Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3 People Shot at Wrigleyville/Lakeview Taco Bell

Around 12:30 a.m., three people were shot near the intersection of North Clark Street and West Addison Street, at the Wrigelyville/Lakeview Taco Bell at 1111 West Addison Street.

Moments before the shooting victims was located, police in the area reported hearing shots fired.

Detailed information on the shooting victims' injuries was scarce, but one person was shot in the leg and the elbow. And at least one of the victims was taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital.

The shooter was described as an African-American man driving a maroon SUV. He was last seen driving westbound on Addison Street.

Before the shooting, an African-American man wearing "knitted gloves" walked into the Taco Bell restaurant. Police aren't sure if this man is a witness or a suspect.


  1. I heard five shots from about 3 blocks west. Any word if it was gang related?

  2. So far, there is no indication the shootings were gang related.

  3. you aren't safe anywhere in this city anymore. and weis says crime is down! bullshit!

  4. I am so sick of these young,useless thugs and gangs feeding on law abiding, taxpaying citizens, it's pathetic! MLK & RFK have to be crying as they watch what has happened to the civil rights movement. EVERY neighborhood in this city is affected by these thugs. They don't have it, they take it, they don't like what they hear or see, they shoot you or stab you. "what's ours is theirs" seems to be their code. Who the hell are they kidding, "Crime is down"? Where would that be?

  5. towanda, something needs to be done to stop the widespread violence in Chicago. I don't claim to have the answer - but something clearly needs to happen.

  6. Timothy, first, thanks for your hard work in bringing this blog to us all. I greatly appreciate it. Next, I don't know what the answers are either but I fear for the city I love. I fear for the citizens of this city and I fear the consequences of the constant barrage of crime in our neighborhoods. One of these days, the law abiding, taxpaying citizen will just have enough and than these thugs & gangs won't like what happens. We cannot be held hostage by them. We cannot allow them to take over our streets and neighborhoods. They are like modern day terrorists. I wonder if the politicians of this city are even listening to it's citizens or just feel safe in their "safe houses" with their security guards protecting them? Will we let the north side become crime infested like the south & west sides or will we say "enough is enough". ?

  7. towanda, thank you. It's nice to know my efforts are appreciated. I plan to continue to work hard to bring my readers as much news as possible.

    Regarding crime in Chicago:

    Anyone who thinks they are immune to senseless street violence, because of their status or zip code, is fooling themselves. There was a time when a shooting in Uptown, in broad daylight, was unthinkable. Now it's the norm. Today, a kid was shot in Lincoln Park at 3:30 in the afternoon.

    Gun violence in Chicago is spreading, and it's spreading fast.

  8. Timothy, you're welcome. I sometimes send your articles that pertain to Edgewater & Uptown to their blogs so the news can be shared with us as well. I check this site out everyday;)

    What we need is more police on the streets. I understand that many of the police in Edgewater & Uptown are sent to the crime infested areas of the south & west sides, would you know if that's true or not? If that's the case than our area becomes the hotspot. IL can raise my taxes but ONLY to add more police, NOT to bring down the deficit!

  9. "I understand that many of the police in Edgewater & Uptown are sent to the crime infested areas of the south & west sides, would you know if that's true or not?"

    I'm not sure if officers are being taken away from Uptown and Edgewater, but 150 officers were removed from a so-called crime unit and reassigned to high crime areas. The reassignments took place in early October.

    I agree. I have no problem with paying more taxes, if it means more police.

  10. More taxes won't necessarily result in more police.


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