If you can't spell the victim's name, do you really give a damn about what happened to him?
In response to the February 26, 2012, shooting of an unarmed, black Florida teen... an estimated 150 Chicagoans, mostly African Americans, marched northbound on Michigan Avenue from Millennium Park on Friday, reported the Chicago Sun-Times.
Some of the protesters were carrying signs with the victim's name misspelled.
"Justice For Trayvor Martin", read the signs.
The victim's first name is Trayvon.
Many of the bandwagon-activists expressed outrage over the fact that Martin was shot by George Zimmerman, a non-black, self-appointed neighborhood watch captain.
A woman from the South Side said she was horrified by the Florida shooting - which happened more than a thousand miles away from her home.
Poor thing. She must spend most of her time in a state of shock, because young black men are shot and killed on the city’s South Side, all the time.
But those victims are being slaughtered by other black people... so there's no need to protest. Right?
Photo credit: Scott Stewart/Chicago Sun-Times
ReplyDeleteThats just embarrassing. Im organizing a march to protest all the shocking black on white crime.
Why cant we have one of those?
Very true CNR and @5:22. What about the white guy last year on his bike on lake shore drive that got beaten with a bat by a 10 year old or what about the senior citizen woman who was pushed down the stairs of an el platform and died. Also, the taste of chicago was pretty non-existent b/c everyone was too afraid to go downtown because of the blacks and their mob activity last summer. No protests or outrage on this behavior.
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely mind blowing how much black on "X" crime there is and yet anytime they suffer to take their own medicine, blacks rage against the world. They demand justice and recognition for their suffering all while refusing to admit how much more suffering they inflict.
ReplyDeleteHands down, they are the biggest crybaby failed race in the world and have been failures everywhere. I can think of no city in this world which has been improved by the presence of blacks. Now if they'd all just convert to Islam it would be a perfect match with the biggest crybaby victim ideology in the world that can tolerate no criticism while it straps bombs onto children to blow up people buying groceries.
The primates at the zoo are out of control. It is time to arm the citizens so we have a fighting chance. Take away their link cards, wic, section 8 and any other free bananas they receive. The zookeepers need to shoot to kill and do it more often. It has become a jungle out there and the animals are in the midst of a hostile takeover. The head zookeeper is a moron. He has a lower IQ than a Bush and he clearly hates the city. Someone needs to get a grip on the apes before it is really out of control...I.E. NATO.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Zimmerman for President
ReplyDeleteWhy are these dumb black people worried about Trayvon? All black people in Chicago do is kill people, how about justice for all of those victims?
ReplyDeleteFucking coons
ReplyDeleteWhere's the outrage over the 6 year old killed in front of her own home?? Why doesn't Obama comment on THAT, which happened in his own damn city?! Or any of the other 40 shootings from LAST WEEK alone.
ReplyDeleteI want George Zimmerman as a neighbor. He would keep the chimps out.
ReplyDeleteIf these throw-backs had any idea how low and dumb they look with their damn hoodies.
It doesn't matter what you wear, hell it's just the negative stereotypes behind what it signifies. Whites do wear hoodies to. I bet you have at least one.. whether it's Aero, American Eagle, or Old Navy. Tell me something are you afraid to be in school and you see two white kids with trench coats on? Stop being closed minded.
DeleteMaybe it's being organized from behind the scenes by Obama front groups who have decided creating a racial martyr at this point would be very useful in holding on to power.
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't Obama comment on THAT, which happened in his own damn city?!
as usual the shines have nothing to bitch about but white people..why dont they protest in their shine ghetto about pookie on pookie crime..cant wait to leave this shitty city shitcago
ReplyDeleteThe ignorant spooks are always trying to play the victim.
ReplyDelete@ 5:22
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea! All those crimes happening in the N Side towards non Blacks, committed by Blacks deserve recognition of them being labeled as hate crimes. Reverse racism does occur but it is ignored.
Whites can't march against black violence because they know how violent the spooks are. A white protest would become a massacre as the spooks shot at them.
ReplyDeleteThis posting is really uninformed. There is a very active community movement that fights black on black crime. There is also a long history of black people involved in actions to protest black on black crime in black neighborhoods. Moreover, there is a long history of black activism that fights the absence of police action in black communities. The author of this posting needs to do some basic research before making blanket claims.
ReplyDeleteIf there is "a very active community movement that fights black on black crime," (1) they are doing a wonderful job of keeping themselves a secret and (2) they are an abject failure.
