Saturday morning, police and firefighters responding to a blaze at a Far North Side, Rogers Park apartment building.
Citing police dispatch reports, the fire, reported around 3:27 a.m., was at a 3-story, 18-unit building at 6600 North Glenwood Avenue, near Glenwood and Albion.
Preliminary information indicated the fire started on the roof or inside a third floor apartment.
At 3:39 a.m., an officer at the scene confirmed a 3rd floor apartment was damaged by the fire and a 2nd floor unit sustained water damage.
According to a 4:24 a.m. update, three apartments were destroyed by the fire and one tenant sustained minor smoke inhalation.
The residents who were displaced by the fire made their own arrangements to stay elsewhere, said authorities.
Photo credit: Cook County Assessor's Office
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