The violence occurred during Chicago's Gay Pride weekend at the Subway restaurant at 901 West Belmont Avenue.
According to YouTube user Jlorenz587, who is African American, the trouble started when a white customer complained about the amount of time it took him to place his order.
"This white guy kept talking shit to me about my order, because I wanted it exactly how it was supposed to come," said Jlorenz587.
Then, according to Jlorenz587, despite the fact there were plenty of empty seats in the restaurant, the man sat next to him and continued to taunt him.
"After he is done getting his order, he chooses to sit right next to me and proceeded to talk trash. Then he said something like, 'you black people are all the fucking same,' said Jlorenz587.
Based on what we were told, when other customers overheard the man's racial comments, someone threw ice at him and a customer in red shorts grabbed the man by his shirt.
In the video, when the white man and the man in the red shorts are finally separated, another patron at the scene told the man in the red shorts to "be the bigger person".
Although a lot of emphasis has been placed on the black-on-white crime issues in Lakeview, Chicago News Report spoke with several African Americans who claim to be victims of police racial profiling and white-on-black racial hostility in Boystown.
"A lot of fights are started by drunk, smart-mouthed white queens in Boystown," said one black man who lives in the area.
Everybody's wrong in this case, flood the place with mustard gas and be done with it.
ReplyDeleteHe should have kept his mouth shut and went somewhere else, maybe even another city, like I am. But I can feel his frustration. We had this "queen" black woman in the Loop that came back with her carry-out food every other day and throwing a loud hissy fit because "they dun didn't putted the right cheese". I mean LOUD. Then had to go back and spend another 45 mintues at the restaurant throwing another hissy fit. The other LADIES in the office refused to join her for lunch. It's carry-out fast-food, not your mama's special greens. Get over it.
ReplyDeleteChris Rock even did a skit about "these people" decades ago.
The person who threw a cup of ice at the man and the person who grabbed the white man should have been locked up for assault and battery respectively.
ReplyDeleteExpressing an opinion about not liking blacks is not justification for aggression.
But these blacks up here in LV have never been held accountable for their antagonistic. disrespectful, disorderly, destructive, and uncivil behavior. And they certainly play the race card at the drop of a hat.
The racial profiling they allude to is due to their behavior - and that alone is the basis for the dislike of these people.
White on black hostility is a natural reaction to their uncivil and disrespectful behavior.
1. I'd hardly call that a fight.
ReplyDelete2. I've got a simple solution- black people need to just stay out of lakeview. After all, we don't come act like animals in your hood
When you are a bigot you will be treated just like one; so don't think that you can express your views to black people who are your equal in America. Many of you want to go back to the 1940's where you can talk down to blacks but things have changed
ReplyDeleteYou're overlooking or condoning the anti-white bigotry and racist attitude of the troublesome black mobs that congregate in Lakeview.
DeletePeople who behave like these blacks aren't going to be welcome in this or any neighborhood.
It's the uncivilized and disrespectful behavior by these blacks that has rightfully earned them enmity here.
We don't condone littering, loitering, sitting on vehicles that you don't own, mobbing on the streets and sidewalks, shoplifting, pickpockets, thievery, vulgarity, fighting, begging, beatings, robberies, stabbings, prostitution, etc...
So if you don't have money and/or lack a valid reason to be in LV, then stay away.
You're also forgetting (or purposely omitting) that most blacks aren't our equal.
DeleteNigs don't belong in Lakeview...they need to stay in their ghetto.
ReplyDelete"Things" may have changed but black behavior has not and throwing the race card around like beads at a parade hasn't changed either. If a black person is working, paying taxes and law abiding, they might be my "equal"..if not, there is no way in hell they are my equal. Plus, I wouldn't think of going into their "hood" and acting the way they act in our "hood". Equal my ass!
ReplyDeleteThat guy simply said what many of us think.
There are tons of these types of videos on WSHH, and so many of them are described as occurring after "someone called him an N" yet that part is always conveniently not caught on camera.
