Starting around 12:31a.m., authorities received a deluge of 911 calls reporting gunshots on the 4500 block of North Clarendon Avenue, near Sunnyside and Clarendon.
After combing the streets, including nearby alleys, cops found the so-called victim inside a hallway at the Clarendon Court Apartments at 4500 North Clarendon Avenue.
The injured male was shot in the left hip and a second bullet grazed him just above his groin, said police.
The shooters were described as two black males riding in a black Ford Focus.
The getaway vehicle was last seen driving westbound on Sunnyside from Clarendon.
According to the last update, the victim was in good condition.
NOTE: Authorities said the shooting may be gang-related and the P. Stones street gang may be involved.
UPDATE: Police said the Sunnyside and Clarendon shooting was in retaliation for Friday morning's gun violence on the 900 block of West Wilson Avenue.
Apparently, the Conservative Vice Lords are at war with the P. Stones.
UPDATE: It appears the shooting occurred in front of 814 West Sunnyside Avenue.
These gangbangers, they can take a shot to the head and are back up and selling drugs in a few days, but if the bullet grazes their dick, they're a goner for sure.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to buy a condo there. They told me it has really turned around and is still up and coming.
ReplyDeleteI'm confident somebody I've heard of before will be playing at one of those concert halls too......someday.
A few weeks ago there was a documentary on the National Geographic channel showing the activities of the emergency room at Stroger Hospital. Gunshot victims come through there steadily with wounds all over their bodies. If someone is shot but not killed most people don't register it as much in their minds. However, the program underscored how just being wounded can be catastrophic for the victims. They had a couple of guys with genital injuries on the show, as well as other types. Lots of people who get shot are left paralyzed, brain damaged, blinded, etc. It's not like in the movies, those bullets really do some damage. That's why you don't want to live where those things are flying through the air. Thanks to these moronic sons of Obama more neighborhoods are getting ruined, including Uptown. Uptown had a chance to develop into a nice area but that's over with, thanks to Obama's sons.
ReplyDeleteBe advised- according to the Chicago Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) last year, more than 100,000 gang members operate in the Chicago metro area- at least twice as big as city and outlying police departments. Police say they belong to somewhere between 75 to 100 street gangs.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if blacks have always been so prevalent in urban American crime? For instance, in the pre-Civil Rights era, were blacks as likely to commit crimes? And if not, when did the change take place; at what point in history did it become so common for blacks to be involved in such a high percentage of violent crime in America? And btw, looking for a scholarly answer, not a knee jerk reaction from some of the backward hillbillies that frequent the comments section here.
ReplyDeleteThe late 60s saw passage of social welfare entitlements under Pres Johnson. The govt declared, "single mothers get $ if they don't get any from the father who shall remain nameless." This turned the black man into a sperm donor. Before that there were just as many black husbands around as whites. Now, no more black father figures, the black community crashes without shame nor pride.
DeleteAmazingly accurate answer sir. No fathers and the black community goes to the gutter.
DeleteIn answer to the questioner of 8:40 am, the answer is no, they weren't as prevalent in urban crime before the civil rights era for a number of reasons. 1) Urban areas didn't have as many blacks many years ago; they were rural and migrated in various waves throughout the years to the cities.
ReplyDelete2) They always had the reputation for violence, such as killing spouses and in fights. There was sometimes spillover onto non-blacks.
3) Because of segregation, both legal and de facto, it was cordoned off and thus there was a containment of it. This has changed since then.
4) Check out the total body count of the infamous prohibition era in Chicago. Although highly publicized, such as in the St Valentines Day Massacre, the gangsters with their tommy-guns killed less people proportionately than the gangbangers do today. Today they are just more drab, everyday shootings.
5) A large segment of black society has regressed since getting their civil rights. Many never work and have no intention of doing so, preferring to hustle. Family structure has collapsed; most have absent father issues. The culture has come to glorify violence; check out the lyrics of their beloved rap. The dumbest elements have the largest number of children; they are incapable of passing anything of value on.
6) A large number of blacks, as well as a smaller number of whites, are imploding in front of our eyes, spreading their violence and dysfunction to anyone in their vicinity. Welfare rewards dysfunction by being enablers. The worst ones are given the most assistance. Section 8 rewards the bottom of the barrel, putting them amongst regular, normal people and thus ruining the quality of life for them.
7) Well meaning people have seen them as 'victims' and thus were blinded from seeing their flaws.
It goes on but space is limited.
It's just peculiar all those movies in the 70's that portrayed that "woe-is-me I'm black" crap. Roots, The Diary Of Ms. Jane Pittman, etc.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I grew up with blacks in government subsidized housing, I fell for it. It's like we were brainwashed to feel sorry for them. Most of us moved on, they got their grants to party at Wilburforce for 4 or 5 years and returned to sit on their a** anyway.
ReplyDeleteExcellent reply, very informative.
Yay for Section 8. I think Sec 8 should be everywhere! Matter of fact, me and my cat, Master P, are moving forward with petitioning to get some Section 8 in our hood... that would, rock and I'm not talking about the rock you put in a pipe. I'm talkin holy-sweetness!
