Thursday, July 26, 2012

Report: Lakeview burglar breaks in, fights with resident

Police are looking for an intruder who broke into a Lakeview neighborhood apartment and fought with an occupant inside.

Citing police dispatch reports, the burglary occurred around 10:18 p.m. on the 900 block of West Fletcher Street, between Clark and Sheffield. 

A black male suspect broke into a white male's apartment and the two men began fighting, said authorities. 

During the struggle, the intruder lost his shirt, said an investigating officer.

The confrontation ended with the victim chasing the offender eastbound on West Fletcher Street toward North Clark Street.

The suspect is in his late 20s to early 30s, approximately 6’2” with a muscular build. He was last seen running southbound on Clark Street.

Police recovered several items believed to be stolen from the victim’s apartment, on the 800 block of West Fletcher Street.

A police evidence technician was called to process the crime scenes.

More Lakeview news:

Prior to the Fletcher Street burglary, authorities were investigating a 10 p.m. robbery on the 2800 block of North Racine Avenue.

There were few details available, but authorities described the offender as a black male wearing all black clothing.

The crook fled the scene northbound on Racine, then eastbound on Wolfram, said police.

Photo credit: Google 


  1. A Snaggletooth Cabbage Patch Doll (The Whorish Blonde One That Smokes Winstons)July 27, 2012 at 12:24 AM

    I hate sad endings like this. As in, sad that the intruder didn't get killed.

  2. You really need CCW here.

    Anyway, it's really a shame and it saddens me to say this as I've never felt this way before (and I'm "old"), but whenever you see a black person in this city outside of the hours of 9-5, you have to be suspicious.

    If all the hard-working, professional, decent black people in this city (I'm confident they're out there somewhere) would speak-out against this enormous amount of blatantly obvious black-on-white crime, I might feel differently. Where are you?

  3. Nigs hate whites because we are superior to them. Nigs will always defend other nigs because they are the true racists. If you are "old," you should know that by now.

  4. My friend was the one who got robbed and assaulted. I hate the robber and hope he gets what is coming to him.

    Yet, shame on the above commenters for their disgustingly racist comments. Who taught you how to use the internet, you "old" dementia-ridden mouth-breather? Piss off, old man.


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