ReplyDeleteWho knows what started this fight, but this story is as typical as the honor students that din do nuffinz
10:58 -
ReplyDeleteSpare us the false indignation. In this city at least, most of the time race becomes part of a disagreement, it's introduced by the Black participant(s). In over 25 years in this city, I've witnessed this on countless occasions. Find a disagreement about any run of the mill issue involving both White and Black parties, it will almost always be the Black folks whipping out "....WHITE BOY!", "...WHITE M-THERF-CKER!", "...WHITE B-TCH!" etc. Usually, the magic words are spilled almost right out of the gate. If the White participant(s) look at all upset, act two usually is some variation of "WHAT YOU GONNA DO 'BOUT IT WHITE (insert epithet of choice)?!", generally spat at high volume millimeters from the White person's face. Anyone who denies this has either not lived here long enough, has a limited exposure to the whole city, or is an utter liar.
Secondly, as another commenter pointed out, people can SAY whatever they want in this country. There is no license however to turn a VERBAL altercation into a PHYSICAL one. Make it physical, you should be charged with BATTERY, period. Think for just a minute what a horrible precedent would be set if physical retaliation were legally defensible as a reaction to speech. ANY speech. Where would the line be drawn? Race? Ethnicity? Gender? Sexual orientation? Religion? Sports team affiliation? Favorite beer? It's a slippery slope.
Finally, the video is pure comedy gold. That could be the new "Bum Fights".
Very accurate and 100% true.
DeleteWell said.
Thank you.
I don't get the whole "lakeview" thang (as if it's "better than") but after living in this LL hellhole for 3 years, I now refer to it as Flakeview. It is. It really is. I don't know what is was before this but I've noticed the "gentrification" of the former 'hood, the "re-gentrification", and now, a 'hood once again.
ReplyDeleteThe fancy apartment (turned "condo") I RENTED here still has the security bars on the BACK windows (obviously removed from the front windows for "image" purposes)for the "next phase" of trendy. They'll soon be ordered for the front again.
And to the "boys" using their Link card that failed repeatedly at 7-11 trying to buy ONE bottle of pop......I really don't have time for this.
Happy "Liberalism" Chicago-style.
Just keep the apes out of LV.
ReplyDeleteIs there any room at the zoo? What about the morgue?
Attention black people - you're not welcome in LV
ReplyDeleteSince I am black, and own my condo in Lakeview, should I leave because some uneducated racist twat doesn't want me there? NOPE! Not going anywhere!
DeleteNo you should stay and watch your condos value plummet thanks to the savage mentality you people possess.
DeleteAlthough that will make it harder for you to blame whitey for all your problems huh?
Your decision....
Who are you referring to as you people? Obviously this poster shares nothing in common with the behavior of the people you are complaining about. Your racist attitude is part of the problem.
DeleteI lived in Chicago for 6 years & for the most part loved it. I lived on Diversey & one rainy night was walking a couple of blocks to Century Mall. I had an umbrella & when I saw 2 women walking towards me, I did the courteous thing & moved over to give them space, so much over (because they did not do the same) that my umbrella scraped the side of a bldg. I just kept walking as one of them yelled "did she just hit us w/ her umbrella?" I normally would just ignore it, but this time I turned around, walking backwards and said "no I hit the bldg because you didn't move over" then it started....they started saying "we're going to beat the s__t out of you white girl" etc etc. I just kept walking & luckily they were all talk & just trying to start something. It was totally rude & uncalled for. Things happen in every city, everyday, but there is an undercurrent in Chicago which is always present, it is too bad because it's a great city & no matter the history or the reasons of why it got like this...it's going to take some strong leadership that all people of every race or ethnic background will listen to & join up together. Unfortunately it seems to have become worse, I keep up w/ Chicago news, so disturbing that the "youth" now have the mentality & lack of respect for other people or property to think they can just do whatever whenever. I hope that the Cease Fire program will help & I hope some people whether sports players or other well known names will step up & do something to help turn this racial hostility around for everyone's sake. I now live in the South, which has it's own issues, but at least people of all races are courteous & show each other common decency for the most part. Let's put it this way...ALL races say "Mr or Miss" and you hear many younger ones say Ma'am or Sir...white AND black.. I credit it to their parents & upbringing. Whatever it is goes a long way instead of being openly hostile to complete strangers who just happen to cross paths. Someone needs to step up and start a huge movement towards peace among those who call Chicago home.
ReplyDeleteNo, of course you shouldn't leave.