ReplyDelete@8:20 AM Blacks have always committed a disproportionate amount of crime, it really exploded in the 1960's when government replaced families with the "Great Society" welfare system.
ReplyDeleteFor a scholarly look at the problem, get a copy of the book "The Color of Crime"
The obama phone program is a waste of money, I think they should start Obama Bullets. Free hollow points for all nogs. This would cut down on the amount of work the hospital has to do, because the victims can be brought straight to the morgue!
DeleteThat area outside this subject coffee shop this afternoon was $hitcago at it's finest. Shakey opportunists at their best. It's really pitiful what black and gay people have done to themselves. In the afternoon no less. I'll leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteMichele Obama care to "activist"ism and step up to the plate here? SarahTrack care to comment? (I mean "we" contributed to all of your "charities" but you still haven't helped your strip.......at all).
I was driving north on 4400 clarendon on friday about 430 looking for parking. Two guys ran in front of my car and the guy pulled a gun and aimed at the other dude, which was also straight into my windshield. I nearly crapped my pants cause there was nothing i could do. I second guessed myself hoping it was a cellphone. Now a shooting one block from where i was almost shot. I did call the cops and gave them a description. They showed up in force and cleared the park. I dont care if they maim each other but i have a huge problem when they put everyone else in danger. Im thinking the guy ran towards oncoming traffic so the guy wouldnt shoot. Be very careful people.
ReplyDeleteI was driving north on 4400 clarendon on friday about 430 looking for parking. Two guys ran in front of my car and the guy pulled a gun and aimed at the other dude, which was also straight into my windshield. I nearly crapped my pants cause there was nothing i could do. I second guessed myself hoping it was a cellphone. Now a shooting one block from where i was almost shot. I did call the cops and gave them a description. They showed up in force and cleared the park. I dont care if they maim each other but i have a huge problem when they put everyone else in danger. Im thinking the guy ran towards oncoming traffic so the guy wouldnt shoot. Be very careful people.
ReplyDeleteRun them both over next time and consider yourself a hero.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't the title have read "Thug's Penis Nearly Shot Off In Uptown"?
ReplyDeleteNot being critical but could a female's penis have been shot off? Oh never mind, it's Uptown close to Edgewater.....anything goes. Maybe Chastity Bono can shed some light on this. I think even CNR is confused now too.
@9:59am Honey child, you are so right about those heathens...Aunt Ester
ReplyDeleteDo they have Republican Vice Lords also?
ReplyDelete^No. They're coming out of hiding in Flakview ready to reclaim their property values over politicism and gay "rights" though.
ReplyDelete"you're stupid"
Prepare for White Flight and The Fall of Uptown.
ReplyDeleteUptown has already fallen, long long time ago.
ReplyDelete*** crickets ****
ReplyDeleteI guess CNR didn't need an outside source to shut it down. CNR did it itself.
No longer a reliable source of anything........
Former Supporter Of The Truth
CNR isnt the only casualty in the war against news blogs. Detective Shaved is gone now too...
ReplyDeleteI wonder how much money was spent on intimidating several barely profitable blogs off the internet...
***** crickets *******
ReplyDeleteAll is well in Uptown now I guess. No more "transgenders" and gays trying to shoot their penis off for benefits. Only Chaz Bono can afford the proper procedure.
***** crickets *****
ReplyDeletemy balls are so gross and old even my dog wont play the peanut butter game
brb going to steamworks
A Ford Focus is the ultimate get away car. Usually a Crown Victoria can overtake it.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Timmy ain't moderating, I was taking a walk through Feeble's beautiful Rogers Park, and I thought of a name for a restaurant:
ReplyDeleteThe Growling Sheboon. What do ya think?
I dunno. Anyway, I think it was Wednesday at 5:00pm 10 shots and one person was "grazed" at Argyle/Winthrop (yes, 5:30pm - still daylight - so the "it's' your own fault because you were out there in the dark doesn't apply here").
ReplyDeleteTruly scary this LL wonderland. At least in states with CCW it's usually 1 or 2 shots and they hit their intended target (they usually "know" each other too).
I hate to say it but Timmy should just go back to his other hobby, whatever it was.....crocheting, bird watching or dog sitting. I do thank him, though, for keeping me informed of the true crap that goes on in this "world class" city that is covered up for "image" purposes. I mean, I saw it with my own eyes, heard about it too...... but they'll still deny it (for a $).
Chicago is shit.
ReplyDeleteMost of you are hateful mouthbreathing cocktards.
Oh and I hate niggers.
That is all.
^That's why they call it Shitcago, stoop!
ReplyDeleteThe most mind-boggling thing in this "liberal" city is how the gays (even with supposed Masters Degrees) still feel they need to live in squalor and refer to themselves as "queer" .........still. Very "progressive". Kinda like Seattle or like, Boystown or Jimmy Hendrix or Madonna.
So the door guy at ChickyBiggs or Biggie Smalls(next to that place that's been boarded up for about a decade, whatever it's called) responds "no not tonight, but I understand your concern" when I asked if it was the 1st Thursday of the month Shitcago freakfest (based on the, well....freaks outside the front door). Enjoy your drugs I guess. It's not cool or "artsy" at all. Time to grow-up chicago.
