Approximately five victims were robbed during three separate robberies, spanning three different neighborhoods.
The first incident was reported from the 6300 block of North Albany Avenue, near Albany and Rosemont, in the West Ridge, West Rogers Park neighborhood, around 12:59 a.m.
A black male offender with long hair, standing approximately 6’3”, brandished a gun and stole the victim’s wallet, said police.
Citing police dispatch reports, the crook got away with sixty or seventy dollars.
Investigators said the robber fled the scene in a blue Chevy Impala with a partial license plate of A15.
During the robbery, three to four more black males were waiting in the getaway car, said police.
About 30 minutes later, a second victim, described as a white male, was robbed at gunpoint in Uptown on the 4900 block of North Magnolia Avenue, around 1:35 a.m., said police.
The gunman was described as a tall, thin, black male in his 30s wearing a white, collared shirt, blue jeans, and carrying a large gun.
The suspect was last seen running northbound on the 4900 block of North Magnolia Avenue… then westbound on an unspecified street.
After the robbery, authorities located the victim at the Green Mill lounge at 4802 North Broadway.
As if these robberies were being timed to go off every few minutes, at approximately 1:47 a.m., three more people were robbed at gunpoint at the intersection of West Waveland and North Magnolia Avenues, in Chicago’s Lake View neighborhood.
During the hold up, a female victim’s purse was stolen, said police.
The robbers were described at two black males.
One offender was wearing a white tank top and red short pants. The other thief had a blue shirt pulled over his head.
At the time of this report, the West Ridge, Uptown, and Lake View robberies remained unsolved.
The nigs are destroying the city.
ReplyDeleteThey ain't "rockin'" me. They're known to hit mailboxes with those things here, not "subjects".
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with blacks? They can't seem to just mind their own business. Everyone else comes to have a very negative impression of the entire group.
ReplyDeleteThe Swedes that were relocated to Uptown to inhabit the Section 8 compounds are on the move south of Irving Park. It's time to make an example or two to stop the invading black plague....
ReplyDeleteSolution = start stringin them up...
ReplyDeleteIf you're a victim of nig crime, you're out of luck. How do you describe them to the po-lice? Big fat lips, monkey eyes, jutting ape jaw, pubic hair on the head, smells like the jungle. They all look alike. And unlike the old days, they're all over the place because of Section 8.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 has got to be abolished.
ReplyDeleteOur tax money is being used to relocate criminals to safe neighborhoods.
Our tax money is causing the crime and violence in areas that used to be civilized.
These new residents have not changed their project behavior.
These criminals need to be herded back into controlled zones where they can victimize each other.
Englewood is a start.
Let's have more " free fire " zones where they can kill off each other.
I'm tired of innocent ( law abiding ) ( tax paying ) citizens being the victims of these sub humans.
Hey Jesse Jackson ,
ReplyDeleteAny comment on the " black males " that are committing all these crimes ?
Is it the racist white society that makes them rob others ?
Is it the racist white society that makes them kill others ?
Is it the racist white society that makes these low lifes hated by everyone ?
Well it had to happen. The shennanigans that used to occur in east lakeview-where gay people like to party-are now occurring in west lakeview-where wealthy yuppies send their kids to Blaine School. The neighborhood where homes still sell for 1.5 mill now has thugs doing stickups. The neighborhood where homes pay $2,000 per month in property taxes is overrun by ghetto savages. What will become of this?
ReplyDeleteLet's be clear, FORECLOSED 1.5 million dollar homes.
DeleteAll this hate over a few people. They do not represent an entire group. So for anyone to comment as such should be ashamed of their self. Oh well I guess Chicago is long over due for a race riot.
ReplyDeleteRace riot? Would be nice if we could thin out that polluted black herd.
ReplyDelete@12:27pm, I totally agree with you. When these animals were corraled in the projects (Cabrini Green), they could be regulated and only brought violence and crime to their area, but now these animals thanks to housing vouchers can live anywhere and they have brought their shitty lifestyle with them. They are in the burbs too.
ReplyDeleteEverybody was all up in the "buzz" cuz Jessie Jackson, Jr. was eatin' fish at the Devon Grill (prounounced Devin - not DeVawn)while I could have cared less. "Catch of the Day" him there and ask him about "What's Happenin'" across the street at Mickey D's. Let HIM be intimidated while trying to eat a fish samich and see what happens.
ReplyDeleteI say, with all of this bovine feces, we need the Concealed Carry Law, for Chicago residents, so that "WE THE PEOPLE" can protect ourselves against these HEATHEN BASTARDS !!!
ReplyDeleteBlack people aren't the only ones committing crimes. People are poor and committing petty crimes. A few bad seeds don't speak for the whole race other wise we'd have to assume that white people were all crazy serial killers a la Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer right? I guess that would make them all gay as well. You people need to get your heads out of your asses I can tell by the way you speak about another human being that you were all Norma pre 1970
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming you meant born instead of Norma honest iPhone typo. They are all also too chicken to showe their names or faces. So sad to hear such vulgarity against an entire race based off of a few crimes. Also just what fucking morons
ReplyDeleteThey all have IPhones and designer clothes.
Don't insinuate poverty as a reason for crime.
I don't see poor Amish traveling to and robbing anyone in Chicago.
None of the descriptions sound like designer clothes. And it's a fact that poverty in some cases leads to petty crimes such as unplanned robberies of items less that 500 dollars. Look it up. But then also don't insinuate that a few criminals make an entire race a travesty.
ReplyDeleteWill be fun to read your comments when 1 or 20 of these petty criminals cracks your head open with a bottle. I'm sure your naive bull*hit liberal attitude will remain the same during your hospital convalescence. Keep me posted.
ReplyDelete@E Borwen
ReplyDeleteI grew up in a family making $2,500 per year and I never robbed anywhere.
Spiritual and cultural poverty leads to crime, NOTHING else.
Stop making excuses!
Wrong again Ed. Black skin leads to crime.
ReplyDeleteE Borwan - Poor white people steal unattended things while poor blacks pick out the weakest looking prey on the street, put a gun to their heads and rob them.
ReplyDeletePray tell, nature or nurture?
Maybe blacks are getting their own form of Reparations from what your grandfathers did during slavery...its funny they are putting fear into whites with the eye for an eye mentality. I bet you racist won't go out and try to lynch a black man in 2012- because u sit on here like cowards. Karma keeps coming back to white people, why is that? Is it the evil your forefather put out in the world? Robbery I don't wish on anyone but if this site is solely set up to point out black crimes against white but not reporting equally all the white druggies on Tina committing crimes its racist
ReplyDeleteWhen obvious blacks rob whites it may be intended to humiliate,ridicule, and pimp slap you for acting scary. Why not get a gun like Zimmerman did and see if you'll get donations since many of you keep playing like your victims; hence- the reason the site was created..."poor me!"
ReplyDeleteYou know what really pisses me off??? It is the fact that it was the northern states that fought against the southern states to free these fucking assholes!!! If they have a problem then let those scumbags go to the southern states with the rednecks and just see if they pull the same bullshit !!!
ReplyDeleteThe perverse beauty in all this black on white crime is the creation of a lot more healthy, realistic racism among otherwise liberal whites. Try and find a Polish, Russian or Asian real estate developer who is willing to develop on the south side. There are NONE. Those unlucky enough to have bought there in the last 20 years have abandoned their properties. Section 8 is a nightmare. The ghetto is growing. When Zimmerman walks they will burn their own neighborhoods down.
ReplyDeletei found it interesting, informational, and worth to read. keep posting!