Monday, October 18, 2010

Bicyclist Hit by Cabdriver in Rogers Park, Also Struck by Bus

Intersection of N. Sheridan Rd. and W. Greenleaf Ave. in Rogers Park.

A man on a bike was struck by a taxi near the intersection of North Sheridan Rd. and West Greenleaf Ave., in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood. Police say the accident occurred near 7030 N. Sheridan Rd.

The incident happened around 6:59 a.m.

After being struck by the cabdriver, the bicyclist was knocked into the path on an oncoming bus.

At first, the officer on the scene thought the man was underneath the bus, but the biker was lying on the sidewalk, out of the officer's line of sight.

The cabdriver, who fled the scene, was driving a blue and white, or light blue cab. He was described as "Indian", with a dark complexion, and wearing a baseball cap.

The cabdriver fled the scene southbound on Sheridan Rd.

No information on the hit and run victim's condition was available.


  1. Why would I also "like" three other articles about bicyclists being run down in Chicago? I definitely do not "like" that at all. Seem that the hitting of bicyclists in Chicago is reaching epidemic proportions.

  2. "You may also like" should be changed to read "You may also wish to see". Unthinking webmaster/decision-maker/whatever.

  3. Or better yet, just "Related Articles."


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