His response will leave a stain on my brain til the day I flee this mess.
The only stains you have are the ones you got from steamworks, and even then you had to beg for them.
ReplyDelete"go away"
**** crickets ****
ReplyDeleteNope.....that bartender tried to get me tipsy and into Steamworks.....but he failed. He still can't look me in the eye on the street during the day. You people are scary/funny and need to return to Appleton, WI or Cement City, or Iowa. No couth, no knowledge, no experience. They created a monster out there that they have no idea how to handle....in the sake of "diversity".
ReplyDeleteLies. I've personally seen you leaving steamworks, collar popped and sunglasses on. All you care about is $ and buttsex. Saying you don't mkes it more obvious you're lying. Next time they kick you out of steamworks for begging on your knees, remember lying just makes it worse. You're in denial about your buttsex addiction, please find professional help.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it all gay guys are so self-asborbed that they think all it takes is one buttfucking and they'll convert a straight guy?
ReplyDeleteIt'll just make us hate you. We don't even like it when our shit is extra big and comes out our ass, what makes you think you plowing your HIV infected cock into our ass is going to make us reconsider thousands of years of evolution? The worst faggots lord over the Yelp talk forums, they let their sexuality define them.
As long as it's not being moderated, fucking shame on Ronald Shaich at Panera for bringing even more niggers, white trash and disgusting retards into Lakeview, buddy, you've got a blanket party coming!!
White Flight will begin................Now!
ReplyDeleteTrump is going to be really pissed when all the decent people leave chicago and he has to start allowing section 8 into his building...
ReplyDeleteI saw two naked white men through the windows of an apartment on Wilson doing things that would make my mother wince in pain. From a distance of about 25 yards away on the sidewalk, I thought I was seeing nothing more than a man jumping up and down on a pogo stick, which seemed a little problematic given the age of the building and their location on a second floor.
ReplyDeleteI climbed up a fence and stood atop a concrete column, slightly camouflaged by an oak tree. As my line of sight was raised I could see that it was indeed not a pogo stick, but was a man bouncing up and down on the erection of another man laying on a couch. For a split second I almost fell forwards into the yard - but I caught myself and steadied myself again against the tree trunk. Adrenaline rushed over me, and like anyone in this situation would do, I grabbed my phone and dialed 311.
The operator seemed confused that I would call to report sex taking place in a person's private residence, but I quickly assured her that my urgency was for the potential damage to the building structure itself and not the definite damage taking place to the rectum of the man on top.
As they were going about their business, I could see the overhead light in the first floor unit flickering, a clear sign that the stress placed upon the floor from such rigorous force was causing an electrical short in the building's wiring. If that was possible, there was no telling what was happening to hundred-years-old wooden beams that supported the floor between them.
"Structural engineers are going to be needed, ma'am," I said. "Just make sure they're not dressed too provocatively."
She was as baffled by my request as I expected her to be, but as a concerned Uptown citizen I felt it critical that I alert the authorities to any potential for property damage, or God forbid, the potential for the entire building to collapse. The last thing Uptown needs is bad publicity about the age of the buildings in the neighborhood. There are numerous three flats of similar style on the street - and in the area for that matter - that may need structural tests done to verify that they are safe and habitable. This kind of testing can be very expensive, and after speaking with some property managers and engineering experts, it sounds like the best option may be to evict the tenants of these buildings and have them all demolished. Not only would this prevent any potential collapse catastrophes, but it would allow a variety of real estate investors and developers to build new, modern, high quality three flats all across Uptown. No doubt, this would be both a profitable and beneficial move for the ward.
I've got to hand it to the two gentleman for doing what they were doing with the shades pulled up. If they'd been more private about their activities, I would have never noticed the flickering light, and then deduced that the floor was under such unimaginable structural stress. I'd call myself a hero, but they're really the heroes here.
I was recently pleased to learn that drug-dealing bitch in the wheelchair at the Lawrence House died from cancer. Unfortunately, her black buck just found another coalburner with the same first name and affliction.
ReplyDeleteIf I had some giant mecha or an Iron Man suit, I would go around blowing up shitholes like that and laughing my ass off. Fucking parasites.
Next time you should record video of the violent buttsecks and send it in to CNR. If its crazy enough, Tim might even come back to write an article on it!!
ReplyDeleteF Uptown. I'm "movin' on up" to Edgewater, maybe even the east side. Those "Live On the Edge" banners on every street got me hooked. :-/
ReplyDeleteIf that doesn't work, I'm moving to utopia aka Schompton.
Come on up to Edgewater and "Live on the Edge" of being shot or robbed. Lots of gunfire lately around Kenmore and Thorndale. There also has been an increased gang presence around Granville and Kenmore. Schompton is a better choice.
ReplyDeleteHey CNR, did you see this one yet: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhJn4dZEndqiFCjlb5
ReplyDeleteLooks like a summer compilation of some sort. They advertise their twitter account at the end...
