Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year’s Day CTA Blue Line Bomb Scare

At 6:50 p.m., I received information that police and the Chicago Arson Bomb Unit are investigating a bomb threat on the CTA Blue Line.

The alleged bomber is a white a man in his thirties, 5’10” with a medium build, wearing a black knitted hat and a dark blue jacket. Reportedly, the man is carrying an explosive device in a black backpack. This information was given to authorities by a 911 caller.

According to police, the offender is riding a Forest Park bound Blue Line train. He boarded the train at the Jackson Blue Line station at 328 S. Dearborn Street. One source said the alleged bomber is riding on car number 2228.

Police are working quickly to locate the suspect and they are communicating with CTA officials. At 7:02 p.m., police were notified that the Blue Line train carrying the alleged suspect is being held at the Pulaski Blue Line station at 530 South Pulaski Road.

I checked CTA’s website for service delays. As of 7:10 p.m., no CTA alerts have been posted.


  1. What's with all the bomb scares lately?

  2. towanda, I don't know. I was thinking the same thing. Either someone is doing a dress rehearsal, or someone thinks it's funny to phone in phony bomb threats. Either way, it's disturbing.


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