Thursday, February 9, 2012

North Side baseball bat attack

A male victim was attacked with a baseball bat in Chicago’s West Ridge neighborhood, said police.

At 1:21 a.m., a victim was assaulted on the 2900 block of West Glenlake Avenue, near Glenlake and Richmond, on the city’s North Side, said authorities.

According to police dispatch, a male victim was lying on the ground, while a female at the scene was screaming, “you killed him!”

The assailants were described as four male Hispanics driving a black Range Rover.

The suspects were last seen driving southbound on Richmond from Glenlake.

Preliminary reports suggest the victim was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois.

Information regarding the victim’s condition was not available.


  1. spring training is just around the corner

  2. LOL good call on Spring Training!

    They must have just wrapped up play in the winter Dominican League. And it makes sense the suspects are Hispanic, many of the best players in baseball today are spanish speakers from the Carribbean & S. America.

  3. It's good to see the illegal aliens adopting our national pastime.

  4. Big Al there aren't any huge concentrations of Dominicans or other Black Hispanics in Chicago. So please stop the racism and trying to attach the spooks with every crime. Clearly this was committed by illegal spic midgets.

  5. Fuccckkkkk you honkey pieces of shit Brown Pride u fukkkking pigs


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