I'm sorry, wait, I'm not sorry, we need to do our best to cause a nationwide extinction of nigqers, period. Just fucking load up the ammo, guns and garbage trucks and just start fucking shooting them by the thousands. Sure, Ron Shaich and the staff at Thresholds, Ezra and O.N.E will cry themselves to sleep without their precious pet niggers, but the country can finally be at peace.
ReplyDelete16 Days left until the election. We ALL need to go vote on Election Day.
ReplyDeleteRemember to:
***VOTE ROMNEY*** and also vote for the GOP. We have to send all libshits packing. The libshits are the people who are enabling the poor behaviour of blacks in Chicago and elsewhere.
Vote with your head, not your heart.
ReplyDeleteI'm not on either side but from what I can see, the Lakefront Libs got their "freedom" to have sex in alleys, snort their ice on the street in broad daylight, toke up and walk down the street with a 40 without even a brown bag, strut around disguised in wigs robbing and stealing.....do whatever they want with no questions asked.......but, they have no $$$ except for the aforementioned....or they steal it. So what's worse?
***Vote ROMNEY!!!**
"As was reported last week, Twitter has been flooded recently with violent comments from Obama supporters. The increase in volume of the comments seemed to coincide with Romney’s poll numbers edging higher against Obama.
Not only have Obama voters been making open threats that they will riot and cause mayhem, they have also been caught making direct threats to assassinate Mitt Romney, prompting the Secret Service to announce that it was “aware” of the threats and would “conduct appropriate follow up if necessary.”
Despite the fact that the media reported extensively on threats made against Obama prior to the 2008 election, their silence on the threats made against Romney has been deafening. Indeed, the act of a few old guys hanging up empty chairs in reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech garnered substantially more coverage and concern from the press compared to thousands of tweets threatening violence against Mitt Romney.
Americans who simply display political signs expressing opposition to Obama’s policies have been treated as potential violent threats by authorities in the past, and yet not a single Twitter user has faced retribution for making direct and sometimes graphic death threats against Romney.
Leftists routinely cry foul and attempt to demonize conservatives as violent extremists whenever online rhetoric gets heated, and yet when their own engage in even worse conduct, their behavior is absolved and the media is disinterested.
Here are just a selection of tweets from Obama supporters threatening riots and violence during and after last night’s foreign policy debate. There are too many to reprint in full."
ReplyDeleteCan we all carry baseball bats and crack the heads of any nigquer who is lurking around Red Line stops? It never fails, some fucking spook is asking for gibs when I get on or off the train. Go be a nigqer somewhere else!
ReplyDeleteVOTE ROMNEY!!!
ReplyDeleteI almost shot off my pecker this morning but it wasn't with a gun. Darn, that was a good one. My how we have different "issues" amidst "diversity".
ReplyDeleteI didn't even need poppers, crystal meth or viagra either.
Where you at, CNR? No news doesn't always mean good news.
ReplyDeleteSeven Days Libshits...seven dayssss.....
Man what happened here? I like to check in from time to time and read about stories that aren't being reported by the local news. Now all I see are racist comments and some random suburbanite talking about Romney, what the hell is going on here? Shut it down if you're not going to update it CNR.
ReplyDeleteIm not a suburbanite; Im a Lakeview resident who is pissed that Obama/Rahm did nothing to stop the flash mobs in Gold Coast and the iphone robberies here in Lakeview the past two summers. And actually, Eric Holder (Obama's AG) actually said that he is not going to prosecute crimes committed by his "people" (meaning blacks).
So yes, I am pissed...racism and racial violence (committed by blacks) has gone UP under the black chicagoan as president...so I am supporting ROMNEY as a way to punish the blacks. Idiot Obama helped to ruin my neighborhood, and now I want him (and all liberals) to LOSE.
Nobody cares. shhhhh
ReplyDeleteTimmy has taken unplanned, extended breaks before, so we can just rage here in the comments..
ReplyDeleteFIVE DAYS
ReplyDelete5 5 5 5 5
Little Timmy is in rehab, please leave well wishes and positive thoughts here
ReplyDeleteThe electoral defeat of Obama is a positive thought. The election of Romney as President has positive energy; its a good thing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the Lakeview Resident regarding Obama/Rahm. Long ago I was a Hyde Park liberal. Living in Chicago has changed my philosophy. I am so sick of the crime, mobs, panhandlers and litter. Things have only gotten worse under these birds.
ReplyDeleteYou turds actually think ol' Mitt is gonna win? HA! I'm not voting for him OR Obama, but don't kid yourself
ReplyDeleteBinders full of women is not going to win
Lets pretend all is well. We should not be overly concerned about the predators/scavengers that lurk on every corner and the CTA. We need our Liberal Bible that has all the programmed answers to why the dangerous undertow behave the way they do. There are reasons for raping, robbing and murder. We must continue to feed and house them, even though they hate us. They need us to pick up their tab. We must understand and defend them. Anyone who does not agree is a racist.
ReplyDeletePredators and scavengers on every corner? hahahahha lay off the pipe its making you paranoid!
