The incident occurred around 1 a.m. at 1323 West Irving Park Road, between Clark Street and Southport Avenue, near the Uptown, Lakeview neighborhood border.
According to one police dispatch report, four males were beating a man with a bat.
Subsequent information identified the offender holding the bat as a black male wearing a white tank top.
Although the victim’s condition wasn’t immediately clear, an ambulance was called to the scene.
If more information becomes available, this article will be updated accordingly.
I punt. This hard working tax paying citizen is moving to the suburbs, where I can go to BK after a night at the bar and not have to worry about getting beaten or robbed by moon crickets with weapons.
ReplyDeleteCrime occurs everywhere - even in your vaunted burbs.
DeleteSome people dwell upon the worst in our society while we're living in the best of times in global history.
He shouldn't have been in that ghetto in the first place.
ReplyDeleteRather than move to your "suburbs" where Section 8 has been dispersed in the name of "diversity", consider moving out of state. Schlumburg wasn't the answer to beautiful "controlled" Detroit 'burbs for me.
I just bought my Dodge Charger to flee (blacks and cops in Chicago haven't caught onto this yet). I bought it out-state. Not paying taxes here - for NOTHING in return.
P.S. They've been called "space crickets" since my 1973 elementary school years. GD I've known some beautiful, classy black people in my life but NOT in Chicago.
Damn if you dislike it so much in Chicago and the metro area, why don't you jump in your charger and flee to another state far, far away.
DeleteYour continued presence adds nothing beneficial to our city or state.
P.S. Even if you did move, twerp, you wouldn't like it someplace else either. You sound very Republican: uninformed, pessimistic, hyper-critical, authoritarian, racist, elite, biased and deluded.
^^^Listen to the moonbat liberal spew his hate. What an arse, so typical of you commiecrats.
ReplyDeleteSame retard, still whining about Detroit and the suburbs like a little baby. Want your binky?
ReplyDeleteNope, not party affiliated at all. Just watching all you "liberals" crumble.....just like Detroit.....while you all are still TRYING to be "artists" and "movie stars" while pushing 50 years of age (but only pushing dirty dishes and empty glasses at bars). It hasn't happened yet (and isn't going to either).
ReplyDeleteReally, I sympathized and actually supported "you people". I didn't "judge" you and viewed you as just a guy trying to make a living like me.
Bottom line is, these farmboys still thinking Madonna and Cher rule the world have absolutely NO idea how to deal with their new "demographic".
I sincerely wish you all the best of luck. It's beyond hilarious watching this all play out.
Why do you post the same worthless trash on every single page? Blah blah farmboys blah blah artists and movie stars blah blah Detroit
We know you aren't very smart, but please find something new to comment about.
That is basically near Wrigleyville, why are they letting the the lawlessness spread over that way? Is nothing sacred anymore?
ReplyDeleteWell, they do say fast food isn't healthy for you...
ReplyDeletePerhaps this person owed money to these fuck wads !!