Citing preliminary reports, a female victim was robbed at gunpoint on the 1700 block of West Catalpa Avenue, around 10:20 p.m.
A black male offender wearing all black clothing, brandished a gun and stole the victim’s purse and groceries, said police.
After the robbery, the mugger fled the scene in a dark colored vehicle, possibly a four-door Mustang, said authorities.
According to one investigator, the thief may have followed the woman from the 7-Eleven at 5457 North Clark Street; which is several blocks east of where the robbery occurred.
At the time of this report, the crook was still at large.
A black male offender? No way!
ReplyDeleteFord Mustangs only come in two door, this lowlife took her groceries yet he can afford to buy a gun
ReplyDeleteJan. 1, 2014 at 1:12 a.m., I know, but the story was reported the way it was reported. The punk also stole $7 from the victim.
ReplyDeleteNope, later I will be going to the shooting range. We will see what's up bro in 2014 when I have my conceal carry license.... beeyaotch
ReplyDeletebang bang, monkey fall down
see you in jail. bring lots of lube.
Worked out for Bernie Goetz!
ReplyDeleteOh, Brian, Brian Brian. In the near future, you will be running around the psych ward of a local hospital, gown with no underwear, in those blue socks with the white bits, still aching from your last Haldol shot, screaming "WHAT THE CAPPLEMEDS!!!!"
ReplyDeleteDo you fuck with people when you go to the grocery store? Why don't you hassle the alderman for the ward you actually live in? What is your obsession with Uptown, Hitchens, and "fighting racism"????
"Do you fuck with people when you go to the grocery store?"
Hmm. You look like a weak dweeb and you have an office job. I'd advice against shooting your mouth off, we need to see you make all your court dates in one piece.
DeleteChicago would be a tremendously better place if it had a strong revived Ku Klux Klan!
ReplyDeleteSo start one? I definitely won't throw bricks at you when I see your inbred ass marching down the street alone..
DeleteI hang out at the South Loop Jewel looking for all those imaginary chicken bones in the parking lot they talk about on Sloopin.
ReplyDeleteCool story, bro.
ReplyDeleteAren't you busy trying to get those young lads' kit off, Mr Gilbert?
DeleteLike Jesus' General, I am 110% heterosexual. Ryan Schuster of Sloopin is a damned liar!
ReplyDeleteIs this the website for conservative husbands to meet and discreetly fuck other guys? Seems like everyone here is a huge butt pirate
ReplyDeleteMostly Brian Gilbert, CPA....who is 30 and was raised in Naperville, but pretends to be different people and then fights their "racism" as Fgfm. His life has nothing to do with Uptown or anything he's obsessed with.
DeleteHappy Hitchyear!
Not all gays are obsessed with butt sex like they are in Chicago. The "lazy bottoms" here are more abundant than the crime.
DeleteIf Brian Gilbert wants to continue his reign of internet terror then perhaps it is time to up the stakes.
Time to let his primary employer in on the fun. If he denies being FGFM we will post more videos with his lovely voice.
We have already sent a nice packet of information to his boys water polo employer. That might even hit the papers!!! What the Capplewaterpolo!
You should have gone quiet months back Brian. Now it is too late. Do not ask for whom the bell trolls, it trolls for thee! You should out yourself with a video--that would take courage that you do not have. Prepare to Repel Boarders!
Happy Hitchyear!
your sad obsession with some nerds tiny dick is becoming annoying. perhaps you should start your own blog or maybe suck on the exhaust pipe of a running car? you seem to be the only person here who cares about fgfm
DeleteIt's hilarious, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteFGFM, Aka Brian Gilbert, is a epic, uber-troll that has been hassling people, via internet and even through phone calls, for years now. He is one of the most hated men in Chicago's cyber-world, if you go anywhere else but here, which clearly you don't.
ReplyDeleteHe finally pissed off some British lads when he started screwing around insulting the late Christopher Hitchens (Rip), they have outed him to the point we know exactly where this bastard lives. Where he works. What his wife looks like. Etc. There are people out in the city who would gladly beat the shit out of him and I'm sure it will happen fairly soon now.
Pretty soon, Brian, if you live through all that, maybe you can live under the viaduct by Lakeshore drive and get services from the Salvation Army, Thresholds, etc. What the Capplerevenge!
Blah blah so he's a troll. If you're so obsessed, why don't YOU go find him instead of babbling away like a retard, repeating the same thing over and over. the more you post about it, the more HE posts. that's how trolls work you stupid turd
DeleteHe's babbling away like a retard because he is a retard.
ReplyDeleteWho's the retard, Brian? Seems to me that he or they outed you and you have jack shit. Postings hundreds of times under various ID's in a matter of hours. Hmmm--seems obsessive to me.
ReplyDeleteAs for the little game going on since Brian is posting various comments here as FGFM and as anonymous and Mister Cockgoblin it truly is a sad game.
