grandmother's and so on. You are probably your grandfathers child anyway. I'm fed up with white people thinking they own this world and how they feel counts. you are all useless and wortheless to me. I hate looking at you walking, on the bus kissing your filthy dogs in the mouth. it is no pleasure at least for me to be in the poresence of any white person and believe me the way you feel about blacks, triple that feeling for me and the way I feel about you lowly maggaots.

  6. I will pray for my brothers. None of them have a chance in this society as long as you white people are around. The plan is to lock up these young brothers because your own filthy race is dying out. Yes, you are not even blond hair and blue eyes anymore unless you bleach your hair. You are "negros" dead.

  7. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJune 6, 2011 at 8:11 AM

    Um, who said I am white? And what do white people have to do with black criminals traveling to nice civilized areas and acting like fools on steroids? Honey, grow up!

    Keep your toxic garbage in your own CHA HOOD! I pay too much money to rub elbows with lowlife scum-sucking CPS drop outs.

    I bet Dvonte Sykes, Trovolus Pickett, and Derodte Wright are so dumb... they can't even spell the word stupid.

    Their mothers should be very proud! NOT!

  8. Black on white crime? Charge them all with hate crimes too. The other commenters only prove this point.

  9. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJune 6, 2011 at 8:20 AM

    Everyone knows these downtown mob beatings are racially motivated, racist attacks on white people. If that's not the case, then why don't those black thugs stay in the ghetto and beat up each other?

  10. "Yes, you are not even blond hair and blue eyes anymore unless you bleach your hair. You are "negros" dead.:...Ah, let's not go there. I see many, many black women with "blonde" hair. I see many many black women wanting their hair all straight instead of wearing their natural look, so let's not go there. It's stupid. You HATE white people? Who do you think gives you ALL the freebies you get from the government? The great proportion are WHITE! It's not the white people going into the black neighborhoods and perpetrating violence on YOU. If you Hate white people than why live in predominately white neighborhoods? Why come shopping or dining in predominately white neighborhoods? These ghetto thugs mug, beat, rob and burglarize predominately white people, the very people who support black people. How stupid are you to bite the hand that feeds you?! If your intention is to start racial tensions, you're doing a good job. Again, How stupid are you?! I'm sure there are many other cities who would take you so don't let the city door hit you in the ass on the way out. Oh wait, you get too many freebies here....

    Why can't you ghetto thugs look for examples in your culture to emulate? There are thousands of them who contribute to and participate in society. Why are you always spewing hatred and "poor me" "society never gave me a chance" . That's an excuse for your inadequacies and laziness. How pathetic!

    These ghetto thugs deserve what they get and should be charged with HATE CRIMES. What a bunch of hypocrites the black community is!

  11. We need stronger more prominent news coverage of gang attacks on innocent people on our public streets. This last weekend, the television coverage of these incidents was abt 30 seconds! This is a serious crime affecting any citizen walking down the street even in daylight.

    Why is the news coverage of these mob attacks so weak and dilute??

  12. I am the one to go there with you, believe that. I see those women with colored hair, while many of them are messed up in the head from being exposed to the wickedness of white people,i don't blame them. I blame the filthy monster that created this situation. Yes, you white grandfaters. Your white fathers, who strategically put guns in black communites, no resources, no money for schools and then say we have a problem. Damn right, i hate White People and i don't hide it. Freebies! as soon as you clowns think someone is going to take something away from you, you scream and holler or kill yourself.I would not only bite the hand that feeds me, if it is a white hand, i would cut it off and shove down whitey's filthy throat. Oh no, I'm not going anywhere, pack your bags and go and take all the dog face white people with you. You sound like fool, i am laughing you because what you speak is nonsense and you know it. what i say can be proven by facts. You act as if the whites who are in "power' as you say are there because they are good or some s... they are there because the history of all those before them have been about violence, taking what they want, killing and raping even their own children. You are sick. I never said poor me, screw you. no hand-outs baby doll, come again.

  13. The originators of mob violence on SINGLE victims is the KKK!!! To burst into someone's home to kidnap, castrate, mutilate and hang a Black male then stand around toasting lemonade cups is the ultimate of animal behavior. One difference, the Klan (note even the illiteracy of the spelling)is cowardly enough to hide while "wilding" in the name of racial superiority. You breed and treat people like animals, that's what comes back. We are all paying for the sins and misdeeds of our forefathers. Even you!

