Thursday, September 20, 2012

Man critically injured in North Center car accident

A crash in Chicago’s North Side North Center neighborhood has left a man barely clinging to life, said police.

The apparent accident, which involved a vehicle and a motorcycle, happened around 9:35 p.m. near the 3-way intersection of Lincoln, Damen, and West Irving Park Road.

At the time of this report, it wasn’t immediately clear which motorist was severely wounded.

According to the last update, the patient was at Illinois Masonic Hospital in extremely critical condition.

An officer at the scene repeatedly said the injured man “may die.” 

UPDATE: Authorities identified the motorcyclist as the party injured in the collision. According to officials, the biker was wearing a helmet when the incident occurred.  


  1. Whatever.

    Meanwhile, every fire engine available must have been whizzing through fancy schmanzy Lakeview East at full siren last night. Probably 8 cop cars following. Maybe Ned The Wino just stubbed his toe again. Who knows?

    It really would be nice to know what's REALLY happening in this corrupt cover-up mess of a city.

  2. You have nothing better to do at 6:45 in the morning. Not maybe but actually it was a serious accident. Wanna know how i know cause i am sitting in the waiting room. I have been here since 10 last night. He is still not concious. What does corruption have to do with a tragic accident. And alcohol wasn't a factor. He is a loving big brother son uncle and fiancee. He touches many lives.

  3. Wow!! You are a very angry and misguided person at 6:45am in the morning!! I was out to dinner about 100 feet away from the accident, and it is very real. I would like to think that if it were a loved one of mine, the Chicago Emergency response effort would be just as attentive. My guess is that you might also appreciate their 'cover up' efforts if you were the one on the motorcycle.

    Friend of the motorcyclist- my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend. I hope he recovers safely. And I am sorry that you and he were so foolishly disrespected by someone's uneccessary anger of the unknown.

  4. I've seen it happen from my window. It was horrible and terrifying.
    I hope the man recovers.

  5. There was also a fire a few blocks away at the same time. So that's probably where all those fire trucks were going.

  6. Anon @ 644, you are a complete tool and a troll. Those may be the stupidest and most pointless comments I have ever seen..... and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

  7. @ 644: I did not stub my toe again. I was throwing back some O.E. and tripped.

  8. Any update on this story?

  9. ^His stubbed toe healed up successfully.

  10. Fu*k everyone. I was the person in the accident. If you ass holes in chicago would eventually learn how to drive this would not of happened. After being laid up for 5 weeks im finally out. I wish the people complaining or making excuses would actually know Wtf happened. Well look i walked away and did more than stub my fuc**ng toe. Sorry to the normal, reasonable and compassionate people but some of these people are truly retarded. LEARN HOW TO DRIVE CHICAGO!!!

  11. While this article may seem depressing, please let it motivate you to drive extra carefully. Of course, even if you are extremely careful, there will be tragedies where innocent victims wind up being brutalized by both insurance companies and existing laws, as in the case of the sad victims of Arizona's "Naked Hi-Jacker: 

    Heed the warning of this article, because I am living proof that car accidents alter the course of your life - sadly, forever.


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