Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chicago mayoral election updates

Today is the day! Chicagoans will elect their first new mayor in more than 20 years. So far, Rahm Emanuel has a solid lead, with Gery Chico trailing in the distance with less than half of the number of votes garnered by Emanuel.

As this highly publicized and greatly anticipated election continues, Chicago News Report will update this article with the latest polling numbers as the information rolls in.

Here's the most current information on the race for Mayor of Chicago:

7:43 p.m. -- 481,234 ballots have been cast. According to the Chicago Board of Elections, there are 1,406,037 registered voters.

Mayoral candidate, Rahm Emanuel has a solid lead of 262,171 votes; 54.87% of the vote.

Gery J. Chico is in second place with 117,312 votes; 24.55% of the vote.

8:05 p.m. -- Carole Mosely Bruan, 43,635 votes; Patricia Van Pelt Watkins, 7,960 votes; and William Walls, 4,449 votes; are last in line in the race for mayor.

8:15 p.m. -- 509,961 ballots have been cast. Emanuel strengthens his lead with 55.03% percent of the vote. Gery Chico is in second place with 24.26%. The remaining mayoral candidates have less than 10% of the vote.

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