Monday, July 9, 2012

VIDEO: Chicago police struggle with combative suspect

A Chicago police officer, and what appears to be a police supervisor, were filmed struggling with a young, black male suspect.

Instead of following orders, the suspect fought with the cops... and at one point, he even struck one officer's hand.

When an onlooker told the suspect to cooperate with the authorities, the suspect said, "for what?"

Siding with the combative suspect, another person in background said, "he ain't do nothing".

The person who recorded the video claims the arresting officers are "corrupt" and the arrestee was innocent.

However, the videographer refused to answer any of my questions surrounding the circumstances of the young man's arrest.


  1. Any white/latin person who wants to be a police officer today is nuts.
    Urban blacks are a different species - ignorant, uncivil and disrespectful. Cant reason with many/most of them and theyre violent. And theyll always play the race card.

  2. Sometimes I miss old school police work...

    Hopefully they beat that chimp when they got to the station.

  3. people who fight with cops are fools.

  4. They do it on purpose so that they can claim "Police Brutality" and then get their case $$$. Happens ALL the time.

  5. I feel sorry for these cops dealing with these animals. The cops have their hands tied because these animals are always screaming racism and police brutality.

  6. Shoulda speared that spearchucker on the spearpoints of that fence.

  7. @1:10 AM. Any latin person who wants to be a cop? LOL. We don't have any problems with the "latins" in this country, eh?

  8. Where can educated, law-abiding white people supposed to go in this city anymore for a fun and safe time? These fuckin spades are everywhere now and are ruining the city. I think it is time to back to having a no blacks allowed policy in some parts of the city.

  9. @7:12 Would I be correct in assuming that you are an illegal immigrant (read: Mexican)? I refuse to believe that anyone from my race wrote that statement, with its many grammatical errors and incoherent statements, claiming to represent law-abiding and educated White citizens. It seems to me that Mexicans are on this blog deriding "spades" in an attempt to fit in. To paraphrase my idol George Wallace: "NO to Mexican illegal immigrants yesterday; NO to Mexican illegal immigrants today; NO to Mexican illegal immigrants FOREVER."

  10. By the way i just saw jesse Jackson with a entourage of over 8 people eating at will find him there most nights after 5 pm giving a work out to the operation push credit card.
    Im sure he cares about the black on black crime.,the black on gay crime and other pressing issues of the day

  11. That would be funny if they had faceplanted him on that iron fence with the spears on it. But seriously, that savage should have been slammed on the ground with a boot in his back.

  12. I'm sure there will be accusations that the "N" word was thrown like these babay mama's defending their "just trying to get his life together" racist jaw busters in a drug limo did in Lakeview recently. Do they REALLY think they're winning sympathy with this crap?

    Their "great" spawn were parolees just wanting to try and win the worldhipstar dot com video submission award of the year or go back to prison where they get fed and their "salad tossed". Money or sex to them is the same thing. Brotherly LOVE ya'll.

  13. Start using that dirty Jew word "Schvartze", see how long it takes the nogs to pick up on the fact they're being insulted.
    Or Kaffir, which is a word just as bad as ni**er in some parts of the world.
    We should have hundreds of words to insult their kind.


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