Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cops: Man wanted for burglary at Ravenswood jewelry store

Police are looking for a suspect who was caught on video during a burglary at a North Side, Ravenswood neighborhood jewelry store.

Citing police dispatch reports, the crime occurred at Jessica Jewelry, 1974 West Lawrence Avenue, near Lawrence and Damen, around 6:20 a.m.

The burglar is a tall, thin black male, about 6-feet-tall with a mustache and glasses, said police.

The thief was wearing a light-colored dress shirt, light-colored pants, white gym shoes, and he was carrying a backpack.

If you have any additional information regarding this crime, please contact the police, immediately.

Photo credit: Google Maps

1 comment:

  1. I got some jewels in my asshole you can dig out. Please do it with a gerbil.


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