Saturday, February 11, 2012

No student artwork for Chicago city stickers

Told you so!

Just two days after Chicago News Report ran a story questioning the lack of black police officers, firefighters, and paramedics in the runner-up's artwork, City Clerk Susana Mendoza announced Saturday that the city won't be using any of the students' designs.

From the Chicago Tribune:

The design by Caitlin Henehan, a senior at Resurrection High School, was chosen after Mendoza nixed the previous winner’s design because of questions about whether it incorporated gang symbols.

But because of “unwanted media and public scrutiny and criticism of artwork,” Henehan’s family “has now requested that their child’s artwork not be used,” Mendoza said in a statement today.

According to the Tribune, the city will design its own sticker.


  1. Chicago has world class art museums, galleries, and art schools. Why are retarded children and city employees being paid to design the stickers when a true artist would do it for free just for the publicity?

  2. Seriously, there have to be some graphic artists or talented college students out there who can create beautiful designs. The only good one I can remember recently was the Daniel Burnham sticker of a couple of years ago. The rest look like bad fan art traced from mangas.

  3. Its easier to waste money on a school art contest, and that is the real goal of it all.

  4. I don't blame the runner-up's family. Can't please anyone nowadays! Every thing has to be looked at under a microscope! college mascots, the 9-11 first responder tribute statue, etc.

    Remember when Archie Bunker was considered so OPEN & OUT-THERE? nowadays that TV show would never make it on, another victim of PC!

  5. Get a photo of The Bean & stick it on there.
    Next year, just have the minimum required, Chicago, 2012-2013, the serial number & the bar code.
    Really simple & thoroughly not controversial.

  6. I know the Henehan family and assure you it was not their idea to withdraw from the contest. They're very proud of Caitlin's work but were told that aldermen of a certain persuasion were threatening to whine their usual tune about a lack of diversity in the drawing.

    The Henehans were disappointed but understood and, to Susana Mendoza's credit, she ponied up another $1,000 bond for the second-place prize just as she did for the Little Disciple.

  7. Good! Keep your own silly opinion of "art" in your own homes (or on YOUR own car).

  8. And I applaud the Henahan's decision. It's admirable. I wouldn't want anything to do with it either.


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