  14. out of darkness comes great things, remember that. Anyway, i know how your mind works and remeber you can only be preoared when you know the attack is coming so you may be the one with a feeding tube and weraing diapers. what is your animal behavior now? you think it has changed. you know your self that white people are BEAST and what the black person does (some) the are imitating what has been handed down. You people have not start paying like you will but it is coming. I believe that, that's one thing we agree on. whites are the originators of everything bad. No culture, no nothing, everything stolen from every place else. i could go on but I will leave you to think about the filthiness of white people including yourself. you are dying out even if blacks are killing blacks everyday, YOU are dying and wasting away. maybe when you are gone for good, God will it, we can get back to our natural selves and forget these beastlike ways that have been given to us. you people are like filthy rags, disgusting. don't come to me with no white man biblical stuff either. keep your ugly a.. god with his dirty blond hair, nasty lice infested beard and scary eyes.

  15. fed up with black criminals, listen to this, i beleive you are white but if you are not, who gives a f.... you probably have been rejected by blacks and you run to white people for comfort and they let you sit around them while they ask you questions and laugh at your dumb a... if you are black and make comments like that, you are nothing but a piece of low life rotted out cow not worthy to exist. don't say nothing else. walk to the beach and bury yourself, i'm sure no one will miss you and one of your good white friends can bring his dog to piss in your face while you are lying there.

  16. you will lead your ownself to destruction, you are already are. Pay attention.

  17. Dear readers, please watch the profanity, the name calling, and the thinly veiled racial remarks. If this continues, your comments will be screened.

  18. Uneducated, hateful, living in the past, can't spell for crap and more than likely unemployed. This is the 21st century you idiot. MOST of us weren't born when that crap went on. You're probably a ghetto thug because you sure aren't an example to your community or culture. You should do your community and culture a favor and take yourself out of the gene pool. Heaven help ANY child you have or might have. SO pathetic! How old are you...10? Do your parents know how you talk????

  19. Mr. Fitz,
    Your report says the “youths” used a bat on the Northwestern University victim, and NBC is reporting that one of the attackers threw a baseball at his face. Can you clarify?

  20. Castellan, initial reports indicated someone threw a baseball bat at the victim. Now it is being reported the victim was struck with a baseball, not a bat.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  21. when I saw the headline I knew this thread would be heated. but these black criminals and can hurt my friend, but you want to screen comments because these gang bangers family and friends are probably on here trying to defend them? Totally not fair dude

  22. If your going to delete my comments CNR, then delete some of the above comments as well. This is exactly why nobody comments on ChicagoBreakingNews anymore because freedom of speech is not respected.

    Is this a personal attack against Skokie Swift? If so, let me know. If i'm no longer wanted here, then I can gladly join another community!

  23. The ignorance of these youths is the saddest part about this story. Their grandparents fought for civil rights, these kids dont think about all of the negative impact these crimes have on our society and the precewption of their culture. The best part of being you is a summer job, and teenage love...not gang banging and mob robbing. progress comes with parental control and eductaion.

  24. towanda, i gave you an earfull but they would not post it. i know i struck a nerve and i am glad about that. you hate the truth but you will hear it anyway.

  25. It just scares me that innocent people are being attacked and hurt for no apparent reason. It doesn't matter to me that the criminals are black or white, what matters is that they think they have the right to behave this way. Unfortunatley they have gone down the wrong path for the future of their lives. It is synergystic with those that are going around the city stealing smartphones, all for a $199 device. There is too much evil in this world and hope I am never a victim of this type of crime.

  26. What is up with these names? Are parents just pulling letters out of a hat now?

    Y'know, I know pretty well that the whole ghetto thug culture was actually created by rich white people who want blacks, poor whites and others to destroy themselves from the inside. And it is working pretty damn well. The enemies of democracy, not all of them foreign, will take this country without a shot thanks to this dystopian present where most are only concerned with entertainment and trivial issues.

  27. McDonalds Job: 35 hrs. a week x $8.00/hr. = $280/wk or about $1000/month after taxes.

    Stealing a used IPod as a member of a mob: $150 divided by 15 people= $10 per person.

    $1000/month divided by $10 = 100

    So, the average mob mugger needs to rob at least 100 people, who all have IPods, and never get caught just to equal what a hard working McDonalds employee receives legally.

    Crime really doesn't pay.

  28. Chicago Kid.... Brilliant analogy! There's just one problem. You have to want to earn REAL money, have discipline to do that, follow the rules and most of all, get up and go to your job.

  29. God i hate black people, All they know how to do is rob.

  30. what do white people do?

  31. This is exactly why nobody comments on ChicagoBreakingNews anymore because freedom of speech is not respected.

    Nobody is infringing on Freedom of Speech - this is a privately owned forum and the owners can delete your speech (and mine) as they see fit, there is no infringement on your right to free speech. Just because you feel your views are valid doesn't mean they are, or more importantly, that blog administrators feel they are valid.

