Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Man Robbed by Fake Cops: 4600 S. Kedvale Ave.

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A man was robbed on the 4600 block of South Kedvale Ave., in Chicago’s Archer Heights neighborhood.

Police say the crime occurred on October 18, 2010, around 10:46 p.m.

The victim said he was approached by three men posing as Chicago police detectives. One man showed him a badge and asked if he had drugs on him. Then the bandits went through his pockets and stole his money.

The robbery victim described the police impersonators as 2 White men and an African-American man. One of the white offenders was wearing a blue sweater and a utility belt.

No weapon was used, but a gun was implied.

All 3 suspects fled the scene in a champagne-colored, "Cadillac STS" with chrome rims.

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