ReplyDeleteSegregation NOW. End section 8. Build a fucking wall around the northside if we have to!!!
ReplyDelete@ 11:59AM, you nailed it on the head. I wish this clandestine group would come up to rogers park and help with the whites and non blacks who are afraid to walk around their neighborhodd without being assaulted. Stop making excuses blacks. Get your act together so everyone will want to live with you and not run from you.
ReplyDeleteNeed to march and protest to end Section 8 on the North Side instead. And the 2 posters above me is absolutely right!
ReplyDelete"This posting is really uninformed. There is a very active community movement that fights black on black crime."
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right, the guy that runs Take Back Woodlawn is an excellent example of someone who is at the forefront of the fight against black on black crime.
However, when was the last time you saw 150 people, black or white, protesting the countless murders, shootings, and robberies that occur in Chicago?
What makes one crime more important than another?
The only reason THESE protesters are marching, is because of the racial element in Trayvon's shooting.
If Trayvon had been shot and killed by another black teen, you couldn't get 5 people to march in his honor... let alone 150!
The black panthers have offered a $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman's head. So I guess any Hispanic person or alot of other people who aren't Hispanic who look like him better watch out because this mob is out to get you.
One reason for the outrage is the perception that the police didn't do anything (or enough) about the shooting because the victim was black.
ReplyDeleteWith black on black crime generally the police do their job, even if the might not be treated as seriously as a crime when there is a white victim. Police generally aggresively investigate when a victim of the crime is white, second only to when the victim is a police officer.
However, I don't entirely disagree with the point of the post. The black community has far bigger problems than whites or hispanics shooting black teens. But the comments on this site are mostly disgusting. Calling blacks chimps says much more about person making the comments than blacks.
Many of the numb nuts posting here will assume that I am black but I am whiter than any of them. AH would have welcomed me into the Schutzstaffel.
The only good that can come of this, is if some of the shitheads from chicago go down to florida for a while. It seems like a war is brewing down there...
ReplyDeleteWatch out around any of the marches going on here in chicago. That FAU student that freaked out in her evolution class was actually a big supporter for Trayvon...
If you look anything like that Zimmerman guy, watch out and lay low. These people are a crazy blood-thirsty mob.
ReplyDeleteThe Black Panthers aren't the only group looking for Zimmerman. Several Florida gangs are hunting for him, too.
ReplyDeleteAt anonymous @ 4:31....
ReplyDeleteLearn how to talk you stupid nigger!
So a white man defends himself against a black man and now all the "revs" and the ghetto rats are crying racism, and that clown Jesse Jackson jumps on his soapbox stating "no justice, no peace" and saying the system is unfair because there are more blacks in jail than whites. Well guess what, when all those black kids came downtown to assault and rob white people, what did they say about that? Jackson excused that behavior and said those kids were only doing it because they had no employment opportunities. What a joke! If whites marched every time one of them was a victim of a black offender, the cities would shut down! These black leaders are some of the most racist SOBs I've ever seen in my life. They condone all the crap that comes out of their community, no one is ever responsible for his or her own actions in the ghetto, even though millions of dollars in federal aid and assistance are given to these fools every year. Bill Cosby is the only black man that has ever had the balls to tell the black community to stop blaming everyone else for it's problems and start taking responsibility for itself. Must be scary for the ghetto thugs to see people starting to arm and defend themselves, as opposed to just rolling over and playing dead. The right to bear arms is a beautiful thing. Too many have forgotten to exercise the right to protect life and property. These fools can march all day long (mostly because they have no job by choice), I don't care. If anyone tries to steal from, or hurt me or my family, whether they are black or albino, I got a .45 bullet with their name on it.
ReplyDeleteWow! Chg.newsreport is as interesting as IRATE IRISHMAN & DETECTIVE SHAVED LONGCOCK sites.....it is so refreshing to have a polically incorrect place to vent all the supressed emotions....Civil Rights 4 the civilized!Blacks do not deserve civil rights...they have been Mini the Moochers 4 too long! Section 8 housing has ruined the country...we have accomodated blacks & their high crime rate for too long! Read the book RELIGION OF MACHO!