Speaking on behalf of the Sloop I find it all amusing. Payback is a bitch isn't it motherfucker. I imagine some Uptown folks, and Reader readers and others here in Chicago are all enjoying this. I imagine the Brits are sleeping at the moment.
Would you like to know who started all this, Brian. Think Fahrenheit 451-- then stick a big flaming dildo up your ass. What is the ignition point of Brian's ass?
What we have here is an international effort to destroy Herr Gilbert.
Hail Freedonia! You do not need to worry though. Any rumors you have heard that Miner and Konkol are working on stories about the biggest troll in America being outed are just that--rumors.
Sounds like I have a theory. Cool story, broseph.
I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.
ReplyDeleteThis is more interesting than the storm warning that just came in my email.
ReplyDeleteSNOW in CHICAGO!!!!!
As an amused observer of this train wreck all I will say is two things.
1. Popcorn. This needs popcorn.
2. Spelunking. That and if Brian is so ready for his closeup why does he keep blocking and unblocking his various accounts. Make you mind up. Either be proud and open about what you've done over the years or hide it. Don't diddle daddle and freezlee wheezle between those two options. Either be a man or be a mouse. Squeak squeak.
I hope this doesn't play out too quickly. It's amusing to watch. It's not like I'm going anywhere until the cold wave passes.
2 more things.
ReplyDeleteBrian how do you think they found you?
What is your theme song going to be as this show continues. If you're ready for your closeup you need a them song. I'm thinking Waterloo by Abba.
ReplyDeleteCool story, bro.
ReplyDeleteBrian Gilbert, FGFM, really has some strange selective reasoning.
ReplyDeleteIf you dare to even mention that somebody black has committed a crime, you're racist. Or if you post on Uptown Update.
But it's ok to use a politically incorrect term, like "retard", which is every bit as offensive as any words used to describe blacks around here.
Back in the old days, when they abused blacks openly, guess what, Mr. Gilbert? They abused autistic people like you, too. You were considered defective and not a full person, you might have been disposed of just the same as all the people you think you are protecting by trolling online.
I am an a wild card in this little game my British heroes started with you, I knew they were hoping that one of your many targets would make good use of the info they've unleashed upon Chicago. I have heard your stupid voice in videos and I did see you from a distance at one of the many "Let's get parasites more free *hit" rallies, but now that we know quite a bit about you that's another thing altogether. Perhaps somebody should make a few phone calls and let some high-up folks at Abelson-Taylor what a severely unstable person works at their firm. Maybe you're skimming money from the firm? Maybe you're using their broadband to commit your online harassment?
And what about those nice young boys in their swim trunks? Do you dream of penetrating their tender young behinds, rather than Stacy? Hmmmm...or some other option you haven't considered. Financial ruin, what the Capplefiring!!
Many questions!
ReplyDeletezzzzz that dude is still talking about this? what a sad life he must lead to care about an internet troll so much.
ReplyDeleteBrian Gilbert, AKA FGFM, is much more than an internet troll. He has harassed the honorable Cappleman outside his offices, made vicious, threatening phone calls to people and other acts of real-world stalking and harassment.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing honorable about being an alderman, first of all. second, the more you egg him on and continue to rant and rave about him, the more he will post. personally, I think its funny how worked up you are, but your repetitive posts are becoming annoying.
DeleteI'm not a lawyer, but I think that it's legal to make fun of an Alderman on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteIt's clear that most of the posters here are Brian Gilbert. Sometimes he posts as FGFM other times he posts as anonymous. Sounds like I have a theory, bro broseph. Why this motherfucker doesn't disappear is beyond my understanding. He's putting himself and his wife at risk but I guess trolling is more important to him than that.
ReplyDeleteB4 U say it Brian--Concern trolls acts concerned.
Someone should really track down a work number for his wife and warn her about what's going on. Unfortunately her beloved water polo loving husband has many enemies and like the song he won't back down.
Everything is out there if people look for it. Home and work addresses phone numbers etc. Hell I even saw a comment on another site speculating on what bus route Brian might take to work. Ashland or Fullerton to the Brown line. I won't link to it because it included an address. If this finds a more public forum like a news story Brian has put himself and wife at risk all because he can't control his need to troll.
Walk away from the keyboard dumbass. If not for yourself then for your wife.
You should check yourself in to a hospital. Maybe taking a break from your computer for a few days would help too. You sound like a person on the edge of a total meltdown..
DeleteThe Aldermanic system is what we have in Chicago and Cappleman is a good guy who wants to fix the years of unchecked liberalism that Helen unleashed upon Uptown.
ReplyDeleteMost of the parasites who live there should have been rehabilitated properly or never born, but now we have to deal with them everywhere.
And I said parasite. I didn't say *ig*er, I didn't say anything racial, a parasite is a parasite.
I'm going to mail another harassing letter with a South Loop general delivery return address! Fucking indeed!