Thursday, November 11, 2010

Man Beaten on CTA Green Line in Austin

A CTA employee called police after a passenger was assaulted at a Green Line “L” station.

The attack occurred around 2 a.m., at the Central, Green Line stop at 350 North Central Avenue, in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood.

Reportedly, the battery victim refused medical services and was afraid to leave the train station.

A motive for the attack and a description of the offender or offenders, was not provided.


  1. It seems to me that there is an great increase of crime going on on the CTA trains. I think the CTA reducing the buses is just wrong. There is strength in numbers and on the various trains, one is a sitting duck. The #147 out of downtown, stops running at 10:35,even on the weekends. The #151 is basically a "tour bus" that takes forever. If the citizens of Chicago want to attend any events going on downtown, we have to leave early in order to catch a bus out of downtown. If we don't catch a bus, we have to take the red line, where crime is up and we are sitting ducks. It's like the CTA has put a curfew on the citizens in order to get a bus you have to leave any event before it's over. Curfew indeed!. How pathetic! I have sent the CTA many many emails of complaint about the reduced bus schedules out of downtown. Their answer, "take the red line". No thank you. I don't care to be a sitting duck for the loser thugs who prey on the citizens of this city. The CTA also says they have added more security on the trains, really? Anyone see "added security"? Sadly, the city is failing it's citizens and so is the CTA.

  2. towanda, I haven't taken the train in years! In the late 80's, there used to be a group of 10 or 12 thugs who would board the trains armed with knives and razor blades. They would surround their victim, cut their pockets or purse straps, rob them (sometimes assault them), and get off at the next stop. The whole event would take about 35 seconds.

    You have to remember, this was long before everyone had a cell phone. So you were literally stuck on a train, several feet off the ground, with dangerous criminals, and no way to call for help!

    If I have to go downtown, I take the 151, 36 Broadway, 22 Clark bus or a cab.

  3. Truly Timothy, I try to avoid the train at all costs because, like I said, there's strength in numbers and the buses have that covered. The #147 is my bus although I do take the #151 & #36 sometimes. My entertainment for the day comes from the 151 & 36.
    I do think we need to get a petition started for the CTA to put the bus schedules back where they were or at least extend them a hour or 2 so we DON'T have to take the train. Leave the trains to the thugs and let them rob & violate each other! I'm thinking the movie "Escape from New York" has the right idea;)


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