Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Suspicious Man in Lakeview: 400 West Melrose Street

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With the recent home invasions in Lakeview, you can’t blame the residents for being on high alert. Overnight, a man gave the folks on the 400 block of West Melrose Street, cause to pause.

At 12:10 a.m., someone reported a suspicious man loitering on the 400 block of West Melrose Street, in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. According to the 911 caller, the man was walking back and forth, and seem to be watching a particular building. When the shadowy figure noticed that the 911 caller saw him, he started walking eastbound toward Lake Michigan.

The suspect was described as an African-American man, wearing an orange or dark colored, over-sized jersey.

As far I as I know, police never made contact with the suspect.

At 5:48 a.m., police were notified that a similar character was back on the 400 block of West Melrose Street. The 911 caller described the man as African-American, wearing a dark jersey, down to his knees. Sound familiar?

When police arrived on the scene, the suspect hid in the courtyard at 468 N. Melrose Street. The complainant said police drove right pass the man.

If you live in Lakeview, please remain vigilant and look out for your neighbors.

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