Sunday, October 3, 2010

Police: Man Hits Teen Pranksters With Bat After Ringing His Doorbell

My head is still spinning from the elderly woman who shot a 12-year-old boy for breaking her windows. Now, I’m trying to digest the latest news, that a man attacked 2 children, 11 and 12-years-old, over a childish prank.

37-year-old Todd Short, apparently has a short last name and a short fuse. The Libertyville, Illinois man is accused of hitting two children with a wooden baseball bat, after the pranksters rang his doorbell and ran away. According to police, this was not the first time Todd Short was a victim of teenage pranksters.

Police say on September 11, 2010, Short grabbed a bat and decided to teach the children a lesson. Authorities believe Short only wanted to scare the boys, but somehow lost control of his temper.

Luckily, the juveniles weren't seriously injured. Too bad the same can't be said for Mr. Short's reputation. He was been charged with three counts of aggravated battery, two counts of unlawful restraint, and two counts of aggravated assault.

Something tells me that Trick or Treating may not be a good idea, this year.

1 comment:

  1. if those kids had real parents no one would have to hit them with a bat.


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