ReplyDeleteYou should however refrain from crying foul when the police/newspapers properly describe the criminal underbelly of LV as "Black".
Nearly all of the violent crime in LV is committed by Blacks on Whites. This is a simple fact that need simply not be denied. Assuming you don't object to acknowledging this reality, have a nice day neighbor.
I don't think the poster was upset about criminals being described as black, but rather people on this blog saying all blacks do x or no blacks are welcome in Lakeview.
DeleteMy husband and I moved to Lakeview temporarily after selling our condo and before leaving for another state. We had no knowledge of the profile of the average perpetrators in Lakeview and we consider ourselves, and most non-racist people would consider us, upstanding citizens. We are DINKs, both Ivy League grads, hold graduate degrees and senior-level professional jobs, and have friends of a variety of hues and, yes, we are black. We were wondering why some people in this neighborhood are outright rude or act scared of us when we have never done anything to warrant that behavior.
Collectively, we have lived in 5 of the top 11 metro areas in the US AND Chicago is hands down the most racist, the most segregated and the least friendly and we're looking forward to leaving. The inability of people to grasp that everyone who shares the skin color of the antagonist they ran into last week is not the same, that black people have class and exposure differences too, and to respond to one poster, that all blacks aren't inferior to you with only a few having the possibility of being your equal, some are actually superior - surprise! - is mind-boggling. Further this is the only city I have lived in where I can walk into a professional crowd and have some white strangers dismiss me automatically making negative assumptions about my credentials or abilities because of my skin color only to come back red in the face when they find out who I am, what I have achieved and what my credentials are, and someone else tells them they need to meet me.
When I arrived in Chicago years ago I knew there was more history behind the racial attitudes than I could grasp as a transplant. I started reading up on Chicago's history and learning about the historic discrimination of its white population against its black population (limited to no acccess to well-funded not covercrowded schools, quality housing, jobs, parks, other city amenities etc.) that has continued for nearly a century through today. It is amazing that so many people don't know the history of the city, or where the understandable albeit misplaced frustration and aggressiveness of many lower class blacks stems from, and don't realize their own role in perpetuating racist attitudes and beliefs against everyone who shares a skin hue rather than taking issue with the specific people who cause issues. This kind of vitriole is on par with the attitudes held by whites in previous generations, and though our country publicly acknowledges these attitudes as backwards and on the wrong side of history, they are still commonly on display in Chicago in places such as this blog. I posit that this is one of the reasons why Chicago will never be a world class city for those who have actually experienced one.
One edit to my 12:34 post:
ReplyDelete"committed by Blacks from outside of LV on Whites"
Oh Anon @ 2:47am.....they still haven't caught on to the "walk you off the sidewalk" insecurity dominance thing here. They think it's just a "whitey" complaint. Little do these "aware progressives" here know, if they don't nip it in the bud, they're done within a few years.
ReplyDeleteYou see, I have BIGGER shoulders. If they don't at least "shift" - I don't either. Boom, YOU'RE down.
It's beyond hilarious here. They've got you people by the balls (or lack thereof) and hair bleach.
Black or white doesnt matter here. He deserved a beating for wearing those shorts...
ReplyDeleteYep that is the reason. A bunch of trailer park transplants saying racist shit on a blog is the reason Shitcago is Shit. Nothing to do with parents squirting out babies like a sprinkler. And kids trained to play the race card committing terrorism.
ReplyDeleteI mean look at this rhetoric...when is any of this acceptable. Name calling and fighting and it is just a vicious time bomb waiting to explode. I mean if this is honestly what you think of Black people I would hate to hear wait straight people really think of us. Not to mention the bad publicity this is bringing to our city.
ReplyDeleteChicago New Report exists for the sole purpose of race baiting. Congratulations on the success you've had, CNR, with profiling crimes committed by young black men in Chicago and giving a voice to white racists.
ReplyDeleteNo there are also asian racists, middle eastern racists, maybe even some actual space aliens who also hate our nigqers.
ReplyDeleteeat my f*ck, Phoebe
I really can't believe the things the white trash of Lake View are saying. I really can't. I feel like I've time traveled back to 1920s Alabama. The ignorant, hateful, stupid and violent people of all colors here are the reason I hate the city I grew up in and can't wait to leave. May you all burn.