Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gregory Jeffries, Allegedly Beaten by Chicago Police Sergeant, Says He Never Spit at Cops

On October 11, 2010, 19-year-old Gregory Jeffries was arrested at King Gyros at 7904 S. Vincennes Ave., after it was reported that he was allegedly trespassing at the south side restaurant.

Jeffries told Fox News that when he was arrested, he asked the officers why he was being taken into custody. That's when an officer allegedly struck Jeffries in the chest.

Then, a female officer reportedly knocked Jeffries hat off his head, after asking him where he lived. According to the 19-year-old, that's when a police sergeant hit him in the mouth four to five times, splitting his top and bottom lip.

"[The police are] supposed to respect and protect us, and instead they want to disrespect and put their hands on people for no reason. I could see if we swung at them, but none of that occurred," said Jeffries.

It's been said that the altercation between Jeffries and the police sergeant, started when Jeffries allegedly spit on the officers. And if that's true, why didn't the officers file battery charges against Jeffries?

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