Monday, October 18, 2010

7 Chicago Police Officers Investigated for Police Brutality at Columbia College Student Dorm

On October 16, 2010, we broke the news that 6 officers were placed on desk duty as a result of the alleged Columbia College student dorm beating, involving a Chicago police sergeant. You can read that report by clicking HERE.

The moment I posted the article, I was inundated with emails claiming we didn't know what we were talking about, and that we needed to check our sources. Today, Chicago Breaking News has confirmed that not 6, but 7 officers, have been taken off the streets during the department's investigation into police abuse charges.

I'd also like to remind our readers that our sources, which are extremely credible, have indicated that more than one officer was involved in the beating and the entire incident was caught on a police camera.

Although we have been given several clues about the identity of the police sergeant, none of them are worth repeating.


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