ReplyDeleteIf you didn't bring us here on your boats rape our ancestors, put them to work, inslave us to work, and you racist bigots support murdering your so evil, I wonder just how do you live with yourself oh that's right you don't
ReplyDeleteHow do you stalk someone call in to 911 say I see a man he looks like he's up to something, then dispatch tell you to stop following them, and you continue a grown a... man and then you shot a kid just made 17 years old and you justify this with a 9 mm and they have a bag of skittles in their pocket, you are sick and I'm very glad I am not one of you gibots
ReplyDeleteChicago news report is a place for all bigots, racists, people to gather and voice their wrong opinions I see all haters come one came all support your dirty deeds all in a basket of white racist nuts.
ReplyDeleteA white woman with standards witness the brutal murder, listen to this witness voice, this is what is, is to be a human being with morals
Trayvon (gotta LOL at that chimp name) was just another useless lowlife punkazz spook looking for trouble and he found it. Let him rot.
ReplyDelete@6:03 that woman sounds emotional and distraught to me. her own emotions are effecting her judgement.
ReplyDeletethat was not trayvan calling for help it was zimmerman. the police report confirms this, in the testimony of the responding officer. it also mentions that zimmerman's face and back of head were bloodied, and he had grass stains (consistent with testimony from other witnesses saying trayvon was on top of zimmerman punching him).
it all makes perfect sense, the 6'2 athlete saw a short fat weird looking guy questioning him, and decided to try and beat him up instead of anwering his questions. unfortuneatly for him, the hispanic man was carrying a concealed firearm and was able to use it.
your race just blinds you from seeing the truth (or possibly your white guilt)
If blacks would stop moving to white neighborhoods there would be no problem. Why do blacks want to live with whites if they hate them so much? Whites don't move to black neighborhoods because no humans want to live with chimps.
ReplyDeleteGo back to liberal la la land. This blog is not for you. Keep watching mainstream media and eat all the bs they feed the populace. The people who are on here spouting how white they are and how they are offended by comments that sound racially uncomfortable by other whites are the very same people who view themselves as so progressive and unbiased. Watch how quickly they change their tune when a group of black thugs moves into the neighborhood and begins their thievery and gang banging. They are the first call the police at the sight of a black dude with his tilted hat and jeans hanging off his ass walking down the street. To all you white morons who think we can all live in peace and give each other a group hug and sing kumbaya, go bring that belief to the ghetto and see how well you are received by Jamal and Shaniqua. They hate white people. news flash- inglewood residents and their black leaders were all over the news demanding to have a black district commander of police when they heard a white commander was going to be placed there. I'd love to know how many of these white people actually live in black neighborhoods. It's a joke when I hear how people say chicago is so diverse- it is the one of the most segregated cities in the country! Pilsen= Latino, sauganash= Jewish, inglewood= black. And the reason for that is because people congregate with those who can relate to them. Has been, still is, and will always be that way. Now go take your olive branch to the ghetto and let me know how that works out for you. You'll be lucky if all they do is beat you with it.
ReplyDeleteI love the above comment...Now you can take your olive branch to the ghetto & let me know how that works out for you. You'll be lucky if all they do is beat you with it"....That is absolutely brilliant!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just hope the welfare animals don't read this blog and the comments. That can really provoke them to keep terrorizing Edgewater and other decent North Side hoods.
ReplyDeleteIt’s disgusting but predictable to see the routine Two Minutes Hate by all these tiresome manipulated fools. They have nothing in their intellectual arsenal except sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting “RACIST! RACIST! RACIST!” every time anyone says anything that they disagree with or find offensive.
ReplyDeleteanonymous @ 4:31, so I take it some gangbangers are going to fix the next sewer main break?
ReplyDeleteHow about the crumbling CTA tracks? Should I expect some hoodienigs with tools working on the platform at the Wilson el? You guys "run this shit"???
Maybe now we'll get another fake holiday like Martin Luther Koon Day...Trayvon the Gangsta Day?
ReplyDeleteReal funny, I see your full of hate for what reason. God forbid if this was someone related to you or someone who you knew. Just realize life is life and his life was cut short for No reason.
Deletegang life = short miserable life
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey 4:31 how about an old fashioned duel at 20 yards? I'll even let you have first shot. LOL.
ReplyDeleteIf ZIMMERMAN was black, this whole conversation would not be happening. He would be given a pass by the media.
ReplyDeleteGangbangers should be harvested as cattle feed.
ReplyDeleteNext time, bring more than Skittles to a gunfight, spook.
