Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cook County Inmates Get $1000 Apiece in 55 Million Dollar Strip-search Settlement

Just in time for the holidays! Cook County taxpayers are about to get a $45 million dollar bill under their Christmas trees, and make 400,000 litigants very happy. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010, Cook County commissioners gave the green-light to a $55 million dollar settlement in a lawsuit against the Cook County Jail for illegal strip-searches.

The complaint alleges that between 2004 and 2009, male prisoners were strip-searched as a form of punishment and as a way to sexually demean them. Furthermore, the lawsuit purports that the searchers were done without probable cause. In 2009, a federal jury deemed the strip-searches unconstitutional.

45 million of the 55 million dollar settlement will be paid by Cook County taxpayers, the other 10 million will be picked up by the county's insurance carrier.

An estimated 400,000 complainants stand to profit from the settlement. Each of them could walk away $1000 richer.

While some Chicagoans have taken the position that the judicial system shouldn't reward “criminals“, I see things differently. If it weren't for the unconstitutional actions of the officers at the Cook County Jail, there would be no lawsuit and no settlement.

Every time someone with legal authority operates outside the scope of their employment, and decides to violate someone's civil rights - who gets the bill? We do. So, if you’re going to be upset, be angry with the right people.

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