Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Black muggers wanted for West Rogers Park robbery

Two black males are wanted for an armed robbery in Chicago’s Far North Side, West Rogers Park neighborhood, said police.

The incident happened on the 7000 block of North Ridge Avenue, near Ridge and Lunt, around 12:57 a.m.

The muggers, one of them armed with a gold-colored gun, stole the victim’s keys, Samsung cell phone, and approximately $500, said police.

One thief was wearing a red hat and the other crook was dressed in a light blue shirt and jeans.

Investigators said both suspects have extremely dark skin and are believed to be 18 to 21-years-old.

The worthless criminals were last seen running northbound through a nearby alley, said police.

Photo credit: Google

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone seen my fleshlight? I thought I saw it here earlier


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