ReplyDeleteit's racism day for you whites that make whites like look bad
ReplyDeleteThis is truly ridiculous, this is crazy how you guys are using the N word and being so damn disrespectful to the dead. With comments like this racism will never end. This is sad cause the fact remains a kid is still dead. He was not found with No gun in his hands. Let's just say for a moment that the roles were reversed, how would you feel if this was a 17 year old white killed by a black or Mexican man, then your ass would be calling it a hate crime? How would you feel if this was your brother, nephew, cousin, grandson, best friend, son, or classmates? your opinion would be different. So let's stop with all this hatred and focus on what's right and what's wrong.
ReplyDelete@unknown - "how would you feel if this was a 17 year old white killed by a black" actually, that kinda crap happens all the time here. No march to speak of....
ReplyDeleteWOW, most of you are a bunch of the most disgustingly racist people i've ever come across. Do these comments really represent Chicago??
ReplyDeleteRacism is a good thing. It helps keep the races pure. There would be no racial problems if cooons would stay with their own instead of always trying to move into white neighborhoods.
ReplyDelete^^^I agree...I am white and I never go to black neighborhoods. So why are they always coming to mine? They terrorize everyone and destroy everything.
ReplyDeleteUnknown said... March 26, 2012 1:17 AM “ It doesn't matter what you wear, hell it's just the negative stereotypes behind what it signifies. Whites do wear hoodies to. I bet you have at least one..”
ReplyDeleteI do have one or two, that’s true. I might have even eaten some Skittles at some point. However, I generally refrain from wandering around in strange neighborhoods after dark, acting suspiciously, tackling neighborhood watch guys and beating their heads in.
“Tell me something are you afraid to be in school and you see two white kids with trench coats on?”
Well, no. But that might be because mass murder by trench coat wearing white kids is pretty rare.
However, mass murder by hoodie wearing black males is all too common.
Ok, I don't understand.
ReplyDeleteIn this day and age of science and learning, why in the fucking hell do so many of you believe that there's an invisible guy up in the sky that controls your lives? That is incredibly fucking menta-fuckingly-ill. Think about it for a second, when was the last time any kind of mystical shit happened when we had recording equipment?
Never, that's when!
Seriously - this is absolutely the craziest things Ive ever read. The true cowards show themselves with these racist/bigot/ignorant comments - yet don't want to be seen so they call themselves anonymous. Its really sad that a young kid has died simply for his skin color and people are justifying it. Who said it was your (White) neighborhood anyway - How did you get that neighborhood? Well, your relatives from Europe STOLE it long time ago from the people that were already here first. Why is that ok? Please tell me? The idea isn't to incite a war between the races, but we should learn to accept and maybe learn to get along with people that look different from us.
ReplyDeleteWell, Kenny, white people cleared the land, financed the development, built it, leased units, provided security, and maintain the property. Like so many other parts of northern Miami, Sanford was a nice, quiet community back in the day.
DeleteBlack people moved into the area, and turned it into a shit, high crime area.
Just like eveywhere else they've invaded, from places here like Austin, Englewood, and Uptown, to places elsewhere, like Detroit, Baltimore, Gary, most of Washington DC, and Memphis, to places that hit close to this story - you know, like that North Miami Walgreen's that the Trayvon "protestors" invaded & ransacked YESTERDAY.
And what did the European whites do when they arrived in America? Same thing that everybody, whether white, black, Asian, or even your peace pipe loving Indians did - they came in and took over from the uncivilized, savage, headhunting natives that were just vagabonds moving from area to area stealing from other tribes, enslaving their children, raping their women, and murdering their men. If anything, when white man came in, they introduced to Indians concepts like, reading, community, trade, and advancement. Its not like the natives welcomed the white man with open arms - they tried to kill them at every possible moment from when they stepped off the boat.
But don't let anything like facts or the truth get in the way of your racist argument. No, that way, you would have trouble playing "victim," when its so much easier to blame whitey for the complete and abject failures of the black race.
Do you even know how the white man acquired black slaves? They bought them from black slaveowners in Africa, then imported them. That's right, if your ancestors cared about each other at all, they wouldnt have sold your grandfather to someone who eventually sold him to mine. I just wish gramps had cut off all his slave's testicles when he acquired them, but I guess our forefathers weren't THAT forward thinking.
Blacks should stay with their own. There is no legitimate reason for an uninvited black to be in a white neighborhood. Why do they always go where they are not wanted? It can only be because they are predators looking for white victims. If blacks think they are superior to whites, why don't they just create their own desirable neighborhoods? The reason is because even blacks don't want to live with blacks.
