Saturday, June 23, 2012

Naked woman strolls through Boystown… small child wanders Rogers Park, alone

While most of us were still sleeping, Chicago police officers were keeping some of our most vulnerable citizens safe.

Around 9 a.m., several concerned citizens reported a naked woman power-walking through Chicago’s Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood.

The callers indicated a naked black woman in her 50s was spotted near West Roscoe Street and North Elaine Place.

According to one complainant, the woman was moving westbound on Roscoe, at a rapid pace.

At approximately 9:04 a.m., police apprehended the nude suspect on the 700 block of West Roscoe.

A male officer, who was first on the scene, immediately requested a female officer.

Meanwhile, in Rogers Park... a small, black child was seen literally playing in traffic.

According to police dispatch reports, at approximately 9:10 a.m., the little boy was on the 1900 block of West Touhy Avenue, in the middle of the street.

Moments later, a police officer found the child several blocks north, at Pottawattomie Park.

The little boy was able to answer most of the officer’s questions, but he had no idea where he lives, said authorities.

At 9:34 a.m., police located the boy’s parents at Wolcott and Touhy.


  1. Dr. Cliff HuxtabalJune 23, 2012 at 10:57 AM

    I'm sure the little boys parents are very good hard working citizens who don't engage in monkey bizness.

  2. How do they know that was a woman? It could have been a "T" or a "Q" or an "L.M.N.O.P. tell me what you think of me" or whatever other freak has been added to the acronym.

    I can't decide to go to the deaf lesbians conference this w/e or the shaved gay male "Slip & Slide Reptile" party.

  3. The nekd woman was simply practicing her Pride Parade routine ..... no one would have noticed if she did it Sunday

  4. ^ I mean, I can do either now too. Just lop something off or paste something on. Very universal and diverse.

  5. BATH SALTS!!!!!!!!

  6. ^Or whatever the newest drug is they're pushing out there. Back in "my day" the worst we had to deal with was an obnoxious drunk about - maybe - once a year. You can't smoke within 15' of the doors of these places but they can sell "weekend goodies" within 8'. They don't want to accept that they will soon be the cause of their own demise.

    Sincerely, I wish them the best of luck. Some of the "veterans" in this business have this look of forlorn that is almost pitiful.

  7. It's almost like a "last hurrah". They're making their last $ and off to Palm Springs....on your back.

  8. That's more interesting than what I saw from the L passing Graceland Cemetery.
    At 9AM Friday, there was a coyote casually walking near the east wall, inside the cemetery.

  9. I think the coyote would be more interesting.

  10. I bought weed from that kid.


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