Monday, March 11, 2013

Cops: Rogers Park robbers held knife to man's throat at Morse “L”

Monday, police were looking for a multi-ethnic pair of thieves who robbed a man at knifepoint at a Far North Side Rogers Park train station.

Around 8:12 p.m., a male victim was mugged at knifepoint at the Morse train stop, 1358 West Morse Avenue, said police.

Citing police dispatch reports, during the robbery, one thug put a knife to the victim’s throat… took the victim’s wallet… stole $85... and threw the wallet on the ground.

One crook is a black male in his 30s with braided hair.

The black suspect was wearing a black jacket with red markings, possible around the collar.

The other crook is a Hispanic male in his 20s.

After the robbery, the suspects fled northbound from the crime scene, said police.

At the time of this report, both suspects were still at large.


  1. 1 black, 1 mexican robbing 1 "male"

    the wonders of chicago's "most diverse" neighborhood!

  2. But I dont understand........Rogers Park is such a nice neighborhood. Stop dissin my neighborhood by telling the truth. No one wants to hear it.

  3. I miss all the liberals on everyblockchicago talking about how much they love the "diversity" of their nieborhood.

  4. Damn, if only that mean old lady didn't make me shut down my blog, now if you'll excuse me, I have to deliver gyros in the rain, since I destroyed my father's newspaper.

  5. 40 years ago when I lived in Rogers Park, it was the safest neighborhood in Chicago. Seemed like half the population was Jewish retirees and Loyola students. I never thought twice about taking the Howard line late at night.

    How things have changed. Yes, it's due to "diversity."

    1. The correct term is "divershitty".

  6. @ 8:22pm. You could pretty much repeat that statement with a substitution of Palmer Park in Detroit but add an addition 10 years or so. History repeating. They got it going on in Southfield, MI and Skokie, IL now too. Odd, isn't it? Sorry but I've seen this all before......somewhere.......

  7. (P.S. but in either case.....none of those people built those places......)

  8. Wake up, people! It's time to take the city back! I remember a slogan used in the '60's... "By any means necessary!"

  9. 11:40 am. I lived near Southfield shopping center just outside Detroit, Michigan in the late 70s as well. It was one of the nicest shopping centers in the area. Now it's a ghetto.

  10. 11:40 AM is ghetto!


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