According to police dispatch reports, at 1:50 a.m., a customer at Godfather’s Pizza, 1265 West Wilson Avenue, dialed 911 after hearing two men talking about shooting someone.
It’s unclear if authorities followed up on the 911 call.
Less than two hours later, at approximately 3:22 a.m., shots were fired outside the Uptown 7-Eleven at 1138 West Wilson Avenue, near Wilson and Clifton.
The shooter was in a tan or white conversion van, said police.
After firing several rounds, the getaway vehicle fled eastbound on Wilson, according to an eyewitness.
An investigating officer said the gunman was aiming at an alleged gang banger who was walking along the sidewalk.
At the time of this report, no injuries or property damage were reported.
NOTE: Although Chicago News Report has no proof the alleged conversation at Godfather's Pizza is related to the drive-by shooting... it is, however, an awfully bizarre coincidence.
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