Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama’s 2011 State of the Union Address: Worst of Recession is Over

During President Obama’s January 25, 2011, State of the Union Address, the beleaguered leader said he is committed to freezing  government spending for the next five years. However, that promise was limited to domestic spending and may be subject to creative mathematics.

Under Obama’s plan, community action programs, tort reform, and the “permanent extension” of tax cuts for America’s most wealthiest citizens, would be tweaked in order to reduce America’s debt.

After declaring the worst part of the recession is over, Obama proclaimed his administration’s actions to reduce our deficit will not target our most “vulnerable citizens". Then with a straight face, our fearless leader promised to remove any roadblocks that stand in the way of small business growth.

Truthfully, the President's pro-small-business-stance completely contradicts his new health care laws. But hey! Let's not be picky!   

Medicare and Medicaid are the biggest contributors to our debt, said Obama. Oddly, the president failed to mention the amount of tax dollars spent on America’s needless wars. Too bad the speech writer failed to work that bit of information into Obama's shtick.

And even though the President said the government should make sacrifices too; he never said what those sacrifices were. There was no mention of cutting politicians' salaries and making them pay for their own health care.

As far I’m concerned, this was an empty campaign speech - void of any substance or a real strategy to create jobs. Obama's words were all frosting and no cake.

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