ReplyDeleteKenneth Edwards said... March 28, 2012 11:39 AM “ Seriously - this is absolutely the craziest things Ive ever read. “
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt you are being totally honest. This is because liberals usually ruthlessly censor comments whenever they can, creating echo chambers where nobody is ever exposed to an unapproved, politically incorrect thought.
Whenever liberals wander off of their safe little progressive playgrounds, they are shocked and amazed that there are many people who disagree with them and say naughty things.
But what is really disturbing about liberals is that they are not satisfied with having their own safe bubbles of PC thought. They would love to see politically correct thought and speech mandated by law. “Hate Crimes” legislation is the first step of that process.
To Castellan - You got that right RE: liberals censoring opposing viewpoints!
ReplyDeleteA guy I know threw up a rant recently on a blog run by a writer at one of the local papers here, when the writer was trying to race-bait by defending the family's use of dated photos of Trayvon, saying it was appropriate for the New Black Panther Party to put a bounty on Zimmerman's head, and stating things like the eyewitness who told police & the local media that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, beating him, was manufactured only recently by Zimmerman's side to try to absolve him of blame.
The writer immediately replied to my friend's post demanding "reputable sources" for the info he put up, and this writer's minions blew up the comments by calling my friend racist, threatening to expose his name & address by researching his IP address, and demanding links to the info he referenced.
My buddy happily obliged with the requests for link (and made sure as many as possible came from that writer's own newspaper). He didn't include any links to blogs like this one, because he already knew what the response would be if he linked to say, CNR or the Wagist.
What did the liberals do? Well, eventually, they pulled down his posts as well as all comments from people who agreed with him, but before that, they actually accused him of somehow making up news articles and getting them published on websites, nationwide, of reputable news organizations that he provided!
The worst part is, I think they honestly believed themselves!! They actually convinced themselves that some guy will be able to create links to fake news articles that he wrote, which appear on websites for major news organizations, are loaded with comments from their readers, and are penned by their staffers.
Like I said, eventually, that blog took down all of his posts, all the posts of people supporting him, and most of the posts from the delusional libs accusing him of manufacturing all of the links that he supplied per their request. So it's just like you told Kenneth, those people will deny the truth, demand proof, then when proof supplied in abundance, accuse the proof of being fabricated. Before deciding to just erase any evidence of it from their website.
It’s been mentioned on CNR before but is worth mentioning again – the “ostrich effect” that these libs suffer from. Basically, they bury their heads in the sand, so that when confronted with things like facts, they can say, “Well I didn’t see anything!!”
Oh one more thing to follow up my 2:26 pm comment:
ReplyDeleteMy buddy also called out the black community on there, asking them, why are they devoting so much time & attention to this case over 1,000 miles away, which has already been twice deemed a justifiable homicide by the local PD & state atty general, when there have been over 100 murders just this year in Chicago alone, and over 80% of those victims were black, and every suspected black person killer arrested so far in those black?
The response he got from commentors: Those are the problems in our community, we can deal with that ourselves. This problem involves your (read: white) community, so that's why we're so upset.
Come the fuck on. Really? Really?!?!?!
The honest answer would be: Protesting & making a stink about black on black violence doesn't further our political agendas any, nor does it give us a chance to cry Rayyyyyycist. But white (well really, non-black hispanic) on black crime gives us that chance. So we're gonna ride this gravy train until the HNIC tells us otherwise.
@2:26 Is it even possible to use a person's IP address to get their name and address? I know most of the people uncovering people's identities just use social media and occasionally paid search engines like intelius. But an IP address is provided through your internet company of choice, and it seems like the company would be the only one that knows the name/address of a particular IP.
ReplyDeleteSo are companies complying with requests for for information about particular IP addresses? I would of thought it is illegal to provide this info to anyone that isnt in law enforcement...
My guess is that its a stupid, idle threat. I highly doubt that any private person could get that info. Sure, someone can figure out an IP address, but connecting it to a real street address would require getting the info from the provider like you mentioned.
DeleteIts like when the libs on Uptown Update or everyblock make that threat, and threaten to turn people whose opinions they don't agree with into Chicago PD. It just isn't going to happen. And the peiple making those threats were doing the same thing in junior HS when they threatened to turn into teacher people who played rough at recess.