Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cars’ tires slashed in Lakeview

Overnight, several cars’ tires were punctured in Chicago’s North Side, Lakeview neighborhood, said police.

Around 7:49 a.m., a resident on the 3200 block of North Southport Avenue alerted authorities when she noticed her tires, and the tires on several vehicles on her block, had been cut.

At the time of this report, three car owners had contacted the police regarding the apparent vandalism.

It's unclear how many cars were damaged, but said authorities they expect to get more calls throughout the day.


  1. Darn. I thought this was going to about Halsted St. residents and "the girls" finally taking some action. Doesn't seem that's the case though.

  2. Very cowardly / dumb thing to do. Get a life.

  3. A very niggardly thing to do

  4. You're not supposed to have cars here anyway. They are the curse of the devil with "liberals". You've got "world class" public transportation anyway. Could be a CTA stunt while ridership falls.

  5. Public transportation is for nigs. I use my car.

  6. Funny story:

    When I was in college in Arlington, TX, we had a NYE party at our apartment. Lots of friends there. Late at night some white trash kid from another apartment wandered over to where we were hanging out outside and was all mad because his girlfriend bit his ear while they were having sex. He was pissed and it was hilarious to us. He decided the best thing to do was to get a steak knife out of our kitchen and slash all four tires on the crappy worn out 80's Cadillac his girlfriend drove. Sure enough, he cut all four tires, jumped in a cab and took off. All over an ear bite during sex. That Caddy ended up sitting on the ground for two weeks before it was finally towed away.


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