Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rahm Emanuel Wins - New Mayor of Chicago!

Rahm Emanuel: New Mayor of Chicago.

If you have been following the Board of Election poll numbers, you already know who the new Mayor of Chicago is - Rahm Emanuel.

As of 8:41 p.m., Emanuel had 290,872 votes to Gery Chico's 128,873. That's a 161,999 lead. As I typed this article, word was spreading that Chico was about to give his concession speech.

Around 8 p.m., the Associated Press made the prediction that Rahm Emanuel would win the 2011 Chicago mayoral race. 

"Rahm Emanuel, a former congressman who worked for two presidents, was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday, a victory that marks a new path for a city that has, for 22 years, been led by a singular, powerful force, Richard M. Daley," said the AP.


  1. "It's a good good night"! My ward guy won hands down as well. Seems people are fed up with negative ads, which I think effected Gery Chico. He shouldn't have started it, perhaps he would have gotten more votes but I never thought he could win anyway, even though I liked him, I liked Rahm more.

  2. Truthfully, I didn't like any of the candidates. I liked the idea of having a woman for mayor, but a worthy candidate failed to show up.

  3. Hard to follow in Jane Byrne's footsteps:)

  4. Oh, no! I'm no fan of Jane Byrne! LOL! So let me clarify my statement.

    From a leadership perspective, I felt Chicago could benefit from a strong, capable female mayor.

    Based on my personal business experiences, women are usually more progressive thinkers; they usually know how to think outside the box to get things done. Women leaders also bring a certain sensibility to the table, that most men lack. These elements, in my opinion, usually make women optimal leaders.

  5. Jane Byrne was a good mayor. :)

    It's time for Emporer Emanuel. :)

  6. Tsk Tsk Timothy, Not a Jane Byrne fan? Whoa! Shocking and surprising. I knew what you meant about women in politics but just had to throw Jane in there:) I loved her!

  7. Towanda, I was a child when Byrne was in office. So, when I say I'm not a fan, it doesn't mean I necessarily dislike her - it means I don't really know anything about her.

    Since you guys seem to think Byrne was a wonderful mayor, I am going to keep an open mind and do some homework of her political legacy.

    To be continued....

  8. Read her book "My Chicago" it's great:)

    Oops, I forgot you were a youngster than Timothy...oh to be that again:)


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