ReplyDeleteToday a guy was lurking around Loyola lakeshore screaming at people to buy Streetwise, his outfit was at least $300, fucking psycho
ReplyDeleteGuys, a clue to crime is, if you see a black guy or girl in anything other than a suit or appropriate, clean work attire, they are probably UP TO NO GOOD.
ReplyDeleteUnless if their clean work attire is McNiqgers or some fast food place or Wal-mart.
Wake up for those who are planning to vote for Obama! What is it about him that draws people to him after going through 4 years of economic misery? No, I'm not a transplant, I'm one of the few that was born and raised in Chicago. I have never seen so much racial tension before here in the city. As other comments have stated, nothing seems to be done with the current criminal activity that is rampant in Chicago. If you're thinking about voting for Obama because you're going to get government freebies.......seriously, get a job, pay for your own birth control or simply keep those legs closed. I'm in a younger demographic and have self control and choose to live my life as a civilized and responsible adult. The county would be in a different state if people would take responsibility for their actions. These people have used the oppressed crutch for way too long. The breakdown of the family structure within their culture is finally catching up and has now affected the rest of American society. Vote for Obama and we won't have a country any longer.
ReplyDeleteYou realize Obama didn't cause this economic crisis, right? he took office after possibly the worst president the US has ever had. If you think this is all his fault, you sir, are stupid. as far as "nothing being done about the crime blah blah blah", try talking to your local police. I see them every day busting their asses on the street, so its pretty obvious you are blind or very confused. saying we won't have a country if Obama gets re elected makes the rest of us republicans look like morons, so please stfu.
ReplyDeleteHow utterly ignorant. You must have read more into the comment. I NEVER mentioned that the country's problems are all of Obama's fault. I agree that Clinton had a hand in it, but my dear, some have speculated that the crisis stemmed from the Reagan years pertaining to the saving and loan crisis. Regardless, I merely stated that things have worsened under Obama's administration. From the hateful attack and your childish and distasteful acronym (stfu), I have a feeling you're not from around here. Your anger and ignorance certainly shine through. And seriously, you consider yourself a republican????
DeleteBush didnt cause the current economic situation either, though...this is all CLINTON/GORE's doing...supporting NAFTA created long-term de-industrialization, which created structural unemployment, and also helped create the housing bubble, which finally popped in 2008 at the end of Bush's term. Bush was actually trying to fix things, but then Obama came in and made things worse again.
ReplyDeleteObama = race hustler who hates whites and doesnt have a plan in place to fix anything.
Thank you for your comments. Seems that 12:41pm doesn't have a clue and is just looking to start an argument. Poor thing.
ReplyDeleteI consider myself a republican, yes, but I also realize it really does not matter who you vote for this year. both candidates are borderline retarded. one thinks yelling hope and change will actually change something, and the other worships a mythical god and expects aliens to bring forth the rapture.
ReplyDeleteyou must be crazy if you think ill vote for binders full of women just because he's a Republican. Now please, heed my distasteful acronym and Stfu, unplug your computer, and cry like a baby after Romney loses.
vote for yo mama
^ WT....
ReplyDeleteAttention...Anyone voting for Obama, I have a message for you:
Nope. Suck on sequestration, bitch.
DeleteWe need to get rid of bullshit like the Lakeview Action Coalition, Ezra Multi-Service Center and O.N.E. which are hellbent on destroying affluent white neighborhoods with an influx of dirty Jews and niqgers.
ReplyDeleteYou think they are in Uptown and Lakeview to help, but they have your destruction in mind, they are helping to spread the niqger plague that is destroying Chicago
We definitely need to get rid of the Center on Halsted...get that place shut down somehow...or at the very least, move it down the south side or something. Just get it out of our neighborhood. The building itself is cool, maybe it can re-open as a nightclub? I dont know, but they need to close that organization down permanently.
ReplyDeleteThe fags are now visibly pisssed at the simian parasites they openly wanted several years ago, it's intolerable to go to COH or shop at Whole Foods, other neighborhoods and bars get my business now and forever.
ReplyDeleteOh noes I can't shop at whole foods without seeing scary black people, where will I buy my organic peanut butter?! wahhhhh
ReplyDeleteI love when the tards announce they're staying away from neighborhoods or businesses. Seriously, thank you. You weren't wanted in the first place.
Why can't we just all get along?????
ReplyDeleteI could deal with "scary" black people, because they're just that, scary.
ReplyDeleteThese niqgers will fuck you up without warning or cause, and I don't have enough bullets for all of them.
We could have cured cancer, gone to Mars, learned the secret of the Big Bang, but instead we're funding walking cancer so they can "bling" and put out the same rap songs over and over again.
David Duke for President!!
The fact that you think black people are scary isn't anyone's fault but your own. don't blame others because you're a pussy
ReplyDeleteMitt's tax plan is good, that alone is enough reason to vote for him over obama. Dont forget the attny general explicitly stated he would not prosecute "his people" for hate crimes.
ReplyDeleteThe choice should be simple for Chicagoans...
My reaction is a normal human one to simians jungle running all over the city, I don't really feel bad about it, I just wish there were enough guns and ammo to take care of the infestation.