  32. Derodte Wright is a beautiful man. It's too bad he did not have an opportunity to become a top-paid model. I am sure he would have made a lot of money. Money is the most important thing in the world. This is why these thugs attacked innocent Asians. Asians have lots of money. If Oprah were still on the air she could do a whole show about this.

  33. Well now "Derodte" is gonna be a "pretty" boy in prison. Oh, and maybe a "model" too.

    "This is why these thugs attacked innocent Asians.". what a silly statement. You got your facts where? This was clearly a hate crime and that should be added to the charges as well.

  34. the demand for black models is pretty much in the tank...they cant even sell black dolls. Go to a salvation army someday - the shelves are lined with them. The writing is on the wall and these CHA crack spawn have hit the boiling point.

  35. @Anonymous June 6, 2011 10:51 AM:
    That was the most unintelligent, rambling psychobabble I have ever read...White people have no culture? They "Stole" it from everyone else? Perhaps you're right and we Stole all of it from africa - that's why there's none left? Haha - you can't steal culture like you steal an iPod....Next time you think of charging a wigger with stealing hip-hop culture, remember where your idea of wearing clothing actually came from.

  36. i see the staff is being selctive in what they print again. it's funnu because you whites are on here saying all sorts of racial comments and I did it back and you cannot handle it. The last comment, psychobabble, you know is the truth. Tell me, what is your history? where did you come from? who can whites be traced back to?

  37. Black, White, Brown it makes no dif to me. There is "trash" in every race. I can only hope the Mayan's were right... We need some population termination right about now. There are too many God-Damn people on this planet anyway.

  38. for all of you that are bringing race into the situation here are the facts! BLACKS MUGGING PEOPLE MOSTLY WHITE! Bottom line... So is it racist no it is the FACT, even with affirmative action blacks still cant hold their own. Although every other foreigner can come to this country and make a living with english as their 2nd language. The excuse of blaming whitey is getting old and becoming extinct...

  39. All of the comments above make me said to be a human being. I weep for the future of humanity! All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for perpetuating such hatred!

  40. Affirmative action is dead becase greedy white want that to though you have been given rather took everything. I agree with the last person, this is sad and i have left plenty of comments talking about white people but i am not ashamed. if you are going to report crimes then report crimed but don't use this as a place to plan on killing blacks with bats, concealed weapons and all the other things. Like i said, no matter what, blacks, good or bad, are my brothers and sisters and I will take up for them regardless. The truth is we all have a chance of something happening to us so i pay attention to everything and everybody, blacks, whites, dogs, cats does not matter. There is no future for humanity, it's a wrap. there is to much hatred and corruption and ONLY GOD can fix it not rahm emmanuel or his crew.

  41. Praying for you young warriors

  42. Praying for you young warriors to join me in the sewer

  43. We didn't do nuffins ya'll be rayciss crackas

  44. funny that language you are speaking was forced on blacks because they were killed if they learned how to read and write but i don't know anyone who talks like that. will you introduce them to me?

  45. i went to school with the one on the right. Mark Sheridan Academy...a great/rich white,asian,black, school but i guess he didnt follow the trend of that school. everybody that went to that school goes to a great high school i.e. whitney young,lane tech, morgan park, and king

  46. Derodte isnt just a handsome young man, he's a bright and intelligent young man who happen to be walking while black. Im no racist, but lets face it people we all know this is not about race. Its about politics and classism. Our new mayor and police chief used this horrific incident as an opportunity to boost their own careers. I will say that this is the sort of thing happens all over the U.S. Young black men get charged rediculous bonds for crimes they didnt do. For those that are so happy to see these young men lives get turned up side down,(which are prodominately white individuals) it only shows what we (African Americans) already know. I think the police need to do their jobs more effective and stop picking any black youth they see to build a case and save their own a**. The media should stop making this such a high profile case because, though this was a unfortunate incident it doesnt warrant $200-$300 thousand dollar bonds. NO ONE WAS SERIOUSLY HURT!!!You would think these youth committed murder because they are certainly been charged like they are!

  47. Let them go there are just kids

  48. What a bunch of garbage. You blacks are the dumbest race of people to have ever lived. You blame the whites for all your troubles. If it wasn't for the whites you scum low lives would still be in africa chasing rabbits. Every thing you touch, you destroy. Everywhere you live become a third world. You think every rule made by the whites are a rule to be broken. The only rule you know is to rob,steal,kill. You are like cock roaches. You invade where you're not wanted. You need to be exterminated.You are the cancer on society.

  49. How long will white people be blamed for the demise of a whole race of people. Think about how stupidly insane that really is. People are responsible for their own actions period!
    We now have a black president for Gods sake, black people are succsefull in all kinds of areas. Theres even the affimative action crap that gives not only so called equel rights but in fact special rights, and theres still the blame whitey mentality. Wake Up morons!


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