Thursday, December 6, 2012

AUDIO: CTA bus passenger: 'My booty hole feels like its been messed with'

A "pregnant" woman, who claims she was butt-raped in her sleep, blames her baby's daddy for her alleged anal distress.

The bizarre conversation was reportedly recorded on a Fullerton CTA bus and uploaded to YouTube by someone using the moniker CTA Anon. 

In the beginning of the dialogue, the alleged rape victim threatens to notify Thresholds of her suspicion that her baby's father "messed with her booty hole" while she was sleeping. 

"Tell me why I got raped in my sleep," said the female passenger to another woman on the other end of her cell phone.  "Yeah, girl. I got raped while I'm pregnant. It's burning... it feels like he did my booty hole." 

Listen to the audio for the rest of the titillating conversation.


  1. I am so happy you are back CNR! Look forward to reading your articles again.

  2. Christmas arrives early! It's great to have a source of accurate, useful Chicago news back online!!

  3. How is this news? I had high hopes little Timmy jumped off a bridge. oh well, maybe Santa will grant my wish

  4. WELCOME BACK CNR!!! You were sorely missed!!!

  5. Thresholds has lost a lot of their legitimate, white "members" due to budget cuts, so they've been signing up shining examples of the black community like this.
    There's nothing mentally ill about this sow, she is a typical, loudmouth spook.

  6. I bet she didn't actually get raped, her butt is just sore from lack of cleaning.

    Only in Obama's America can you get a free cat scan on your butthole, because you haven't been wiping properly...

  7. If my diet consisted of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and grape soda my butthole would also hurt.

  8. quality news tim, thanks for keeping us so informed. i actually woke up yesterday and wondered "i wonder how some random black girls butt feels today"

    thank god for cnr and real journalism

  9. Welcome back.

    Put up a donate function so we can maintain at least one site unafraid to identify the race of criminals in Chicago.

    Keep going strong!

  10. What did you get high and pass out on that you got "raped in your sleep"? She had too much hot sauce on her Popeye's.

  11. And you white fucks eat raw meat...that's why you stink when you get wet/sweat and all these diseases come from you all's nasty asses. Ill take cheetos over bloody ass meat any day.

  12. Its the yellow fuckers that eat raw fish, we just agreed to it as long as the rice is on the outside...

  13. Cracka asss mothafuckaDecember 21, 2012 at 2:20 PM

    I'm pink, thank you.

  14. I like CNR but it's very irritating that one month he is here then another month he goes missing. I used to think this was a reliable source of news but the inconsistency made me find another source of interesting news. He will be gone a month from now without an explanation.


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