ReplyDeleteThis city sure makes people into racists. I was listening to a radio program on WGN a couple of weeks ago. The topic was on flash mobs. It's becoming an epidemic all over. Peoria has taken a rise in flash mobs as well as U of I in Champaign. The black people who attack the kids on campus call it polar bear hunting. A man called in and he spoke about how he came to Chicago from Poland and hardly spoke a word of English. With much hard work and effort, he as able to achieve the American dream. He was able to send his kids to college. One of them even became a doctor. He couldn't understand why a certain group of people couldn't do the same thing. Instead, they rely on government handouts and use the oppression crutch while attacking innocent people. The Polish man proceeded to say that he came here without any biases, but slowly started becoming more and more racist. It's sad, but this group of people (blacks) do it to themselves. They need to stop living up to their stereotypes and start contributing to society. Is it that hard to act like a civil human being?
ReplyDelete^^^BEST POST EVER!!!!11111
ReplyDeleteSpread this link far and wide. This link profiles many TRUTHS about blacks that the mainstream meia and Chicago liberals will never tell you.
ReplyDeleteThis link highlights many of the lies, where blacks claim to have invented things like Peanut Butter, stop lights, etc.
ReplyDelete"Common Pro-Black Arguments"...an interesting read.
Perhaps the author of the blog is not on leave, and just wanted to end with a story about penis?
ReplyDeleteWhat's up Romney boy?! Go move to the suburbs loser.
ReplyDeleteThe above comment is so well thought out. No wonder Romney lost tonight. There's such a cesspool of shit that relates more to the underdog. When this country sinks down even further, I hope I don't hear one complaint. You voted O in people.
ReplyDeleteObama might have won, but Lakeview is still going to CONTINUE to turn into a nigger infested shit hole, and you are going to hate it...trust me on it.
ReplyDeleteEven worse, the worst elements of society are going to go even more FULL TEAM AHEAD with their agenda to make your life in Chicago a living hell, trust me on this.
Annnd it begins...
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahha mitt Romney is a pathetic loser just like his dad. all that shit talking didn't do you retards any good!
ReplyDeleteObama wins! Obama wins! Obama wins!
lol you guys were so sure he would win, I wish I could have seen your ugly fucking faces trying not to cry when they announced the winner
Binders full of women...
ReplyDeleteThe above comment is the type of trash that will be coming full force for the next four years.
ReplyDeleteThe niggers are just going to be more emboldened due to O'Nigger being re-elected, time to buy more ammo.
ReplyDeleteWahhhhhh wahhhhh we talked the talk but couldn't back it up
ReplyDeleteall you keyboard warriors on here make me so happy, especially because you'd never do any of the things you talk about on this joke of a blog
please, keep rambling about needing to buy ammo and being scared of non whites. It's actually kinda funny
Actually I prefer to bust the teeth of homeless niggers with a collapsible baton, that's why you see so many toothless ones.
ReplyDeleteI think Obama was re elected for the same reason Jesse Jackson jr. won.
ReplyDeleteI wanted Romney to win but was worried about the race riots that would follow, so next time hopefully two white guy will be running regardless, and if we have a wetback running for President I'm moving out of the country.
ReplyDeleteObama may have won...but we have ALL lost. America has lost.
ReplyDeleteI’m a Democrat, but agree with many positions Republicans have regarding fiscal responsibility. Judging by some of these comments this isn’t the best place to talk politics, but have one thought for the Republican party: Adapt. If you think pushing away minority voters with these immigration policies, alienating woman by taking away their choice (btw nobody is pro-abortion, that’s a losing argument) or trying to force religion down people’s throats you’ve got another thing coming. The tide is turning is this country and there’s honestly nothing you can do about is except adapt to reality. Maybe these positions can get a politician elected at a state level, in say Alabama or Mississippi, but get ready to consistently lose on a presidential level unless you adapt.
ReplyDeleteI am a member of the Libertarian Party. On one hand, we are pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-women's rights, pro freedom on as many levels as possible. But at the same time, we believe in fiscal responsibility and a strong military. To me, it seems like the best of both worlds; the best of both parties. I dont see why Democrats and republicans find common ground, and ABANDON those old parties that are not helping anyone out. Ron Paul was a Libertarian, but he gave up on that party because the 2-party duopoly (Dems and GOP) purposefully prevent any 3rd parties from rising up. SO he went into the GOP and tried to become the candidate there. But, the establishment blocked him, and instead, ran a liberal Republican (Romney). It's sad. Really sad.
ReplyDeleteThe only people who "benefit" from the current system are people who mooch off of this system.
