At 3:51 p.m., a theft was reported at the Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood Walgreens at 3201 North Broadway, near Broadway and Belmont.
One woman, described as 20 to 25-years-old, 150 pounds and 5’5”, was wearing a yellow hat and a red coat.
A second alleged offender was wearing a blue hat and a blue jacket.
The third suspect is an older woman who was pulling a suitcase, said authorities.
Subsequent police communications indicated the woman in the yellow hat and red coat assaulted someone inside the store.
The female suspects were last seen headed southbound on Broadway.
Photo credit: Google
Yellow hat, red cat, blue hat and and blue coat, sounds like these "clowns" robbed a "Dots" before heading to Walgreens???
ReplyDeleteI dont get it.. They are all either old or tiny. Why didnt someone just smack these apes around?
ReplyDeleteThat Walgreen's is, bar none, the ground zero of diversity at it's finest.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The pic is from a Walgreen's in California. I noticed this before.
A. There are no trees in the parking lot at this Walgreens.
B. There is not parking this close to the door.
C. The pic doesn't show the 3 niggaz at a time reaching at you when entering or exiting.
Try again Shitcago. You're done.
Tim, you and the Jews in Deerfield are losing credibility by the second.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The car in the picture has a back window in tact and also has hub cabs in place. It's not a Shitcago vehicle. It's also parked straight.
ReplyDeleteTry, try again with a REAL picture of this blue light camera criminal non-catching ghetto intersection called ..... one of Chicago's "better neighborhoods" aka "Lakeview East" (not E. Lakeview).
Happy "Diversity" and declining property/rent values. I'm sure Obama will have a "grant" or "act" to subsidize the vacancy rates (if you vote again).
So this Kansas "diversity" heifer exclaims one night that she "got her entertainment for the night" while one of those "mentally ill" (aka felons still on crack released) did her "act" at this Walgreens. I told her it's "not entertaining when one of them goes off and bloodies someone or themselves outside the front door".
Like Andersonville....the "Boystown" label has been stretched way beyond it's useful life.
Back to the Jews in Deerfield. They did this to Detroit too. Not the type to gossip or anything, but.......
Tim is Jewish? Lol that makes sense now. No wonder why he is masquerading under racist comments on his own site. Ha, ha!
ReplyDeleteUm...I live right by this Walgreen's. This picture is accurate.
ReplyDelete"Um...I live right by this Walgreen's. This picture is accurate."
ReplyDeleteWe updated the photo. The previous poster's criticism was justified. :-)
Everyone write your reps/ senators/ and the republicans tell them the horrors of subsidised housing. Tell them of the failure of subsidised housing, how the people were supposed to assimilate into the rea but instead they turned it into the area they left. Tell them u want the HUD budget cut so that there is only enough for seniors,vets and people with mental and physical disabilities. This will force the CHA to reduce the number of vouchers and sell their buildings to private companies. The baby mamas who are the beneficiaries of subsidised housing have criminal relatives and boyfriends that target the area and they also live with them.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 and subsidised housing is funded federally not through the city(for those who didn't know). SO COMPLAINING TO THE CITY IS A WASTE OF TIME.
Everytime there is a budget battle contact them and tell them to cut the HUD BUDGET.
Support Paul Ryan's budget to cut food stamps and other welfare programs that promotes over breeding by lowincome, low intelligence uneducated men and women who produce the spawn who do all the wyldings and crime.
To the "picture police" - its perfectly acceptable, and normal, for journalists and yes, bloggers, to use what are called "stock photos" that accompany a story.
ReplyDeleteWhether the picture is of a local or out of state Walgreen's matters not. Never did CNR put up any caption stating that the Walgreen's in the picture is the one that was robbed. What does matter is the content of the story, namely, that a local convenience store was robbed by 3 women.
I'm surprised you aren't posting on any of his stories with stock photos of a gun, CPD vehicle, or even the "breaking news" image, lambaating him for not using a picyure of the actual gun or police vehicle that was on the scene.
Because CNR is a REAL news reporting source. In keeping with that theme, we need to use REAL photos if they are going to be used at all. If not, let's just read the Tribune. In keeping up Shitcago's "image", they would have used the photo of the - clean/non-loitering - Walgreen's.