Sunday, October 17, 2010

Timothy Montgomery Accused of Giving 7-year-old girl STD, Herpes

Police say 52-year-year-old Timothy Montgomery of Evansville, Indiana, bragged about the attention he lavished on children. Officers say he seemed to burst with pride, as he told investigators how attention-starved children, lapped up his affection.

And, according to police, because of Montgomery's infection "affection", a 7-year-old girl has herpes.

After the 7-year-old was diagnosed with genital herpes, she was taken to Holly's House for a series of interviews. Holly's House is an advocacy center that specializes in dealing with victims of sexual crimes.

During the investigation, it was discovered that Timothy Montgomery allegedly had sexual contact with the girl.

Police say Montgomery admitted to molesting the child, twice. He has been charged with two felony counts of child molesting.

Here's another frightening aspect of this story. In the 90's, Montgomery's wife used to run a daycare center. Officials shut her down after rumors spread that Timothy Montgomery may have been behaving inappropriately with the children in his wife's care.

1 comment:

  1. Great work. Basically anyone with a mustache is capable of this shit.


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