I don't know why ppl believe that the inner city blacks or moochers as u call them actually benefit from hatred of biggots, a system that renders them so desperate that they have no choice but to accept welfare, and a system that meticulously killed the black household. A country that murdered this lands inhabitants, a country that used trade as an infiltration method to emcompass africa and rape, pillage, and ruin with western influence. A country who states by action that if u have self pride and indivisuality u will be persecuted. Yes america is great, but let's not act like the white establishment is all about peace. Let's remember the churches victims of molestation and sacrifice, let's remember the slaughtered natives, the backs of slaves filled with incisions from whip lashes, the woman who was kept from going to school or expressing social freedoms. Whites have 3x the amount of welfare recipients than blacks. I guess u yankees 4get about ur southern brothers who are piss poor in rural trailor home america. Who used to fuck cows and string up little black boys and cut their dicks off. Fucking sicko's.
ReplyDeleteThere are only more whites on welfare because there are more whites. Proportionally, which is a word you probably don't know, there is a higher percentage black people on welfare accounting for total black people than there are white people.
ReplyDeleteAnon fed up with crime, you know what you need to do.
ReplyDeleteBecome the Batman.
6 blacks just gang raped a 14yo girls over on 16th street.
ReplyDeleteNiggers are terrified of straying from conformity, which is why all wear their pants halfway off their ass, walk like they have a dick rash, and of course, joining in on gangrapes with their buddies.
ReplyDeleteSince Phoebe and the Gay mafia have chased Timmy into hiding, Phoebe is now lording over Everyblock, and The Broken Heart of Rogers Park has taken up the mighty crusade of calling her out on her bullshit, so she wants to sue naughty internets people for making naughty comments about her.
ReplyDeleteHow about shutting the fuck up, bitch? Then we'll shut up about you!
The next Presidential Election will be held on Nov 8, 2016.
ReplyDeleteSo, guess what, liberal pigs? that means ONLY 1,460 DAYS UNTIL YOU DEMOCRATS ARE DEFEATED FOREVER!!
For crissakes get a grip on reality. 332-206 is a fucking beat down and I hope you keep up these stupid racist rants so the House will go Democratic in 2014. Fucking losers the Greedy Old People are!!
ReplyDeleteThe whiney Republicants here don't realize they're only helping the democrats when they spew racist garbage on the internet
ReplyDeletethanks for the help!
Only 1,459 days to go! Im marking off my calendar!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, for the record, yes Obama might have won re-election( even if it was thru massive voter fraud by the liberals) but the fact is, the GOP held on to the House of Representatives, won a record number of governor elections, and won a majority of state legislatures as well (including WISCONSIN!!) This means that, at a minimum, the election was a tie. Any liberals who think that they "destroyed the republicans" are either delusional, misinformed, or in denial.
The fact is, 2nd term presidents ALWAYS lose the senate and the house in the midterms. This is a trend that has gone on for decades. The senate will go GOP in 2014, and the GOP will retain control of the House in 2014 as well.
ReplyDeleteTo those who are "counting down the days"
ReplyDeleteDidn't you do this last time?
If it wasn't for GWB and his brother & minions rigging FL vote count in 2000, we'd be going on our 6th consecutive Democrat victory in the presidential election (Clinton, Gore & Obama twice each).
ReplyDeleteGore legitimately lost the election in 2000. He lost by a few votes, but lost none the less.
And as much as I hated Bush, Gore would have been WORSE. Clinton/Gore shoved the NAFTA treaty down our throats, which caused outsourcing, which led to structural unemployment. It was Clinton/Gore that caused the housing bubble, which finally popped in 2008...during Bush's term. Bush was doing everything he could to fix things before they broke, but the Democrat-controlled congress blocked him.
George Bush was doing everything he could? LOL 8 years of nothing is more like it. clueless hicks should not own computers
ReplyDelete^^ WTF??
You are RACIST against Appalachians!!
Ignorant, liberal racist.
I knew it all along...liberals are the real racists...hypocrites.
1,456 DAYS!! Cant wait, Im getting excited!!
ReplyDeleteNow that it is coming out that there was massive voter fraud in many of the blue states, and now that the Benghazi thing is coming up hard core against Obama, we can expect the House to impeach him. The corrupt Senate will not convict, of course, but at least we can hold up his agenda from happening.
A gay liberal just came into my house and told me that Obama gave him my baby! And he had paperwork signed by Obama!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLook at the lists and lists of companies (many major) that were just waiting to let go of employees after the election because of Obamacare. Panera Cares doesn't seem to be the answer either. Just wait......
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, the whole U.S. doesn't want to be a Chicago.
Look at all the retards on here. wow.
No, I won't. Retard.
ReplyDeleteLast post on September 29th. it is now November 18th, is Mr. Fitz dead or just lazy?
ReplyDeletePeople abandon blogs all the time, I'm still having fun with mine.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is dumb and dead!
ReplyDeleteUltimately, the Electoral College "crowns" the president, not popular vote.
ReplyDeleteAfter this last election, I don't think I'll ever vote again. It's a useless backward system.
ReplyDeleteWell, niggers attacked people at the fireworks show at Oak Street Beach. It's time for a nationwide extermination plan, one that makes Hitler seems like a pussy in comparison.
ReplyDeleteDeath to all niggers!
ReplyDeleteScroll down to read "Attack at the fireworks show"
15 to 20 back youths in ski masks attacked people at the show.
ReplyDeleteLet's just declare them non-humans and have animal control round up and exterminate them.
