Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lakeview car crash ignites street brawl

A car accident in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood touched off what some reports described as a mob scene.

At 3:58 a.m., multiple 911 callers reported a fight near Belmont and Sheffield.

A gang was beating someone with a bat, said one eyewitness account.

Subsequent information indicated there was a related incident farther south, on the 3100 block of North Kenmore Avenue, near Barry and Kenmore.

According to an officer at the scene, the melee started when a Chicago taxi cab and a black Acura Legend collided on the 1000 block of West Belmont Avenue, between Sheffield and Kenmore.

During the accident, the Acura -- described by police as the offending vehicle -- loss control and slammed into a dentist’s office at 1015 West Belmont Avenue, said police.

Authorities said the impact left a large hole in the structure.

After the crash, several people involved in the accident apparently chased someone to 3127 North Kenmore, according to police communications.

The Chicago Fire Department responded to an injured man at the corner of Kenmore and Barry.

At the time of this report, no further details were available.

UPDATE: The female driver of the Acura was take to an area hospital and several people were arrested, said police.


  1. Hmmm, were black people involved in this incident too?
    Factually, they are at the root of the problem here in LV and elsewhere.

    Was this related to the earlier baseball bat attack in the BK parking lot?

    1. Fuck off you stupid fuck, stupid asses like you are the FUCKING problem!

  2. 3:58 am? Don't these zombies ever sleep? Oh that's right, they sleep during the day.

  3. Exactly, they're sleeping while the rest of us are working. Good gig if you can score it.

  4. In the West and South sides of Chicago usually right after a bad auto accident a fight occurs. I am going to go out on a limb and say probably the blacks were involved. Also there are several clubs in the neighborhood that cater to primarily blacks only.

    1. ¿Where are the several clubs in the area that primarily cater to blacks?

      I've been around here in the Lakeview area since 1980 and am not aware of "black clubs."

      I've long believed that the bar districts of Wrigleyville, Boystown, and Southport were surprisingly tame overall and exercised pretty tight control inside the bars.

      Though Tunney is neglectful by not directing the police to be stricter in monitoring the street mobs.

    2. Yeah you dumb fuck, ima go out on a limb and say it was one you stupid white homo's. you know how you all get after drinking, and downing ex pills!

  5. ^Right. So shut down the bars by 2am at the very latest. You people here can't handle anything more. They drink (and are SERVED) until they either puke, pass-out or fight. It's a given EVERY TIME and usually starts around 1am. Throw the drugs in the mix and it's anything but a "night out on the town" out there nor an "entertainment" district - it's a disaster (and I'd be saying the same thing if I were 15 years younger).

  6. Racist fuckers. Racist blog. What's new?

    1. Racist?
      The Lake View crime wave has an obvious racial component; these crimes are overwhelmingly committed by black visitors to LV.
      To suggest otherwise is just plain foolish and ignores a key aspect to these crimes.
      Identifying race in this particular issue is not "racist."

      If you want to see racism in action, then observe the aforementioned blacks.

      Srry 2 burst your buble

  7. Hey, I am also anti-semitic, give me credit already!!!
    If not for the Hebrews, we wouldn't have 25 percent of this negro problem.
    They created (MTV) and the rap-hip/hop culture that is fueling all of this black dysfunction. Left to their own means, they probably would still be doing Jazz and James Brown type of stuff, which is enjoyable to all. Nogs were just annoying to talk to, but at least we liked their music and dancing.

  8. "left a large whole"

    For a second there, I thought I was reading the Trib's website.

  9. This is typical black behavior. Remember about 9 or 10 years ago, people were crashing in black neighborhoods and blacks would pull them out of a car and beat them with bricks? These people go crazy for violence and it doesn't take much to rile them up.

    1. Yeah thats typical WHITE talk.Dont forget you stupid bitch WE RUN THE WORLD!!!!!! NOW i hope someone beat your ass with a brick, bat, or what they can find then maybe you'll have a little sense dumb ass!

  10. what's with all the WETBACKS making racist comments here? you have a queer collaborating with ILLEGAL BEANERS who are declaring that they are going to take over the country. sheesh, you folks need to take your meds really quickly. you are not getting any better.

  11. At least the black and hispanic people don't have to wear white sheets to commit their violent acts or hide behind "Anonymous" names on discussion boards to take cheap "digs" at another race. Most of you who write these mean things probably smile and grin in the faces of others of different races. Get a life, racists.


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