One night in January, as marchers streamed southbound on State Street from Lake Street, protesters could be heard on camera saying, "stop pushing people".
Moments after the allegations of physical contact between authorities and protesters were made, Officer Osbourne with the Chicago Police Department, was filmed standing almost nose-to-nose with a woman named Keilah Becker.
"Police Officer Osbourne (badge # 11774) pinned Keilah against a fence and called her a 'b*tch.' Osbourne had to be restrained and taken away by another officer," said YouTube user OccupieChicago.
The protesters also said an audio recording of the officer's alleged remarks was confiscated and deleted under Illinois' Eavesdropping Act.
If the shoe fits, steal two!
ReplyDeleteThese fruitcakes always root for the underdog, but they don't want the underdog to stop being the underdog, they would be out of work if live actually improved for people.
ReplyDeletecops are really scarey. I now hesitate to call the cops based on 20 years in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, the Occupy people, which started off as a legit protest against excesses in the banking industry & it's tightness with the federal government but then ballooned into a leaderless, pointless movement protesting everything under the sun, takes advantage of selective publication of what it's doing in an effort to undermine our basic public safety, and the officers who are thrown in the middle and asked to protect these people who show nothing but contempt for them.
ReplyDeleteLike always, all we have here is a short, edited snip of something that had been brewing for hours. We don't know what happened to precede this. We don't know what Keliah was doing beforehand to bait the officer into a response. All we see is a 68 second clip that she will probably use to bring action against the CPD & this policeman.
Guess what, Keliah? The right to assembly and freedom of speech do NOT give you the right to shut down city streets at your whim, which is what these people were doing that night. I've seen arguments from the "occupiers" where they just quote the First Amendment, but conveniently, they ignore 220 years of case law that gives exact definitions of the limits of the right to assembly.
Also, like their professional anarchist friends that will be here in mid-May, they make a concerted effort to goad and antagonize the police into responses, which they tape (but of course, they don't film or publish their behavior that led up to the response), and then put online in an effort to show that the police are part of the "machine" they're protesting.
Those people fail to realize that without the police presence, they would routinely get their asses kicked by people whose face they get into, they would get run down by CTA busses that get stuck behind them shutting down city streets, and they would get robbed and raped blind by gangster thugs who see them as easy pickings.
Grow up, Keliah and your friends. One day when you’re adults and realize you have to be responsible for yourself, and work to provide for yourselves and your families, you’ll look back at what you did in late 2011 – early 2012, and realize just how stupid & immature you were.
If part of your m.o. involves arguing with the police, you're gonna get called a bitch, you dumb bitch. You're lucky you didn't get the wood shampoo.
ReplyDeleteBig Al, I could not agree with you more. On all points.
ReplyDeleteYes Big Al, very well put!!! You need your own talk show. On AM of course.
ReplyDeleteTo Maureen - HA! That's very flattering, but I'm not at all interested in spreading any type of word via radio. I appreciate that you agree with my point of view on crime and how to combat it in Chicago, but for now I'm going to stick with my day job - I much prefer to remain well under the radar. Besides, Tim & the CNR crew does a great job of finding these stories and, when able to, getting background info that the maintsream media wouldn't dream of looking for.
ReplyDeleteBut thanks again!