ReplyDelete11/25 @ 8:03pm - They're already leaving. Many of the "transplants" that you all love to hate here are in agreement that there is no reason to live in Chicago if you're not on the lakefront (and the desirable areas near it are already limited). With the cost of living, rampant violent crime, taxes, horrible weather 9 months out of the year, ignorant stereotyping and racism from all sides and, now, it looks like the lakefront is officially shot too.....
ReplyDeleteOne has a moving truck scheduled for mid-December, another for 1st week in January. It will continue too.
On the positive side, you do still have a great market to recruit social workers and gays from Kansas, Iowa or Wisconsin that think this is all just faboo.
(and once again.....no news is NOT good news. I happened upon the buried fireworks mob attack report simply by chance but at least the throat slashing over a wallet on the Gold Coast made front page headlines).
ReplyDeleteOMG - I thought people were referring to the fireworks attack back on the 4th of July. I didn't realize this mob attack occurred a little over a week ago!!! Thank you anonymous 11/25/2012 at 8:11pm for providing the article with the story. I otherwise would not have known as once again our ever beloved media never bothered to inform the public. I'm surprised they even bothered in letting us know about the throat and face slashing that occurred after the lights festival. What the hell is going on with this city??? I was born and raised here and I never heard of these type of attacks in the areas that they are occurring in. The city officials are making it harder and harder for people to live and enjoy the city. Parking is outrageous, traffic stinks, public transportation fees are going up at the beginning of the year, taxes are one of the highest in the nation, the weather is horrible and now if we're walking along Michigan avenue or are in the Gold Coast, we now have to watch for random mob attacks. They can have the city. I personally don't want to be here anymore and as 11/26 @ 10/18 am states, people are already leaving. I'm not surprised.
ReplyDeleteI always give people the benefit of the doubt. I judge people for their character, not the color of their skin. This city has polluted my judgement and I find myself becoming more and more prejudice. Unfortunately I've had negative experiences with some black people both at work and outside of work. Hearing these stories just adds to my dislike of them. It's sad.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone feel like they're becoming more prejudice since living in Chicago?
ReplyDeleteno, I don't because I'm not stupid or uneducated. The fireworks attack made the newspapers and tv news, you were too busy getting kicked out of steamworks to notice.
ReplyDeleteMy, my .....how boorish of you. Your comment reflects what you're convicting others of being. Shame on you.
ReplyDelete^ If you're so "educated", you might want to learn how to compose a simple sentence or ask for a tuition refund.
ReplyDeleteWhat is steamworks and why would people be kicked out of it? Inquiring minds want to know.
^ Completely agree with you. Anonymous 11/27/2012 @ 5:14 am cannot construct a simple sentence.
DeleteI was wondering the same thing. What the heck is steamworks??? 5:14 am, can you ever be so kind and educate us on what that is.
Weeoeoeoeoe grammar police!
ReplyDeleteLove the same IP address posting as different people. genius.
ReplyDelete9:06PM- "Everybody loves them until you have to live with them."
ReplyDelete@Nov 27th 12:59 pm: You know what Steamworks is, you AIDS-infected homosexual. You just can't get any while you are there. Even the unnattractive fat losers who cater to the place won't sleep with you, which makes you absolutely pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI love reading all the racist comments from nasty, unwashed, poor Mexicans. Why don't you people bathe or shower? Someday, you will have your dream world of living with Whites in total comfort and solidarity. It just won't be in the USA. You wetbacks will always serve Whites. You will never be equals. Now, go cut some grass and clean my hotel room. Que? Que?
nice to see this blog is still filled with rednecks from all over the world. What a bunch of jealous trash. I'm sorry Naperville, or Iowa or Kentucky is so awful you have to trash a great city like Chicago.
ReplyDeleteNovemmber 29 @ 5:28am - I guess you would know. Sounds like true conviction there.
ReplyDeleteYou should probably take out your displeasure with the place on yelp dot com. They'll probably flag your review if it's totally irrelevant though.
@November 30, 2012 2:42AM: Speaking of irrelevant posts....
ReplyDelete6 dead overnight in Chicago, scores wounded in at least 11 shootings.
ReplyDeleteOne common thread of all the dead: all black
Niggers are disease, all should be eliminated, period. All should be gone from our sight immediately, the first that should be dead are all the homeless niggers who beg in the streets, shoot, bag, and remove immediately.
ReplyDelete@December 1, 2012 6:55PM You tell em, ya dirty ass wetback. Get the nigs out. But, they can take the wetbacks with them...that means you, Hector.
ReplyDeleteBig Al, one of those casualties was on the prized Argyle Street which boasts "the best Vietnamese restaurants in the nation". At least this murder occurred after sundown. The last one was at 4:30pm. They're still trying to uphold property values/rental rates by recruiting Iowa transplants and Chicago suburbanites via Charlie Chaplan's claim to fame there ........in the roaring '20's. His studio was converted to, well, studio apartments. Ironic.
ReplyDeleteI happened upon a $275K condo real estate listing there that mentioned in the remarks "just blocks to Little Vietnam". Beyond a chuckle.